26.07.2005 05:00:00
Dassault Systemes Delivers Total Revenue Growth of 13% as Reported and 15% in Constant Currencies in Second Quarter and Raises Full Year Financial Objectives
Second Quarter Financial and Business Highlights
-- Strong second quarter performance with revenue and earning above DS objectives
-- Total revenue EUR 217.3 million, up 13% as reported and 15% in constant currencies (up 18% in U.S. dollars)
-- Software revenue EUR 180.9 million, up 14% as reported and 16% in constant currencies
-- Process-centric revenue up 10% as reported and 12% in constant currencies
-- PDM revenue up 13% as reported and 15% in constant currencies
-- SolidWorks revenue up 26% as reported (up 32% in U.S. dollars)
-- EPS EUR 0.32 on U.S. GAAP basis and EPS up 6% to EUR 0.33 excluding acquisition costs
-- Raising revenue and EPS objectives for 2005
Bernard Charles, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented,"The second quarter was a period of very solid performance forDassault Systemes with revenue growth of 18% in U.S. dollars. Bothrevenue and earnings came in above our objectives on strong growth inour V5 PLM and Mainstream 3D businesses, continuing our first quarterperformance trends. The Americas had a phenomenal quarter, with salesup 41% in constant currencies, and in Europe, we experienced very goodgrowth particularly in light of the overall economic climate.SolidWorks continued to deliver strong results on excellent executionas well as very positive secular dynamics within its market segment.Based upon our second quarter performance and our more favorableoutlook for the second half of this year we are raising our full yearobjectives for revenue and earnings growth."
Thibault de Tersant, Executive Vice President and CFO, stated,"Our financial results clearly demonstrate that we have been makingthe appropriate investments from a strategic, technological and saleschannel perspective to increase our growth and extend further ourmarket leadership. Today, we are taking further initiatives, with ourlong-standing partner IBM, designed to accelerate PLM growth withinthe SMB market. Together, we see the opportunity to capturesignificantly greater market share among small and medium-sizedcompanies within the PLM market by improving organizational efficiencyand providing additional support to IBM Business Partners. Therefore,we have decided jointly with IBM to expand Dassault Systemes'successful experience as PLM SMB channel manager in France to a numberof new countries."
Second Quarter Financial Results
In the second quarter of 2005 total revenue was EUR 217.3 million,representing an increase of 13% as reported and 15% in constantcurrencies. Strong growth in software revenue drove the year-over-yearincrease in total revenue. In the 2004 second quarter total revenuewas EUR 192.5 million.
Specifically, in the 2005 second quarter, software revenueincreased 14% as reported and 16% in constant currencies. Softwarerevenue totaled EUR 180.9 million in the recently completed quarter,compared to EUR 158.9 million in the second quarter of 2004. Recurringlicenses revenue represented 51% of total software revenue in thesecond quarter. Service and other revenue increased 8% as reported(11% in constant currencies) to EUR 36.4 million in the second quarterof 2005, compared to EUR 33.6 million in the 2004 second quarter. NewCATIA and SolidWorks seats licensed in the second quarter of 2005increased 20% to 17,755 seats, up from 14,767 seats in the secondquarter of 2004.
From a geographic perspective, revenue in the Americas increased35% as reported and 41% on a constant currency basis, reflectingsignificant year-over-year growth in software revenue across all DSbrands. In Europe, revenue increased 18% in comparison to the secondquarter of 2004 on strong growth in software and services. And inAsia, revenues decreased 16% as reported and 14% in constantcurrencies during the second quarter of 2005, reflecting lower salesin Japan, a market which accounts for a large portion of revenues inthe region.
In the 2005 second quarter Process-centric revenue increased 10%as reported and 12% in constant currencies on strong growth of designand PDM applications. Process-centric revenue, including PDM revenue,totaled EUR 170.7 million in the second quarter of 2005, compared toEUR 155.5 million in the year-ago period. In the 2005 second quarterPDM revenue totaled EUR 25.5 million, compared to EUR 22.5 million inthe 2004 second quarter, representing increases of 13% as reported and15% in constant currencies. For the 2005 second quarter, CATIAlicenses increased 8% year over year to 8,157.
SolidWorks revenue increased 26% (32% in U.S. dollars) to EUR 46.6million in the 2005 second quarter, compared to EUR 37.0 million inthe year-ago period. SolidWorks seats licensed increased 32% year overyear to 9,598 licenses with pricing up slightly on a more favorableproduct mix.
Operating Income and Margin and EPS
Earnings per diluted share increased 3% to EUR 0.32 in the 2005second quarter, compared to earnings per diluted share of EUR 0.31 inthe 2004 second quarter. Earnings per diluted share excludingacquisition costs increased 6% to EUR 0.33 in the second quarter of2005, compared to earnings per diluted share excluding acquisitioncosts of EUR 0.31 in the 2004 second quarter.
Operating income increased 4% to EUR 54.7 million in the secondquarter of 2005, (25.2% operating margin) compared to EUR 52.5 millionin the year-ago period (27.3% operating margin). Operating incomeexcluding acquisition costs increased 4% to EUR 55.2 million in the2005 second quarter, compared to EUR 53.0 million in the 2004 secondquarter. In the second quarter of 2005 the operating margin excludingacquisition costs was 25.4%, in line with the Company's objective of25-26%. In the 2004 second quarter the operating margin excludingacquisition costs was 27.5%. Similar to the first quarter of 2005,operating income in the second quarter increased year over year,while, as anticipated, the operating margin decreased reflectinghigher investment in expanding the Company's marketing and salesactivities with small and medium-sized businesses (SMB).
First Half 2005 Financial Highlights
-- Total revenue EUR 416.5 million, up 13% as reported and up 15% in constant currencies
-- Software revenue EUR 348.1 million, up 13% as reported and up 15% in constant currencies
-- Process-centric revenue EUR 330.0 million, up 10% as reported and up 13% in constant currencies
-- PDM revenue EUR 48.3 million, up 14% as reported and up 16% in constant currencies
-- SolidWorks revenue EUR 86.5 million, up 24% as reported (up 30% in U.S. dollars)
-- EPS EUR 0.59 on U.S. GAAP basis
-- EPS excluding acquisition costs up 5% to EUR 0.59
Strategy, Technology and Partnerships
Mr. Charles stated, "In addition to our strong financialperformance, the second quarter was a period in which we made goodprogress on important business initiatives across the Company. Duringthe quarter we introduced our newest release for the PLM market,Version 5 Release 15 and were pleased that Boeing put it in production- only two days after we made it available - across its organizationand among its partners for the 787 aircraft. We entered into anagreement to acquire ABAQUS and announced SIMULIA, a new scientificplatform, both core components of our strategy to take a leadershipposition in the large, fast-growing and fragmented simulation market.In partnership with i2 Technologies Dassault Systemes is developingsourcing solutions as an integrated component of V5 PLM. Today, we arepleased to welcome to Dassault Systemes Virtools' team,experts ininteractive web applications which give live behavior to 3D content,to exploit the power and value of 3D representations on the Web andfor everyone."
In a separate press release issued today, DS and IBM announcedplans to expand DS's role as PLM channel manager for SMB. This newinitiative builds upon the success of the West Master Agent model,implemented a year ago in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Monaco,where DS provided channel management and technical and marketingsupport to this network of IBM Business Partners. Pursuant to theexpanded channel management provider (CMP) role, DS will now also actas CMP on behalf of IBM PLM with IBM Business Partners in UnitedStates, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Russia andthe CIS countries.
During the second quarter, DS established a VAR channel in Chinato sell its V5 PLM software applications. While PLM revenue in Chinais currently at an emerging stage, the Company sees significantopportunity for the future. In order to respond to the needs of theChinese market, this network of VARs is in charge of selling all DSPLM brands - CATIA, ENOVIA, SMARTEAM and DELMIA - in an integratedapproach. DS is also active in China through SolidWorks with its VARchannel for the Mainstream 3D market as well as with CAXA, a DSpartner selling 2D and 3D products based on DS V5 infrastructure.
In a separate press release also issued today, DS announced thatit has acquired Paris-based Virtools SA, for approximately EUR 12million in cash. Virtools' applications allow users not familiar with3D modeling to quickly and easily add life experience to any 3D model.
In May 2005 DS entered into an agreement to acquire ABAQUS, Inc.in an all-cash transaction approximating $413 million, subject tocertain adjustments at closing. ABAQUS is well recognized as a leaderin non-linear finite element analysis software with best-in-classtechnology, which companies are increasingly seeking, that is capableof scaling from simple to the most demanding simulations.Headquartered in Rhode Island, ABAQUS employs over 400 peopleworldwide and has a customer base of approximately 2,500 companies inthe automotive, defense, power, material processing, electronics,general manufacturing, aerospace, medical, and consumer productsindustries. The proposed acquisition is expected to be completed bythe end of the third quarter of 2005.
Also in May 2005 DS and i2 Technologies, Inc. entered into astrategic partnership to develop jointly sourcing solutions based uponDS' V5 platform. The objective of the partnership is to integratesourcing throughout the product lifecycle, thereby eliminating orsignificantly reducing barriers between the engineering and sourcingcommunities. More specifically, by aligning engineering and sourcingearlier in the product development cycle, customers should be able torealize reduced product costs, improved time-to-market cycles andenhanced initial product quality. On June 27, 2005, as part of thelong-term agreement, i2 conveyed control of the competency center(originally hosted by i2) and technology licenses to DS forapproximately $10 million subject to certain adjustments.
Version 5 Release 15 (V5R15), "Open Collaboration on the Proven V5Platform" - announced in May 2005 for CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA andSMARTEAM builds on the strengths of V5R14 by providing unified workingenvironments, or desktops, targeting the specific needs of key usercommunities, such as engineering, manufacturing and enterprise usersmore broadly. DS also further strengthened its coverage of businessprocesses with new technologies designed to help improve productivityand innovation among companies across a number of industries. This newrelease leverages DS' open V5 platform, with the goal of providingcompanies in the supply chain with enhanced collaboration capabilitiesand process coverage. Highlights of this newest release include: (i)accelerated collaboration with suppliers by facilitating the exchangeof engineering package data between OEMs and suppliers of all sizesand (ii) enhanced communications with 3D XML including theintroduction of a new 3D XML viewer in V5R15, among other keyhighlights.
SolidWorks 2006 was introduced in June of this year. SolidWorks2006 includes a multitude of improvements designed to simplify,accelerate, and integrate design engineering work, including: (i) asignificant increase in performance; (ii) new user productivity toolssuch as Smart Components; (iii) new features for consumer product,sheet metal, and machine designers (such as Mounting Bosses, SnapHooks, and Vents); (iv) new mainstream design validation capabilitiesthat put sophisticated analysis in the hands of designers; (v)innovations that significantly ease the migration from 2D to 3Ddesign, such as 3D Drawing View and Design Checker, as well asenhancements to the DWG Series (Editor, Gateway, Viewer); and (vi)enhancements in SolidWorks Office Premium that empower designengineers across the entire spectrum of their activities.
During the quarter DELMIA announced that its V5 DPM Assembly andV5 Human digital manufacturing software is being used by LockheedMartin to simulate the feasibility of a moving assembly line at themile-long Fort Worth, Texas facility slated for production of its newF-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. The aircraft assembly process,tooling and line workers involved in the production process have allbeen simulated and tested prior to production.
In the second quarter DS and IBM introduced a new PLM industrysolution, General Mechanical Design (GMD) solution that enablescompanies to improve design productivity and speed innovation byfacilitating reuse of data and knowledge, re-adapted to a new context,from one project to another. Industrial Products companies often basenew product designs on up to 70 to 80 percent of the data and skillsused in previous projects. With the GMD solution, which helps reusedata and skills more productively, companies can reduce design time byup to 50 percent and can cut manufacturing and assembly time by up to60 percent.
During the quarter DS announced the free availability of 3D XML(Extensible Markup Language) Specifications and Player, which willenable users to view and manipulate rich 3D data in a variety ofindustrial, consumer and commercial environments. 3D XML is auniversal, lightweight XML-based format that enables users to sharelive, accurate 3D data quickly and easily. With 3D XML, 3D becomes atrue, powerful communication medium allowing users to "see what youmean."
Business Outlook
Thibault de Tersant, stated, "We are raising our objectives forrevenue and earnings growth for 2005. The higher growth expectationsfor revenue reflect the stronger than anticipated results in thesecond quarter, and our more favorable outlook for second halfactivity, as well as the inclusion of Virtools and our expanded SMBinitiatives. Specifically, on a constant currency basis, our revenuegrowth objective for 2005 is about 15-16%, up from 12-14%. On areported revenue basis, this translates to a revenue objective of EUR910-915 million, up from EUR 880-890 million, and is based upon a U.S.dollar to Euro exchange rate of $1.27 per EUR 1.00, reflecting achange in our second half assumption for the U.S. Dollar to $1.25 perEUR 1.00 compared to $1.30 per EUR 1.00 previously. For the full year,we are also increasing our EPS objective excluding acquisition coststo EUR 1.52-1.53, representing year-over-year growth of 12-13%, upfrom our previous objectives of EUR 1.47-1.49. We continue to maintainour objective of a stable operating margin of approximately 29%excluding acquisition costs, similar to what we achieved in 2004.
"We estimate that our underlying core business operating margincould be 150 basis points higher for the full year 2005 excludingacquisitions announced over the last year and a half, but we have usedthis improvement to make important investments in new initiativesaimed at enhancing future growth opportunities.
"For the third quarter of 2005, our reported revenue objective isabout EUR 210-215 million and our EPS objective is about EUR 0.28 pershare excluding acquisition costs." The Company is basing thirdquarter reported revenue and EPS objectives on the assumption of aU.S. dollar to Euro exchange rate of $1.25 per EUR 1.00, compared toits previous assumption of $1.30 per EUR 1.00.
1. All comparative figures are given on a year-over-year basisunless specified otherwise.
2. All financial information is unaudited and reported inaccordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S.GAAP). Additional financial information is also presented that is notin conformity with U.S. GAAP, in particular the presentation ofoperating income, operating margin and earnings per share excludingacquisition costs (acquisition costs are primarily comprised oftechnology amortization in addition to other acquisition-relatedcosts). The Company has provided in the tables to this press releaseand on its website http://www.3ds.com/corporate/investors/reconciliations between U.S. GAAP and non-U.S. GAAP figures.
3. The Company uses constant currency revenue growth to evaluateits financial performance in comparison to prior periods and as ameasure of expected growth in planning and setting objectives forfuture periods. The Company believes this measure is an importantindicator of the Company's progress and outlook because it provides abetter gauge of the level of change in the business activity as iteliminates any changes arising from currency fluctuations. The Companybelieves the presentation of this measure is relevant and useful forinvestors because it allows investors to view revenue growth in amanner similar to the method used by the Company's management, helpsimprove investors' ability to understand the Company's revenue growth,and makes it easier to compare the Company's results with othercompanies, including competitors, whose reporting currency may bedifferent from Dassault Systemes. Constant currency revenue growth, ascalculated by the Company, may not be comparable to similarly titledmeasures employed by other companies.
Conference call information
Dassault Systemes will host a teleconference call today, Tuesday,July 26, 2005 at 3:00 PM CET/2:00 PM London/9:00 AM New York. Theconference call will be available via the Internet by accessinghttp://www.3ds.com/corporate/investors/. Please go to the website atleast fifteen minutes prior to the call to register, download andinstall any necessary audio software. The webcast teleconference willbe archived for 30 days. Financial information to be discussed in thecall will be available on the Company's website prior to commencementof the teleconference http://www.3ds.com/corporate/investors/.Additional investor information can be accessed athttp://www.3ds.com/corporate/investors/ or by calling DassaultSystemes' Investor Relations at
Statements above that are not historical facts but expressexpectations or objectives for the future, including but not limitedto statements regarding the Company's objectives for 2005 revenuegrowth in constant currencies, 2005 reported revenue range, 2005operating margin objective excluding acquisition costs, 2005 EPSobjective excluding acquisition costs, third quarter 2005 reportedrevenue range and third quarter EPS objective excluding acquisitioncosts, are forward-looking statements (within the meaning of Section21E of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act, as amended). Suchforward-looking statements are based on management's current views andassumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties.Actual results or performances may differ materially from those insuch statements due to, among other factors: (i) currencyfluctuations, particularly the value of the U.S. dollar or Japaneseyen with respect to the euro; (ii) reduced corporate spending oninformation technology as a result of changing economic or businessconditions that could negatively affect market demand for our productsand services; (iii) difficulties or adverse changes affecting ourpartners or our relationships with our partners, including ourlongstanding, strategic partner, IBM; (iv) new product developmentsand technological changes; (v) errors or defects in our products; (vi)growth in market share by our competitors; and (vii) the realizationof any risks related to the acquisition of ABAQUS, including anydiscrepancies that might arise between the financial information andforecasts furnished to us by its management prior to the signing ofthe acquisition agreement and the results of our financial duediligence which will be completed prior to the consummation of thistransaction. Unfavorable changes in any of the above or other factorsdescribed in the Company's SEC reports, including the Form 20-F forthe year ended December 31, 2004, which was filed with the SEC on June28, 2005, could materially affect the Company's financial position orresults of operations.
About Dassault Systemes
As world leader in 3D and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)solutions, the Dassault Systemes group brings value to more than80,000 customers in 80 countries. A pioneer in the 3D software marketsince 1981, Dassault Systemes develops and markets PLM applicationsoftware and services that support industrial processes and provide a3D vision of the entire life cycle of products from conception tomaintenance. Its offering includes integrated PLM solutions forproduct development (CATIA(R), DELMIA(R), ENOVIA(R), SMARTEAM(R)),mainstream product design tools (SolidWorks(R)), and 3D components(Spatial - ACIS(R)). Dassault Systemes is listed on the Nasdaq (DASTY)and Euronext Paris (#13065, DSY.PA) stock exchanges. For moreinformation, visit http://www.3ds.com
in millions of Euro, except per share data, headcount and exchange
2Q05 2Q04 Variation
------------- ----------- ----------
Process-Centric excluding PDM 145.2 133.0 9%
PDM 25.5 22.5 13%
Design-Centric 46.6 37.0 26%
Revenue 217.3 192.5 13%
Americas 70.4 52.2 35%
Europe 101.5 86.1 18%
Asia 45.4 54.2 (16%)
Operating Income (1) 55.2 53.0 4%
Operating Margin (1) 25.4% 27.5%
Net Income (1) 38.1 36.5 4%
EPS (1) 0.33 0.31 6%
Closing Headcount 4,944 4,263 16%
Average Rate USD per Euros 1.26 1.20 5%
Average Rate JPY per Euros 135 132 3%
(1) Excluding acquisition costs. For U.S. GAAP figures please refer to
reconciliation tables.
1st HALF
in millions of Euro, except per share data, headcount and exchange
1H05 1H04 Variation
------------ ----------- ----------
Process-Centric excluding PDM 281.7 256.7 10%
PDM 48.3 42.4 14%
Design-Centric 86.5 69.6 24%
Revenue 416.5 368.7 13%
Americas 125.9 101.7 24%
Europe 195.4 168.0 16%
Asia 95.2 99.0 (4%)
Operating Income (1) 100.6 96.5 4%
Operating Margin (1) 24.2% 26.2%
Net Income (1) 69.2 65.1 6%
EPS (1) 0.59 0.56 5%
Average Rate USD per Euros 1.29 1.23 5%
Average Rate JPY per Euros 136 133 2%
(1) Excluding acquisition costs. For U.S. GAAP figures, please refer
to reconciliation tables
(in millions of Euro, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
June 30, 2005 June 30, 2004
------------------ -----------------
New licenses revenue 81.9 71.8
Recurring licenses and product
development revenue 99.0 87.1
------------------ -----------------
Software revenue 180.9 158.9
Service and other revenue 36.4 33.6
------------------ -----------------
Total Revenue EUR 217.3 EUR 192.5
Software 6.6 5.0
Service and other 27.3 25.9
------------------ -----------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 33.9 EUR 30.9
Gross Profit EUR 183.4 EUR 161.6
Research and Development 60.4 53.4
Marketing and Sales 53.3 43.2
General Administration 14.5 12.0
Acquisition Costs 0.5 0.5
------------------ -----------------
Total Research, Selling,
Administration and Acquisition EUR 128.7 EUR 109.1
================== =================
Operating Income (1) EUR 54.7 EUR 52.5
Financial revenue and Other 3.7 2.8
------------------ -----------------
Income before income taxes 58.4 55.3
Income tax expense (20.6) (19.5)
------------------ -----------------
Net Income (1) EUR 37.8 EUR 35.8
================== =================
Basic net income per share EUR 0.34 EUR 0.32
================== =================
Diluted net income per share (1) EUR 0.32 EUR 0.31
================== =================
Basic weighted average shares
outstanding (in millions) 113.7 113.2
================== =================
Diluted weighted average shares
outstanding (in millions) 116.9 116.1
(1) Excluding acquisition costs, operating income, net income and
diluted EPS would have been as follows:
Operating Income EUR 55.2 EUR 53.0
================== =================
Net Income EUR 38.1 EUR 36.5
================== =================
Diluted net income per share EUR 0.33 EUR 0.31
================== =================
Six Months Ended
June 30, 2005 June 30, 2004
------------------ -----------------
New licenses revenue 155.6 133.9
Recurring licenses and product
development revenue 192.5 173.9
------------------ -----------------
Software revenue 348.1 307.8
Service and other revenue 68.4 60.9
------------------ -----------------
Total Revenue EUR 416.5 EUR 368.7
Software 12.6 9.8
Service and other 55.4 50.6
------------------ -----------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 68.0 EUR 60.4
Gross Profit EUR 348.5 EUR 308.3
Research and Development 117.9 107.5
Marketing and Sales 102.4 81.0
General Administration 27.6 23.3
Acquisition Costs 0.8 1.1
------------------ -----------------
Total Research, Selling,
Administration and Acquisition EUR 248.7 EUR 212.9
================== =================
Operating Income (1) EUR 99.8 EUR 95.4
Financial revenue and Other 5.8 4.2
------------------ -----------------
Income before income taxes 105.6 99.6
Income tax expense (36.9) (35.6)
------------------ -----------------
Net Income (1) EUR 68.7 EUR 64.0
================== =================
Basic net income per share EUR 0.61 EUR 0.57
================== =================
Diluted net income per share (1) EUR 0.59 EUR 0.55
================== =================
Basic weighted average shares
outstanding (in millions) 113.6 113.1
================== =================
Diluted weighted average shares
outstanding (in millions) 116.6 116.0
(1) Excluding acquisition costs, operating income, net income and
diluted EPS would have been as follows:
Operating Income EUR 100.6 EUR 96.5
================== =================
Net Income EUR 69.2 EUR 65.1
================== =================
Diluted net income per share EUR 0.59 EUR 0.56
================== =================
Supplemental Disclosures Regarding Non-U.S. GAAP FinancialInformation: Excluding Acquisition Costs
The following table sets forth the Company's ConsolidatedStatement of Income Data excluding acquisition costs for the threemonths and six months ended June 30, 2005. In particular, the tablepresents operating income, operating margin and earnings per shareexcluding acquisition costs (acquisition costs are primarily comprisedof technology amortization in addition to other acquisition-relatedcosts).
The Company uses these non-U.S. GAAP measures, among other things,to evaluate the Company's operating performance and for planning andsetting objectives for future periods. The Company believes thesenon-U.S. GAAP measures are useful to investors because they provide analternative method for measuring the operating performance of theCompany's business by isolating the effect of acquisition costs, whichdo not impact the underlying business. In addition, these measures areamong the primary measures used externally by analysts for purposes ofvaluation and for comparing operating performance of the Company toother companies in the industry.
Since these measures of performance are not calculated inaccordance with U.S. GAAP, they should not be considered in isolationof, or as a substitute for, operating income, operating margin andearnings per share including acquisition costs, as an indicator ofoperating performance.
(in millions of Euro, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
June 30, 2005 June 30, 2004 Variation
-------------- -------------- ---------
New licenses revenue 81.9 71.8 14.1%
Recurring licenses and
product development revenue 99.0 87.1 13.7%
-------------- --------------
Software revenue 180.9 158.9 13.8%
Service and other revenue 36.4 33.6 8.3%
-------------- --------------
Total Revenue EUR 217.3 EUR 192.5 12.9%
Software 6.6 5.0 32.0%
Service and other 27.3 25.9 5.4%
-------------- --------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 33.9 EUR 30.9 9.7%
Gross Profit EUR 183.4 EUR 161.6 13.5%
Research and Development 60.4 53.4 13.1%
Marketing and Sales 53.3 43.2 23.4%
General Administration 14.5 12.0 20.8%
-------------- --------------
Total Research, Selling, EUR 128.2 EUR 108.6
Administration 18.0%
============== ==============
Operating Income EUR 55.2 EUR 53.0 4.2%
Financial revenue and Other 3.7 2.8 32.1%
-------------- --------------
Income before income taxes 58.9 55.8 5.6%
Income tax expense (20.8) (19.3) -
-------------- --------------
Net Income EUR 38.1 EUR 36.5 4.4%
============== ==============
Diluted net income per share EUR 0.33 EUR 0.31 6.5%
============== ==============
Diluted weighted average
shares outstanding (in
millions) 116.9 116.1
(in millions of Euro, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
June 30, 2005
Reported Acquisition Excluding
Amount Costs Acquisition
--------- ----------- ------------
New licenses revenue 81.9 81.9
Recurring licenses and product
development revenue 99.0 99.0
--------- ------------
Software revenue 180.9 180.9
Service and other revenue 36.4 36.4
--------- ------------
Total Revenue EUR 217.3 EUR 217.3
Software 6.6 6.6
Service and other 27.3 27.3
--------- ------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 33.9 EUR 33.9
Gross Profit EUR 183.4 EUR 183.4
Research and Development 60.4 60.4
Marketing and Sales 53.3 53.3
General Administration 14.5 14.5
Acquisition Costs 0.5 (0.5) -
--------- ------------
Total Research, Selling, EUR 128.7 EUR 128.2
========= ============
Operating Income EUR 54.7 EUR 55.2
Financial revenue and Other 3.7 3.7
--------- ------------
Income before income taxes 58.4 58.9
Income tax expense (20.6) (0.2) (20.8)
--------- ------------
Net Income EUR 37.8 EUR 38.1
========= ============
Diluted net income per share EUR 0.32 EUR 0.33
========= ============
Diluted weighted average shares
outstanding (in millions) 116.9 116.9
June 30, 2004
Reported Acquisition Excluding
Amount Costs Acquisition
------------ ------------- -------------
New licenses revenue 71.8 71.8
Recurring licenses and
product development
revenue 87.1 87.1
------------ -------------
Software revenue 158.9 158.9
Service and other revenue 33.6 33.6
------------ -------------
Total Revenue EUR 192.5 EUR 192.5
Software 5.0 5.0
Service and other 25.9 25.9
------------ -------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 30.9 EUR 30.9
Gross Profit EUR 161.6 EUR 161.6
Research and Development 53.4 53.4
Marketing and Sales 43.2 43.2
General Administration 12.0 12.0
Acquisition Costs 0.5 (0.5) -
------------ -------------
Total Research, Selling, EUR 109.1 EUR 108.6
============ =============
Operating Income EUR 52.5 EUR 53.0
Financial revenue and Other 2.8 2.8
------------ -------------
Income before income taxes 55.3 55.8
Income tax expense (19.5) 0.2 (19.3)
------------ -------------
Net Income EUR 35.8 EUR 36.5
============ =============
Diluted net income per EUR 0.31 EUR 0.31
============ =============
Diluted weighted average
shares outstanding (in
millions) 116.1 116.1
(in millions of Euro, except per share data)
Six Months Ended
June 30, 2005 June 30, 2004 Variation
--------------- ------------- ---------
New licenses revenue 155.6 133.9 16.2%
Recurring licenses and
product development revenue 192.5 173.9 10.7%
--------------- -------------
Software revenue 348.1 307.8 13.1%
Service and other revenue 68.4 60.9 12.3%
--------------- -------------
Total Revenue EUR 416.5 EUR 368.7 13.0%
Software 12.6 9.8 28.6%
Service and other 55.4 50.6 9.5%
--------------- -------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 68.0 EUR 60.4 12.6%
Gross Profit EUR 348.5 EUR 308.3 13.0%
Research and Development 117.9 107.5 9.7%
Marketing and Sales 102.4 81.0 26.4%
General Administration 27.6 23.3 18.5%
--------------- -------------
Total Research, Selling, EUR 247.9 EUR 211.8 17.0%
=============== =============
Operating Income EUR 100.6 EUR 96.5 4.2%
Financial revenue and Other 5.8 4.2 38.1%
Income before income taxes 106.4 100.7 5.7%
Income tax expense (37.2) (35.6) -
--------------- -------------
Net Income EUR 69.2 EUR 65.1 6.3%
=============== =============
Diluted net income per share EUR 0.59 EUR 0.56 5.4%
=============== =============
Diluted weighted average
shares outstanding (in
millions) 116.6 116.0
(in millions of Euro, except per share data)
Six Months Ended
June 30, 2005
Reported Acquisition Excluding
Amount Costs Acquisition
------------ ----------- ------------
New licenses revenue 155.6 155.6
Recurring licenses and product
development revenue 192.5 192.5
Software revenue 348.1 348.1
Service and other revenue 68.4 68.4
------------ ------------
Total Revenue EUR 416.5 EUR 416.5
Software 12.6 12.6
Service and other 55.4 55.4
------------ ------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 68.0 EUR 68.0
Gross Profit EUR 348.5 EUR 348.5
Research and Development 117.9 117.9
Marketing and Sales 102.4 102.4
General Administration 27.6 27.6
Acquisition Costs 0.8 (0.8) -
------------ ------------
Total Research, Selling, EUR 248.7 EUR 247.9
============ ============
Operating Income EUR 99.8 EUR 100.6
Financial revenue and Other 5.8 5.8
Income before income taxes 105.6 106.4
Income tax expense (36.9) (0.3) (37.2)
------------ ------------
Net Income EUR 68.7 EUR 69.2
============ ============
Diluted net income per share EUR 0.59 EUR 0.59
============ ============
Diluted weighted average shares
outstanding (in millions) 116.6 116.6
June 30, 2004
Reported Acquisition Excluding
Amount Costs Acquisition
------------- ------------- -------------
New licenses revenue 133.9 133.9
Recurring licenses and
product development revenue 173.9 173.9
Software revenue 307.8 307.8
Service and other revenue 60.9 60.9
------------- -------------
Total Revenue EUR 368.7 EUR 368.7
Software 9.8 9.8
Service and other 50.6 50.6
------------- -------------
Total Cost of Revenue EUR 60.4 EUR 60.4
Gross Profit EUR 308.3 EUR 308.3
Research and Development 107.5 107.5
Marketing and Sales 81.0 81.0
General Administration 23.3 23.3
Acquisition Costs 1.1 (1.1) -
------------- -------------
Total Research, Selling, EUR 212.9 EUR 211.8
============= =============
Operating Income EUR 95.4 EUR 96.5
Financial revenue and Other 4.2 4.2
Income before income taxes 99.6 100.7
Income tax expense (35.6) 0.0 (35.6)
------------- -------------
Net Income EUR 64.0 EUR 65.1
============= =============
Diluted net income per share EUR 0.55 EUR 0.56
============= =============
Diluted weighted average
shares outstanding (in
millions) 116.0 116.0
(in millions of Euro)
June 30, 2005 December 31, 2004
-------------- -----------------
Cash and short-term investments 632.3 552.8
Accounts receivable, net 184.1 237.8
Other assets 375.3 308.6
-------------- --------------
Total assets EUR 1,191.7 EUR 1,099.2
Total liabilities 355.4 340.0
Shareholders' equity 836.3 759.2
-------------- --------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' EUR 1,191.7 EUR 1,099.2
(in millions of Euro)
Three Months ended
June 30, 2005 June 30, 2004 Variation
Net Profit 37.8 35.8 2.0
Changes in working capital
and non-cash P&L items (9.7) (1.2) (8.5)
Net Cash provided by
operating activities 28.1 34.6 (6.5)
Acquisition and sale of
assets (8.6) (8.1) (0.5)
ST investments (11.3) 0.7 (12.0)
Acquisition net of cash (18.6) 0.0 (18.6)
Loans (0.6) (4.7) 4.1
Net Cash provided used in
investing activities (39.1) (12.1) (27.0)
Share repurchase and proceeds
from stocks options
exercise, net 5.2 0.5 4.7
Dividend (43.1) (38.4) (4.7)
Net Cash provided used in
financing activities (37.9) (37.9) 0.0
Effect of exchange rate
changes on cash 16.1 0.1 16.0
Increase (Decrease) in cash &
cash equivalents (32.8) (15.3) (17.5)
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period 645.3 543.1 102.2
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period 612.5 527.8 84.7
Six Months ended
June 30, 2005 June 30, 2004 Variation
Net Profit 68.7 64.0 4.7
Changes in working capital
and non-cash P&L items 49.9 77.0 (27.1)
Net Cash provided by
operating activities 118.6 141.0 (22.4)
Acquisition and sale of
assets (15.3) (10.1) (5.2)
ST investments (6.4) 4.0 (10.4)
Acquisition net of cash (23.0) (1.1) (21.9)
Loans (0.9) (4.7) 3.8
Net Cash provided used in
investing activities (45.6) (11.9) (33.7)
Share repurchase and proceeds
from stocks options
exercise, net 15.4 12.3 3.1
Dividend (43.1) (38.4) (4.7)
Net Cash provided used in
financing activities (27.7) (26.1) (1.6)
Effect of exchange rate
changes on cash 26.1 5.2 20.9
Increase (Decrease) in cash &
cash equivalents 71.4 108.2 (36.8)
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period 541.1 419.6 121.5
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period 612.5 527.8 84.7

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