10.09.2013 07:00:00

MEDICA - First-Half 2013 Results

Regulatory News:

The Board of Directors of MEDICA (Paris:MDCA), a leading provider of long and short-term dependency care in France, met on Monday 9 September 2013 under the chairmanship of Jacques Bailet. At the meeting, which was attended by the Statutory Auditors, the Board approved the consolidated financial statements* for the first half of 2013.

KEY INDICATORS - € millions       H1 2013       H1 2012(1)      

Reported growth


      381.5       349.0       + 9.3%
EBITDAR       104.5       91.5       + 14.2%
EBITDAR margin      


EBITDA 63.7 56.8 + 12.2%
EBITDA margin      


EBIT 48.9 44.6 + 9.5%
EBIT margin      


Net profit attributable to shareholders 28.0 24.3 + 15.2%
Net margin      



(1) Adjusted H1 2012 accounts. The entry into force of the revised IAS 19 standard on 1 January 2013 led to a change in the recognition of retirement benefits
in the consolidated financial statements of the MEDICA Group.

* The consolidated interim financial statements have been the subject of a limited review by the Auditors, whose report will be issued for the publication of the interim financial report.

Jacques Bailet, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said: "MEDICA’s first-half results are very satisfactory. Our revenue growth and high profitability demonstrate once again the validity of our model of growth. These good performances were accompanied by much recognition of our social initiatives. The acknowledged robustness of our balance sheet has enabled us to acquire SLG, the leading Belgian operator, which we will fully consolidate as early as 1st October 2013 (1). This operation fits perfectly with our strategy and the strong presence in Belgium gives MEDICA new development prospects, in a country offering opportunities for organic growth and consolidation. Our solid first-half business combined with the consolidation of SLG leads us to expect revenue of at least €825 million in 2013."



Consolidated revenue amounted to €381.5 million in the first half of 2013, representing a rise of 9.3% compared to the first half of 2012. Organic growth over this period amounted to 7.5%.



      H1 2013       H1 2012      




      €m       % of revenue       €m       % of revenue            
France       342.1       89.7%       310.5       89.0%       +10.2%       +8.1%
Long-term care 248.0       65.0% 221.0       63.3% +12.2% +10.2%

Post-acute and psychiatric care

      94.2       24.7%       89.5       25.6%       +5.2%       +3.1%
Italy       39.4       10.3%       38.4       11.0%       +2.6%       +2.6%
TOTAL       381.5               349.0               +9.3%       +7.5%

The first six months of the 2013 financial year were marked by a strong advance of activity in France, which generated revenue of €342.1 million and 8.1% organic growth.

  • The long-term care sector in France generated revenue of €248.0 million, representing a rise of 12.2%. In addition to the ramp-up of facilities opened in 2011 and 2012, the 10.2% organic growth bears out MEDICA’s choice of geographic locations and regular investments in improvements to its facilities.
  • The revenue of the post-acute and psychiatric care sector in France amounted to €94.2 million, representing a rise of 5.2% compared to the first half of 2012. MEDICA is continuing its diversification strategy in home care, which should help accelerate revenue growth in the medium term.
  • In Italy, revenue growth has accelerated since the beginning of 2013. Revenue totalled €39.4 million, representing a rise of 2.6% (+4.2% in Q2 alone).

As at 30 June 2013, MEDICA operated a portfolio of 17,132 beds in 226 facilities, with the occupancy rate* remaining broadly unchanged at the high level of 96.3%.

(1) Subject to the usual conditions precedent.

* Occupancy rate: number of days billed divided by the number of billable days for facilities that have been open for more than 12 months


EBITDAR (EBITDA before facility rental expense) stood at €104.5 million in the first half (+14.2% compared to 2012) and represented 27.4% of revenue.

EBITDAR by sector (€ million)       H1 2013       H1 2012 (1)       Change
France       94.7       82.1       +15.4%

% of sector revenue



Long-term care 68.4 57.0 +20.0%

% of sector revenue


Post-acute and psychiatric care 26.3 25.1 +5.0%

% of sector revenue



Italy 9.8 9.4 +3.5%

% of sector revenue



TOTAL 104.5 91.5 +14.2%

% of total revenue




Profitability in France continued to improve due to:

  • The significant increase in EBITDAR in the long-term care sector in France, which benefited from the rapid ramp-up and integration of new facilities over the last 24 months, as well as the good control of its operating costs.
  • Expertise in the post-acute and psychiatric care sector in France, which consolidated its high margin as part of its strategy of specialised facilities, as well as continued restructuring of facilities. The home care business is profitable, and will benefit the overall profitability of the sector when it reaches maturity.
  • In Italy, profitability improved thanks to the return of revenue growth over the period.


EBITDA stood at €63.7 million, representing 16.7% of revenue, a rise of 12.2% compared to the previous year.

  • Employee expenses (€174.5 million) rose by 9.1% but held steady as a proportion of revenue (45.7%), while the external charges share is decreasing due to less use of subcontracting.
  • Rental expenses amounted to €40.8 million (10.7% of revenue), up 17.6%. This rise was due to the growth in the number of facilities still in their ramp-up.

Operating income advanced 9.5% to €48.9 million.

Net income attributable to shareholders amounted to €28.0 million, up 15.2%. The slight deterioration in net finance costs was offset by an improvement in the tax rate, which amounted to 37.5% (vs 40% in H1 2012), mainly due to the positive impact of the CICE.

(1): The entry into force of the revised IAS 19 standard on 1 January 2013 led to a change in the recognition of retirement benefits in the consolidated financial statements of the MEDICA Group. Under IAS 8, this change of method has to be applied retrospectively in order to allow comparison of financial statements between the different reporting years. The comparability of the accounts will be detailed in the consolidated interim financial statements.


As at 30 June 2013, net debt totalled €465 million, compared to €448 million as at 31 December 2012. Gross debt decreased to €605 million (vs €685 million as at 31 December 2012) and cash and cash equivalents amounted to €140 million. The financial leverage stood at 2.1(1), flat as compared to the situation as at 31 December 2012.


On 29 July, MEDICA announced the acquisition of Senior Living Group, the leading private provider of long-term care in Belgium. This acquisition, combined with MEDICA’s strong domestic position and successful establishment in Northern Italy, represents a major step forward in the Group’s development in Europe.

After the completion of this transaction, which is expected at the end of September, the network operated by MEDICA will comprise 22,613 beds. MEDICA’s organic growth pipeline will also be strengthened with a portfolio of 3,537 beds being restructured or built. Given SLG’s operating profitability and the optimal financing conditions, this operation should be accretive for MEDICA’s shareholders as early as 2014, the first full year of SLG’s consolidation.


MEDICA expects to generate full-year revenue in excess of 825 million in 2013, due to organic growth of at least 7% and the integration of SLG from 1st October 2013.

A meeting for analysts and investors will be held this morning at 9:00 am (Paris time).


Publication of Q3 2013 revenue on 22 October 2013 before start of trading.

(1) : Financial leverage = (Net Debt – Property Debt) / (EBITDA – (6.5% x Property Debt))


Formed in 1968, MEDICA is a leading provider of long- and short-term dependency care in France. It operates both in the long-term care sector, with nursing homes in France and Italy, and in the post- acute and psychiatric care sector. In these two sectors, the Group operated a total of over 17,100 beds and employed over 10,800 people as at 30 June 2013.

MEDICA has been listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris stock exchange since February 2010 – Compartment B – Eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service, long only.

MEDICA is included in the SBF 120, Euronext CAC Healthcare, MSCI France Small Cap and Gaia indices.
Code: MDCA - ISIN: FR0010372581 - Reuters: MDCA PA - Bloomberg: MDCA FP
Website: www.groupemedica.com

in € thousands       30/06/2013       30/06/2012 (1)
Revenue       381,499       348,984
Purchases used in the business       (20,846)       (18,058)
External charges (103,656) (97,364)
Income and other taxes (19,520) (16,991)
Employee expenses (174,519) (159,962)
Other operating expenses (1,724) (835)
Other operating income       2,446       1,036
EBITDA       63,680       56,811
Amortisation and depreciation expense (13,839) (13,422)
Impairment losses and provisions       (926)       1,265
EBIT       48,915       44,654
Gain/(loss) on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets 0 0
Non-recurring operating expense (15,622) (33,504)
Non-recurring operating income       18,526       38,652
Operating profit       51,820       49,802
Profit/(loss) from equity affiliates 2,228 66
Operating income after share in profit of equity affiliates       54,049      


Finance costs (10,820) (9,870)
Financial income       446       428
Net finance costs       (10,374)       (9,442)
Profit before tax       43,675       40,426
Income tax expense       (15,542)       (16,118)
Profit after tax       28,133       24,308
Net profit       28,133       24,308
Attributable to shareholders       27,978       24,332
Attributable to non-controlling interests       155       (24)
Average number of shares outstanding       47,765,578       47,750,600
Basic earnings per share (€)       0.59       0.51
Diluted earnings per share (€)       0.59       0.51







in € thousands




31/12/2012 (1)

Goodwill 427,941 424,596
Intangible assets 680,153 675,596
Property, plant and equipment 422,893 412,800
Shares in equity affiliates 0 2,259
Other financial assets 19,509 20,788
Available-for-sale assets 342 342
Deferred tax 834 3,251
Other non-current assets 570 25
Derivative financial instruments       615       0
Total non-current assets 1,552,856 1,539,657
Inventory and work-in-progress 2,659 2,616
Trade receivables 46,731 46,170
Tax assets 9,191 6,070
Other receivables 58,589 39,240
Other current assets 2,287 8,752
Cash and cash equivalents       140,245       236,823
Total current assets 259,701 339,671
Total non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale       12,170       13,681
Total assets       1,824,727       1,893,009





in € thousands





Share capital 18,653 18,653
Additional paid-in capital 482,493 488,152
Treasury shares (2,344) (1,575)
Other reserves 0 0
Net profit attributable to shareholders 27,978 46,294
Retained earnings       149,407       117,528
Total equity attributable to shareholders 676,187 669,053
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 155 215
Retained earnings attributable to non-controlling interests       6,857       6,232
Total equity 683,199 675,500
Long-term debt 510,621 661,989
Employee benefit obligations 6,454 6,125
Liabilities related to equity affiliates 0 0
Other provisions 10,590 11,881
Deferred tax 246,886 246,544
Other non-current liabilities 29,235 28,357
Total non-current liabilities       803,785       954,895
Short-term debt 94,843 23,188
Employee benefit obligations 447 447
Trade creditors 59,496 77,365
Other payables 147,754 125,057
Other provisions 379 379
Derivative financial instruments 5,805 10,673
Current taxes 16,848 11,823
Total current liabilities       325,572       248,932
Total liabilities on assets and disposal groups held for sale 12,170 13,681
Total equity and liabilities       1,824,727       1,893,009


in € thousands       30/06/2013       30/06/2012 (1)
Consolidated net profit 28,133 24,308
Adjustments for profit or losses from equity affiliates (2,228) (66)
Adjustments for depreciation, amortisation and provisions 9,284 11,555
Adjustments for fair value (752) (499)
Adjustments for gains or losses on disposal and dilution 2,082 (11,027)
Adjustments for dividend income (3) (2)
Cash flow after cost of net debt and tax 36,515 24,269
Adjustments for security acquisition costs 131 358
Adjustments for tax expense 15,542 16,118
Adjustments for net finance costs 10,093 9,001
Cash flow before interest and tax 62,281 49,746
Change in working capital (29,782) (7,166)
Income tax paid (15,398) (17,382)
Net cash from operating activities 17,101 25,198
Impact of changes in scope of consolidation (6,555) (5,381)
Increase in property, plant and equipment (24,472) (56,494)
Increase in intangible assets 221 (3,963)
Increase in financial assets - -
Increase/decrease in loans and advances 1,199 460
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 7,338 30,994
Proceeds from disposal of financial assets 10 785
Dividend income 363 133
Net cash used in investing activities (21,896) (33,466)
Issuance of shares 50 -
Treasury shares (769) (223)
Issuance of debt 49,625 -
Repayment of debt (134,503) (7,718)
Net interest paid (10,703) (8,608)
Dividends paid to shareholders - -
Dividends paid to minority holders of subsidiaries (6) -
Net cash used in financing activities (96,306) (16,549)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (101,100) (24,817)
Net cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 235,795 126,833
Net cash and cash equivalents at end of year 134,695 102,016
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (101,100) (24,817)

(1): The entry into force of the revised IAS 19 standard on 1 January 2013 led to a change in the recognition of retirement benefits in the consolidated financial statements of the MEDICA Group. Under IAS 8, this change of method has to be applied retrospectively in order to allow comparison of financial statements between the different reporting years. The comparability of the accounts will be detailed in the consolidated interim financial statements.

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