Aguia Resources Aktie
WKN DE: A1C58J / ISIN: AU000000AGR4
08.05.2017 14:49:41
IRW-News: Aguia Resources Limited: Aguia Resources Limited: Bohrungen in südöstlicher Zone bei Três Estradas liefern weiterhin eindrucksvolle Ergebnisse
IRW-PRESS: Aguia Resources Limited: Aguia Resources Limited: Bohrungen in südöstlicher Zone bei Três Estradas liefern weiterhin eindrucksvolle Ergebnisse
Bohrungen in südöstlicher Zone bei Três Estradas liefern weiterhin eindrucksvolle Ergebnisse
- Bohrungen entlang der kürzlich entdeckten südöstlichen Zone mit Streichenlänge von mindestens 700 m sorgen weiterhin für Entdeckungen von Mineralisierung mit Mächtigkeiten und Gehalten, die jenen der aktuellen Lagerstätte Três Estradas entsprechen:
o Bohrloch TED-17-121 ergab 28,60 m mit 3,53 % P2O5
o Bohrloch TED-17-124 ergab 54,00 m mit 3,70 % P2O5
o Bohrloch TED-17-126 ergab 40,05 m mit 3,08 % P2O5
o Bohrloch TED-17-127 ergab 28,55 m mit 3,87 % P2O5
- Die Streichenlänge der nordöstlichen Erweiterung ist weiterhin über 700 m offen und das Unternehmen wird mit oberflächennahen RC-Bohrungen beginnen, um diese potenzielle Erweiterung hinsichtlich weiterer oxidierter Mineralisierungen zu erproben
- Ergänzungsbohrungen bei Lagerstätte Três Estradas liefern weiterhin hervorragende Ergebnisse, die die Homogenität der Mineralisierung sowie die Beständigkeit an der Seite und in der Tiefe bestätigen:
o Bohrloch TED-17-111 ergab 45,70 m mit 4,51 % P2O5
o Bohrloch TED-17-114 ergab 79,00 m mit 3,23 % P2O5
- 13.710 m an Ergänzungsbohrungen (Infill-Bohrungen) abgeschlossen - Programm soll bis Ende des Monats finalisiert werden
- Pilotanlagen-Flotationstest von oxidierter Karbonatit-Großprobe zurzeit bei Eriez im Gange
- Geplante Notierung an TSX-V geht gut voran
Der brasilianische Düngemittelentwickler Aguia Resources Limited (ASX: AGR) (Aguia oder das Unternehmen - freut sich, seinen Aktionären ein Update des laufenden Ergänzungsbohrprogramms bei seinem Vorzeige-Phosphatprojekt Três Estradas im Süden von Brasilien bereitzustellen. Das Programm liefert weiterhin positive Ergebnisse, die die Homogenität und Beständigkeit der Lagerstätte nachweisen. Ein Diamant- und ein RC-Bohrgerät sind weiterhin am Standort im Einsatz.
Bis dato wurden insgesamt 13.710 Meter gebohrt, einschließlich 9.495 Meter an Diamantbohrungen und 4.215 Meter an RC-Bohrungen. Das jüngste Bohrprogramm, das Ende 2016 begonnen hat, ist ein größeres Vorhaben und macht etwa 50 Prozent der Diamant- und RC-Bohrungen auf insgesamt 27.800 Metern aus, die seit 2011 im Konzessionsgebiet durchgeführt wurden.
Wie bereits am 16. Februar 2017 gemeldet, identifizierte das Unternehmen eine neue oberflächennahe Mineralisierungszone entlang der Südostgrenze des geplanten Grubenmantels von Três Estradas. Durch die Bohrungen wurde in dieser Zone eine Beständigkeit auf einem Streichen von mindestens 700 Metern nachgewiesen, wobei die nordöstliche Erweiterung weiterhin vollständig offen ist. Die geologische Modellierung der Ergebnisse entlang dieser Zone weist darauf hin, dass die gefaltete Struktur in Richtung Südwesten abfällt, weshalb die nach wie vor offene nordöstliche Erweiterung die Oberfläche erreichen sollte und möglicherweise hochgradiges oxidiertes Material beherbergt. Die nordöstliche Erweiterung wird im Rahmen zusätzlicher RC-Bohrungen auf 500 Metern erprobt werden, die potenziell oxidiertes Material in Oberflächennähe anpeilen werden.
Die Ergänzungsbohrungen entlang dieses 700-Meter-Streichens werden fortgesetzt, um von der Oberfläche bis in eine Tiefe von nur 100 Metern eine Ressource der gemessenen (Measured) und angezeigten (Indicated) Kategorie zu produzieren. Die Strategie des technischen Teams bestand darin, eine oberflächennahe Mineralisierung anzupeilen, die zur aktuellen Ressource hinzugefügt wird. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Integration nicht nur das allgemeine Abraumverhältnis des geplanten Betriebs verbessern, sondern schließlich auch die Abbaukosten senken wird. Die Ergebnisse dieser Zone weisen darauf hin, dass die Mächtigkeiten und die Gehalte mit jenen des Großteils der Lagerstätte übereinstimmen, was durch die Ergebnisse der Bohrlöcher TED-17-124, das 3,70 Prozent P2O5 auf 54,00 Metern ergab, und TED-17-126, das 3,08 Prozent P2O5 auf 40,05 Metern ergab, nachgewiesen wurde.
Der Pilotanlagentest der frischen Karbonatit-Großprobe in der Flotation Division von Eriez in Pennsylvania ist abgeschlossen. Die Analyseergebnisse des frischen Karbonatits sind noch ausständig und werden veröffentlicht, sobald sie verfügbar sind. Nun, da die Erprobung des frischen Karbonatits abgeschlossen ist, werden in der Pilotanlage nun Großproben des oxidierten Karbonatits erprobt.
Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich Nano, ein Kommunikationsunternehmen aus Porto Alegre, damit beauftragt, die Informationen und Kommunikation hinsichtlich unserer Erschließungsarbeiten mit den Gemeinden Três Estradas und Lavras do Sul sowie mit den staatlichen Behörden in Porto Alegre und allen Interessensvertretern des Projektes zu unterstützen. Kürzlich wurden mehrere Veranstaltungen hinsichtlich des Gemeinschaftsbewusstseins abgehalten, einschließlich Workshops mit der Gemeinde und Präsentationen des Projektes für ein zahlreiches lokales Publikum.
Technical Director Dr. Fernando Tallarico sagte: Die Bohrergebnisse entlang der neuen südöstlichen Zone und innerhalb der Lagerstätte sind äußerst konsistent und verdeutlichen die kontinuierliche und homogene Beschaffenheit der Lagerstätte Três Estradas. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass die Möglichkeit besteht, zusätzliches oxidiertes Material entlang der nordöstlichen Erweiterung dieser kürzlich entdeckten neuen Zone zu finden.
Managing Director Justin Reid fügte hinzu: Unser technischer Erfolg bei Três Estradas treibt den Wert des Projektes mit jedem Meter, den wir bohren, weiter nach oben. Die Konsistenz des Erzkörpers ermöglicht ein einfaches Minenmodell für die bankfähige Machbarkeitsstudie und unsere neue Erweiterung bietet die Möglichkeit für eine beträchtliche Steigerung des oberflächennahen, zugänglichen Erzes, das unsere Abbaukosten weiter senken wird.
Ich bin kürzlich vom Standort zurückgekehrt, wo ich mich mit unserem langfristigen Kommunikationsplan mit der Gemeinde und der Region von NANO vertraut gemacht habe, das einen ganzheitlichen Kommunikationsansatz entworfen hat, um die unglaubliche Arbeit fortzusetzen, die das Team bis dato geleistet hat. Unser Team wurde beim Treffen mit dem Bürgermeister von Lavras do Sul, der unsere Arbeiten weiterhin unterstützt und eng mit uns zusammenarbeitet, um unseren Beitrag für alle lokalen Interessensvertreter unseres Projektes zu steigern, herzlich empfangen. Wir sehen uns bereits als wichtigen Teil der Gemeinde und freuen uns darauf, ein Arbeitgeber und Produzent zu werden.
Aguia gibt auch bekannt, dass seine geplante Notierung an der Toronto Venture Exchange gut voran geht, zumal der Großteil der erforderlichen Dokumentation nun bei den Regulierungsbehörden der TSX-V zur Prüfung eingereicht wurde. Ein Update des Zeitplans der Notierung wird in Kürze bereitgestellt werden.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:
Justin Reid, Managing Director
T: +1 416-216-5446
Catherine Stretch, Chief Commercial Officer
T: +1 416-309-2695
Jan-Per Hole, Vice President Corporate Development Australia
T: +61 (0) 414 899 732
Veröffentlicht über: Ben Jarvis, Six Degrees Investor Relations: +61 413 150 448
In Europa:
Swiss Resource Capital AG
Jochen Staiger
Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter: @ Aguia_Resources
Über Aguia:
Aguia Resources Limited (Aguia) ist ein an der ASX notiertes Unternehmen, dessen Hauptaugenmerk auf die Exploration und Erschließung von Phosphatprojekten in Brasilien gerichtet ist. Aguia hat ein renommiertes und erfahrenes inländisches Team zusammengestellt, dessen Sitz sich in Belo Horizonte (Brasilien) befindet, wobei es auch Niederlassungen in Sydney (Australien) gibt. Die Schlüsselprojekte von Aguia befinden sich in Rio Grande do Sul, einer wichtigen landwirtschaftlichen Region, die zu 100 Prozent von Phosphatimporten abhängig ist. Die Phosphatlagerstätten in Rio Grande sind qualitativ hochwertig, ermöglichen eine kostengünstige Produktion und befinden sich außerdem in der Nähe einer Straßen-, Eisenbahn- und Hafeninfrastruktur. Das erfahrene Management-Team von Aguia kann eine umfassende Erfahrung bei der Weiterentwicklung von qualitativ hochwertigen brasilianischen Bergbauaktiva in die Produktion vorweisen.
Die Informationen in dieser Meldung, die sich auf Explorationsziele, Explorationsergebnisse, Mineralressourcen oder Erzreserven beziehen, basieren auf Informationen, die von Dr. Fernando Tallarico, einem Mitglied der Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, erstellt wurden. Dr. Tallarico ist ein Vollzeitangestellter des Unternehmens. Dr. Tallarico verfügt über ausreichende Erfahrung, die für diese Art von Mineralisierung und Lagerstätte sowie für seine Tätigkeiten erforderlich ist, um als kompetente Person (Competent Person) gemäß der Ausgabe von 2012 des Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves definiert werden zu können. Dr. Tallarico erlaubt das Hinzufügen von Material zu diesem Bericht, das auf seinen Informationen basiert und in Form und Kontext erscheint.
Die Ausgangssprache (in der Regel Englisch), in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle, autorisierte und rechtsgültige Version. Diese Übersetzung wird zur besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Die deutschsprachige Fassung kann gekürzt oder zusammengefasst sein. Es wird keine Verantwortung oder Haftung: für den Inhalt, für die Richtigkeit, der Angemessenheit oder der Genauigkeit dieser Übersetzung übernommen. Aus Sicht des Übersetzers stellt die Meldung keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar! Bitte beachten Sie die englische Originalmeldung auf,, oder auf der Firmenwebsite!
Die vollständige Meldung finden Sie hier:
Aguia Resources Limited ABN 94 128 256 888
Suite 4, Level 9, 341 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Telephone 02 9299 9690 Facsimile 02 9299 9629
Figure 1: Geological map of the Três Estradas carbonatite draped over aerial photograph, highlighting the status of the ongoing drilling program.
Figure 2: Drilling section 950NE of the Três Estradas Deposit, showing the new southeast zone and one of the highlighted drill results of TED-17-124, which returned recently and confirmed the model of the new zone. Note that the bulk of the new carbonatite drilled in this section is beyond the previous pit model.
Table 1 - Assay Results of the Drilling Campaign
(*Holes identifications initiated with TED are diamond holes and those initiated with TER are reverse circulation holes)
Hole_IDFrom To (m)LengthP2O5% CaO% MgO% Fe2O3%SiO2% Al2O3%
(m) (m)
TED-17-31,10 76,80 45,70 4,51 32,76 8,49 7,62 12,57 0,65
138,60163,7525,15 3,43 32,70 7,58 7,82 14,48 2,91
214,65283,7769,12 3,29 31,23 7,20 8,53 16,96 4,01
TED-17-7,30 11,15 3,85 8,06 12,24 3,32 16,66 39,38 7,05
11,15 31,85 20,70 3,74 30,34 9,35 8,56 11,67 1,82
35,85 72,60 36,75 3,27 31,62 7,95 8,48 15,97 2,71
160,00182,0022,00 3,73 23,61 7,91 11,53 26,25 5,97
188,00267,0079,00 3,23 29,14 8,29 9,38 15,95 3,60
TED-17-0,00 4,52 4,52 3,93 25,92 4,17 11,46 25,08 4,68
4,52 26,00 21,48 3,22 38,33 4,99 6,51 12,58 2,96
44,92 64,00 19,08 3,90 20,21 9,44 12,02 35,83 6,48
TED-17-162,00193,4031,40 3,02 28,91 6,06 8,65 22,28 4,23
TED-17-16,00 22,40 6,40 4,04 14,83 6,57 10,07 38,78 8,82
22,40 51,00 28,60 3,53 34,01 9,07 6,87 11,32 1,81
TED-17-40,00 94,00 54,00 3,70 30,65 11,06 7,20 11,69 1,71
TED-17-0,00 4,00 4,00 14,23 19,16 3,42 43,96 229,2045,50
52,00 29,00 27,00 3,36 32,27 8,11 7,12 16,13 2,55
TED-17-47,45 87,50 40,05 3,08 32,01 7,91 7,09 17,57 2,52
TED-17-50,45 79,00 28,55 3,87 34,59 8,63 6,48 10,91 2,15
Hole_IUTM_E UTM_N ElevatiLengthStatusDatum AzimutDip
D on (m) of h
(m) coord
TED-177672896577245342 288,70GPS SAD-69 150,00-60,00
-111 Z21S
TED-177672986577195341 279,45GPS SAD-69 150,00-60,00
-114 Z21S
TED-177667546576772351 65,25 GPS SAD-69 150,00-60,00
-115 Z21S
TED-177677646576921340 199,20GPS SAD-69 330,00-55,00
-118 Z21S
TED-177677156577005350 66,35 GPS SAD-69 330,00-55,00
-121 Z21S
TED-177674746576829353 105,00GPS SAD-69 330,00-55,00
-124 Z21S
TED-177675206576836355 97,00 GPS SAD-69 330,00-55,00
-125 Z21S
TED-177675636576862356 95,40 GPS SAD-69 330,00-55,00
-126 Z21S
TED-177676456576928353 107,80GPS SAD-69 330,00-55,00
-127 Z21S
JORC Code, Table 1
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data
(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections.)
CriteriJORC Code explanation Commentary
Samplin· Nature and quality of · Work is being carried out
g sampling using RC and diamond
techni ( drilling, with samples
ques eg cut channels, random being analysed by
chips, or specific laboratory analyses
specialised industry suitable for the
standard measurement tools carbonatite mineralisation
appropriate to the being
minerals under
investigation, such as targetted
down hole gamma · Drill hole locations are
detailed in a table in the
sondes, or handheld XRF text of this release, and
instruments, shown graphically on a
etc). These examples should
not be taken as limiting
the broad meaning of
· Include reference to · Hole locations are picked
measures taken to ensure up using hand-held GPS.
sample Sampling is carried out
using comprehensive
representivity and the
appropriate calibration of Aguia protocols and QAQC
any measurement tools or procedures as per industry
systems best
used. practice
· Aspects of the · Mineralisation is
determination of generally
mineralisation that are visual
Material to the Public
Report. In cases where · RC samples are collected
industry standard work and assayed at 1m
has been done this would intervals, with a
be relatively simple representative 2kg sample
( of all intervals being
eg reverse circulation collected for XRF assay at
drilling was used to the
obtain 1 m samples from
which 3 kg was pulverised laboratory.
to produce a 30 g charge · Half core diamond drill
for fire assay). In other samples in mineralized
cases more explanation may material are generally
be required, such as where collected at 1m intervals
there is coarse gold that and sent to the laboratory
has inherent sampling for assay; however lengths
problems. Unusual will vary to generally
commodities or between 0.5 and 1.5m to
mineralisation types honour geological
( boundaries where required.
eg submarine nodules) may
warrant disclosure of
detailed · In all cases drilling
information. samples are sent to SGS
laboratories in Belo
Horizonte and analysed
using method XRF79C_10 -
Lithium tetra borate
fusion. Elements assayed
for include
2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO,
2, P2O5, Na2O, K2O, MnO and
LOI, which is considered
suitable for the type of
Drillin· Drill type (eg core, · Reverse Circulation -
g reverse circulation, Drilling utilized a face
techni open-hole hammer, rotary sampling Hard Formation
ques air blast, auger, Bangka, Bit with Tungsten buttons
sonic, and a diameter of 5 œ
inches. No downhole
etc) and details (eg core surveys were completed.
diameter, triple or
standard tube, depth of
diamond tails, · Core Drilling - Drilling
face-sampling bit or other utilized HQ equipment for
type, whether core is weathered material and NQ
oriented and if so, by for fresh rock. Downhole
what method, surveys are performed on
3-metre intervals using a
Maxibore down-hole tool. No
core orientation has been
Drill · Method of recording and · RC - recoveries are
sample assessing core and chip monitored by samples
recove sample recoveries and weight. The minimum
ry results recovery is
assessed. 85%.
· Core Drilling - Recovery
by sample and by drill run
was recorded; core
recovery generally exceeds
· Measures taken to · Diamond Drilling - Due to
maximise sample recovery the coherent nature of the
and ensure representative fresh rock and homogenous
nature of the nature of the
samples. mineralisation sample
recovery is not an issue.
In the
saprolite recovery is
maximised using short
drill runs and best
· RC - Dry samples are
collected through a
cyclone and riffle
splitter ensuring
homogenisation and
representative sampling.
Wet samples are dried, and
then homogenised and
sampled by
· Whether a relationship · Mineralisation is
exists between sample homogenous throughout the
recovery and grade and mineralized intervals,
whether sample bias may with no relationship
have occurred due to between sample recovery
preferential loss/gain of and grade on any type of
fine/coarse drilling.
Logging· Whether core and chip · RC - logging is to a
samples have been detail considered suitable
geologically and for inclusion in resource
geotechnically logged to a
level of detail to support · Diamond - logging is
appropriate Mineral considered suitable for
Resource estimation, inclusion in resource
mining studies and estimations, metallurgical
metallurgical studies and preliminary
studies. mining studies. The lack
of orientated core and
geotechnical logging prior
to cutting precludes the
use in detailed mining
· Whether logging is · RC logging includes
qualitative or lithology and
quantitative in nature. weathering
Core (or
· Diamond logging includes
costean, channel, etc) rock type, alteration,
photography. structure and qualitative
magnetism. No core
orientation has been
carried out, with
structural measurements
being limited to alpha
angles only. All core is
photographed dry before
· The total length and · 100% of the relevant
percentage of the relevant intersections of all
intersections drilling are
logged logged
Sub-sam· If core, whether cut or · Solid core is sawn in
pling sawn and whether quarter, half, with half being sent
techni half or all core for assay and half being
ques taken. retained for reference.
and Friable core is split down
sample the
ation center line using a
spatula or similar tool,
with half being retained
and half sent for
· If non-core, whether · RC- One metre samples are
riffled, tube sampled, collected from the
rotary split, cyclone, with moist
samples being split using
etc and whether sampled wet a plastic liner and metal
or cross-blade device, and
dry. dry samples being split
through a riffle splitter.
Saturated samples are
dried before
homogenization. Two
representative samples of
between 500g and 2kg are
collected, with one for
assay and a second for
· For all sampling and
drilling, samples are
dried and crushed, and
then milled to 75% passing
80 mesh using LM mills at
· For all sample types, the · The sample preparation
nature, quality and techniques are industry
appropriateness of the standard and are
sample preparation considered appropriate for
technique. the mineralisation being
· Quality control · Industry standard
procedures adopted for all procedures are employed,
sub-sampling stages to including ensuring
maximise non-core samples are
adequately homogenized
representivity of samples. before assay and archive
samples are
· Measures taken to ensure · No field duplicate
that the sampling is samples or second half
representative of the in sampling was done. The
situ material collected, target mineralization is
including for instance largely
results for field homogeneous.
· Whether sample sizes are · Sample sizes are
appropriate to the grain considered appropriate to
size of the material being the grain size of the
sampled. material being
Quality· The nature, quality and · The XRF method used is
of appropriateness of the industry standard and
assay assaying and laboratory considered appropriate for
data procedures used and the analysis of
and whether the technique is apatite-hosted phosphate
labora considered partial or mineralisation.
tory total.
· Sample preparation and
analysis was completed at
SGSs Belo Horizonte
laboratory in Brazil using
standard crushing and
· The prepared pulps are
analysed by a lithium
borate fusion XRF
spectroscopy for major
oxide elements (P2O5,
CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, MnO2,
SiO2, TiO2, Na2O and LOI
(Method code XRF79C and
· In specific cases,
samples were also analysed
for a suite of 31 elements
using an aqua
regia digestion and
inductively coupled plasma
- mass spectrometry
(Method code
· The preparation and
analytical procedures are
appropriate for the type
of mineralization sampled
and are reliable to
deliver the total content
of the analysed
· make and model, reading · Where utilised, hand held
times, calibrations XRF is an Delta Analyser
factors applied and their CS-4000 by
etc. Innov-X Systems
· For geophysical tools, · There is a calibration
spectrometers, handheld plate supplied by
XRF instruments, INOVV-X-Systems for the
calibration of the
etc, the parameters used in Portable X Ray
determining the analysis Fluorescence
including equipment.
· Nature of quality control · Aguia has prepared two
procedures adopted certified phosphate
( reference materials
eg standards, blanks, (standards) from material
duplicates, external collected from the
laboratory checks) and
whether acceptable levels Tres Estradas deposit -
of accuracy these comprise a mid and
( high grade standard and
ie lack of bias) and are considered appropriate
precision have been to the mineralisation
established. being
· This is in addition to
fine and coarse blank
standards prepared from
barren quartz
· One each of the above
company supplied standards
is included in each batch
of 48 samples, in addition
to a pulp duplicate.
· One batch of 48 samples
is sent monthly for umpire
· Umpire testing is
performed at
At ALS Chemex in Lima,
Peru, where they are
analyzed for a suiten of
elements using method code
· Additionally, Aguia relies
on the analytical quality
control measured
implemented by the ISO
accredited laboratory
Verific· The verification of · The AGR procedures
ation significant intersections consists an internal
of by either independent or double check and, when
sampli alternative company required an independent
ng and personnel. verification during the
assayi independent audit
ng process.
· The use of twinned holes. · Given this is the initial
programme at TE South no
twin holes have been
· Documentation of primary · Data is manually entered
data, data entry onto logging sheets on
procedures, data site by
verification, data storage
(physical and electronic) Aguia geologists. This data
protocols. is then entered into a
digital database
consisting of Excel
workbooks. Assay data from
the laboratory is merged
into the downhole sample
sheets. All original
logging sheets and digital
data are stored. Digital
data is regularly backed
· Data is yet to be
externally audited;
external audits of
previous drilling has
confirmed the veracity of
work carried
· Discuss any adjustment to · There is no adjustment to
assay assay
data. data
Locatio· Accuracy and quality of · All borehole collars were
n of surveys used to locate surveyed according to the
data drill holes (collar and local UTM coordinate
points down-hole surveys), system (South American
trenches, mine workings Datum 1969 - SAD69, Zone
and other locations used 21S), using differential
in Mineral Resource GPS equipment before
estimation. drilling
started, and once drilling
had been
· Specification of the grid · SAD 1969 UTM system, Zons
system 21S
· Quality and adequacy of · A topographic survey of
topographic the project area was
control. completed using
differential GPS
· The survey consisting of
lines spaced 25 metres
apart, and control lines
spaced 100 metres
· The topographic survey
generated contour lines at
1-metre intervals in the
meta-carbonatite area.
Contour lines at 5-metre
intervals were obtained
for the remaining area
using shuttle radar
topography mission (SRTM)
orthorectified Geoeye images
with 0.5 metre
Data · Data spacing for · RC Drilling - RC holes,
spacin reporting of Exploration all vertical, at
g and Results.
distri Tres Estrada South are
bution being drilled on 50m
spaced lines, with spacing
along drill lines
determined by carbonatite
· Diamond Drilling -
Diamond holes (inclined)
Tres Estradas are being
drilled on 100m spaced
lines, with spacing along
drill lines determined by
carbonatite outcrop
· Whether the data spacing · The data spacing and
and distribution is distribution is considered
sufficient to establish suitable for the style of
the degree of geological mineralisation being
and grade continuity tested, and will be
appropriate for the suitable for use in
Mineral Resource and Ore Mineral Resource and
Reserve estimation Reserve
procedure(s) and estimations
· Whether sample · For the purposes of
compositing has been reporting of results no
applied. sample compositing has
Orienta· Whether the orientation · The bulk nature of the
tion of sampling achieves mineralisation indicates
of unbiased sampling of that sampling bias will
data possible structures and not be introduced by
in the extent to which this changing drilling
relati is known, considering the direction
on to deposit
geolog type.
· If the relationship · Given the bulk and
between the drilling homogenous nature of the
orientation and the mineralisation it is
orientation of key considered that there is
mineralised structures is no sampling
considered to have bias
introduced a sampling
bias, this should be
assessed and reported if
Sample · The measures taken to · Chain of custody is
securi ensure sample managed by
ty security.
Aguia. Samples are stored
on site. Assay samples are
sent by freight express to
the relevant laboratories.
Audits · The results of any audits · Tres Estradas - Audit by
or or reviews of sampling SRK Consulting in early
review techniques and 2013 and late 2014
s data. indicated that techniques
utilised by
Aguia were in line with
generally accepted
industry best practices.
The same audit found no
issues with the data.
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results
(Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section.)
CriteriaJORC Code explanation Commentary
Mineral · Type, reference · Tres Estradas
tenemen name/number, location and Permit 810.090/91,
t and ownership including irrevocable right to 100%
land agreements or material under an exercised option
tenure issues with third parties agreement with
status such as joint ventures,
partnerships, overriding Companhia Brasiliera de Cob
royalties, native title re
interests, historical (CBC).
sites, wilderness or
national park and On July 1, 2011, CBC and Ag
environmental uia
settings. Metais Ltda., a
subsidiary of
· The security of the
tenure held at the time Aguia in Brazil, executed
of reporting along with an option agreement
any known impediments to providing the irrevocable
obtaining a licence to purchase option of these
operate in the mineral rights by
Aguia Metais (or its
affiliate or
subsidiaries). On May 30,
Aguia Metais exercised the
purchase option
concerning these mineral
rights by means of its
Aguia Fertilizantes S/A (Ag
Fertilizantes). On July
10, 2012, CBC and
Aguia Fertilizantes execute
d an irrevocable agreement
providing the assignment
of these mineral rights
Aguia Fertilizantes. On
July 20, 2012 CBC filed a
request before the DNPM
applying for the transfer
of these mineral rights
Aguia Fertilizantes.
The 2nd two-year term
expired on August 16,
2012, with the Final
Exploration Report now
under review by the
Government, approval of
which will allow the
Company a further year
(from the date of
approval) to submit an
Economic Exploitation
· Tres Estradas South
Permit 810.325/12,
irrevocable right to 100%
under an exercised option
agreement with
Companhia Brasiliera de Cob
Granted April 29, 2013,
initial 3 year term
expiry April 29, 2016.
The partial report with
time extension request
was filed February 23,
Explorat· Acknowledgment and · Tres Estradas and Tres Es
ion appraisal of exploration trada
done by other South
by parties.
other Discoveries of phosphate
parties rich rocks at TE were
made by a joint
exploration programme
Companhia Brasileiraa do Co
and Santa Elina in
2007/2008 during a gold
exploration programme.
This involved an
integrated geochemical/
and drilling programme.
The gold results were
disappointing, causing
Santa Elina to withdraw
from the JV, however +6%
phosphate values were
noted in assaying of
soils and drill
Geology · Deposit type, geological · Tres Estradas and Tres Es
setting and style of tradas
mineralisation. South
The mineralisation is a
carbonatite hosted
phosphate deposit, with
apatite as the phosphate
bearing mineral. The
NE-SW trending
carbonatite is probably
Mid-Proterozoic in age,
and has been
affected by
Neo-Proterozoic shearing
and metamorphism. It is
hosted in the Santa Maria
Chico Granulite Complex,
within the
Taquarembo Domain of the
Achaean to Proterozoic
Sul-rio-grandense Shield.
Drill · A summary of all · Drillhole information is
hole information material to listed in the appropriate
Informa the understanding of the tables in this document,
tion exploration results and presented in maps and
including a tabulation of sections
the following information
for all Material drill
o easting and northing of
the drill hole
o elevation or RL (Reduced
Level - elevation above
sea level in metres) of
the drill hole
o dip and azimuth of the
o down hole length and
o hole length.
· If the exclusion of this
information is justified
on the basis that the
information is not
Material and this
exclusion does not
detract from the
understanding of the
report, the Competent
Person should clearly
explain why this is the
Data · In reporting Exploration · Drill intersections are
aggrega Results, weighting length weighted. A
tion averaging techniques, nominal 3%
methods maximum and/or minimum P
grade truncations 2O5 lower cutoff is used,
( and there is no upper cut
eg cutting of high grades) applied to
and cut-off grades are intersections.
usually Material and
should be
· Where aggregate · Not applicable
intercepts incorporate
short lengths of high
grade results and longer
lengths of low grade
results, the procedure
used for such aggregation
should be stated and some
typical examples of such
aggregations should be
shown in
· The assumptions used for · Not applicable
any reporting of metal
equivalent values should
be clearly
Relation· These relationships are · RC drilling is targetting
ship particularly important in the flat lying upper
between the reporting of oxide mineralisation -
mineral Exploration these holes may be
isation Results. terminated in
widths mineralisation once fresh
and rock has been
interce intersected
lengths · Diamond drilling is targe
to intersect the full
width of the interpreted
steeply dipping
carbonatite bodies
· If the geometry of the · RC drilling is generally
mineralisation with perpendicular to the
respect to the drill hole flat-lying oxide blanket,
angle is known, its and oxide intersection
nature should be widths will reflect the
reported. true thickness of the
· Diamond holes are
drilled at an acute angle
to the steeply to
vertically dipping
carbonatite bodies, hence
downhole widths will be
greater than true widths.
drillholes drilled at
-60°, true mineralisation
widths will generally be
in the order of 40-60% of
downhole intersection
lengths - this is shown in
more detail on included
· If it is not known and · Down hole lengths are
only the down hole reported
lengths are reported,
there should be a clear · Relationships between
statement to this effect true lengths and true
( thickness are shown in
eg down hole length, true cross
width not sections
Diagrams· Appropriate maps and · Refer to maps and
sections (with scales) sections in
and tabulations of release
intercepts should be
included for any
significant discovery
being reported These
should include, but not
be limited to a plan view
of drill hole collar
locations and appropriate
Balanced· Where comprehensive · Results from all drillhol
reporti reporting of all es
ng Exploration Results is have been reported
not practicable,
representative reporting
of both low and high
grades and/or widths
should be practiced to
avoid misleading
reporting of Exploration
Other · Other exploration data, · Geological mapping and
substan if meaningful and interpretation is used as
tive material, should be a base for included drill
explora reported including (but hole plans and
tion not limited to): sections
data geological observations;
geophysical survey
results; geochemical
survey results; bulk
samples - size and method
of treatment;
metallurgical test
results; bulk density,
groundwater, geotechnical
and rock characteristics;
potential deleterious or
Further · The nature and scale of · As presented in the text
work planned further work of this
( report
eg tests for lateral
extensions or depth
extensions or large-scale
· Diagrams clearly · As presented in the text
highlighting the areas of of this
possible extensions, report
including the main
interpretations and
future drilling areas,
provided this information
is not commercially
Section 3 Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Resources
Not applicable to this release - this does not include mineral resource estimations
Section 4: Estimation and Reporting of Ore Reserves
Not applicable to this release
Section 5: Estimation and Reporting of Diamonds and Other Gemstones
Not applicable to this release
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