03.11.2005 13:30:00
AICPA and Ajilon Finance Announce 2005 Hall of Fame Winners; Distinguished CPAs Recognized for Business & Industry Achievement
The AICPA Business & Industry Hall of Fame honors CPAs whodemonstrate strong business ethics, lead by example and commitment,provide insight and vision using knowledge of broad business issues,and inspire and motivate others to excellence. The Hall of Famersunderstand business beyond the numbers to effectively manageshareholder and customer expectations within their organizations tomeet the challenges of today's dynamic market conditions. Theinduction ceremony took place at this year's AICPA Fall Business &Industry Financial Executive Forum in New York City, October 27-28,2005.
The three winners are: Clark Blackman, managing director and chiefinvestment officer of Investec Advisory Group, L.P.; Jean Trainor,chief executive officer and president of John Deere Community CreditUnion; and Ralph Kauten, chairman of the board, chief executiveofficer and president of Quintessence Biosciences, Inc. Theseinductees were noted for their contributions to creating andsustaining cultures of leadership, developing strong employees andstrategic partnerships and creating and envisioning strategies forcompany advancement.
Clark Blackman - Managing Director, CIO, Investec Advisory Group,L.P., CPA
Clark Blackman is the managing director and chief investmentofficer of Investec Advisory Group, L.P. (Houston, TX), an investmentconsulting and financial planning services firm for affluentindividuals and their families. Known for his professionalism and hiscommitment to maintaining high ethical standards, he providesexcellent client service in the individual and institutional businesslines. Clark was selected by Worth magazine as one of the bestfinancial advisors in America (1996-2004) and was chosen by RobbReport Worth publishers as one of "The Nation's 100 Most ExclusiveWealth Advisors."
Jean Trainor - CEO and President, John Deere Community CreditUnion, CPA
Jean Trainor is the CEO and president of John Deere CommunityCredit Union (Waterloo, Iowa), a full-service financial institutionoffering a broad range of products and services to fit a variety ofmember preferences and lifestyles. During her tenure as CEO, Jean hasguided JDCCU from a small credit union with $197 million in assets tothe largest credit union in Iowa and a leading credit union in theU.S. with more than $1 billion in assets. The Iowa Society of CPAsselected Jean as Iowa's Outstanding CPA in Business & Industry for2005.
Ralph Kauten - Chairman of the Board, President and CEO,Quintessence Biosciences, Inc., CPA
As chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer ofQuintessence Biosciences, Inc. (Madison, WI), Ralph Kauten's effortsand code of ethics play an integral role in his success. Throughmentoring programs, profit sharing and performance-based compensationprograms, he has helped to establish a strong, ethical andemployee-friendly business culture. He has established a solid rapportbetween Quintessence and the celebrated scientists at the Universityof Wisconsin by providing shared ideas, opportunities and technology.
"Ajilon Finance is honored to participate in the recognition ofthe accomplishments of these exceptional inductees," said NeilLebovits, president and COO of Ajilon Finance. "They are principled,honorable people known for their commitment to the highest standard ofethics in business and embody the beliefs of this award in theireveryday work."
"The winners are intelligent, talented practitioners who arehighly deserving of this honor," said John F. Morrow, CPA, vicepresident of the AICPA. "They are motivated individuals who promotecooperation, innovation, creativity and personal responsibility."
A panel of judges assembled by the AICPA considered the 15finalists. The judges were David Blansfield, publisher of BusinessFinance Magazine, Bob Mahan, CFO of Ajilon Finance, and one of lastyear's winners, John Higgins, co-founder of CPA Crossings.
For more information about the AICPA Business & Industry Hall ofFame, please call the AICPA at (212) 596-6157, emailhalloffame@aicpa.org, or call Ajilon Finance at (201) 843-0006.
Ajilon Professional Staffing, North America is a leading specialtystaffing and recruiting services firm and is part of the Adecco Group(NYSE: ADO) - the world's largest human resource solutions provider.The North American professional staffing division has four specialtyareas: Ajilon Finance, Ajilon Office, Ajilon Legal and AjilonSolutions. Ajilon Finance - previously AOC Accountants On Call -specializes exclusively in the temporary and permanent placement ofpremier accounting, finance and bookkeeping professionals. AjilonOffice offers clients executive administrative and managementprofessionals on a temporary and permanent basis. Ajilon Legal,previously Co-Counsel, places highly qualified candidates in a widerange of specialized positions including attorneys, paralegals andlegal support professionals. Ajilon Solutions provides high-levelaccounting and finance consultants on a project basis. Moreinformation can be found on the World Wide Web at www.ajilonusa.com.
Ajilon Worldwide is a global leader in managed services andprofessional staffing with nearly 500 offices operating in 17territories in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Worldwide,Ajilon has divisions in information technology, engineering, financeand accounting, legal, high-end office support, communications, andsales and marketing. More information can be found on the World WideWeb at www.ajilon.com.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(www.aicpa.org) is the national, professional association of CPAs,with approximately 350,000 members, including CPAs in business andindustry, public practice, government, and education; studentaffiliates; and international associates. It sets ethical standardsfor the profession and U.S. auditing standards for audits of privatecompanies; federal, state and local governments; and non-profitorganizations. It also develops and grades the Uniform CPAExamination.

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