23.03.2017 21:16:00

Global Aquaculture - Communications Technology

NEW YORK, March 23, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Aquaculture in US$. The Global and Chinese markets are analyzed by the following Segments: Equipment, Feed & Feed Supplements, Water Treatment, and Others.

The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, China, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2015 through 2022. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based on public domain information including company URLs.

The report profiles 240 companies including many key and niche players such as -

Amalgam Enterprises
American Abalone Farms
Austevoll Seafood ASA
Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Inc.

Read the full report: http://www.reportlinker.com/p04778736-summary/view-report.html

Study Reliability and Reporting LimitationS
Data Interpretation & Reporting Level
Quantitative Techniques & Analytics
Product Definitions and Scope of Study


Aquaculture: The Blue Revolution for Meeting Growing Seafood Needs of the Masses
Table 1: Sustainability and Resource Efficiency Comparison of Farmed Seafood Vis-à-vis Other Protein Sources
Aquaculture: Fast Facts
Key Market Challenges in a Nutshell
Aquaculture as a Potential Solution for Overcoming Insufficient Supply of Seafood: Foundation for Market Growth
Table 2: Growth in Global Aquaculture Production by Species (2025 Vs 2015): Percentage Growth for Carp; Catfish, eels and milkfish; Molluscs; Salmon and trout; Shrimp; and Tilapia (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Depletion of Natural Fish Stock: A Major Cause of Concern
Table 3: Global Marine Fishery Sector by State of Fish Stocks (2016E): Percentage Breakdown for Fully Fished Waters, Overfished Waters and Underfished Waters (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Aquatic EcoSystems Set to Bridge the Gap between Demand and Supply
Supported by Aquaculture, Global Per Capita Fish Consumption Surges
Table 4: Global Per Capita Apparent Fish Consumption (in kg/person/year): 1975, 1995, 2015 & 2025 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 5: Per Capita Fish Consumption (in kg/person/year) by Region: 2015 & 2025 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Global Aquaculture Production on an Upward Trajectory
Table 6: Global Aquaculture Fish Supply (in Million Tonnes): 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, and 2030 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 7: Global Aquaculture Production (2016 through 2025): Breakdown (in Kilo Tons) for Developed and Developing Countries (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 8: Global Aquaculture Production by Geographic Region (2016E): Percentage Breakdown of Production Volume for Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and Latin America & Caribbean (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Leading Aquaculture Producing Countries Worldwide in Terms of Output Volume (2016): Country Name, Global Rank, and Major Species Produced
Table 9: Global Aquaculture (Inland and Marine & Coastal) Market by Fish Category (2015): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Shipments for Crustaceans, Finfish, Molluscs, and Other Aquatic Creatures (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Carp Dominates Freshwater Aquaculture Production, followed by Molluscs
Table 10: Projected Global Fish Supply by Species (2008, 2020 & 2030): Breakdown of Production (Thousand Tonnes) for Carp, CobSwt, Crustaceans, EelStg, Mdemersal, Mollusks, Mullet, Ocarp, Ofresh, OMarine, Opelagic, Pangasius/catfish, Salmon, Shrimp, Tilapia and Tuna (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 11: Global Wild and Farmed Seafood by Species (2014): Breakdown of Production (in Million Tonnes of Live Weight) for Carps, barbels and cyprinids; Cods, Hakes and haddocks; Crustaceans; Flatfish; Molluscs; Pelagic for consumption; Salmonids; and Tuna and big pelagic (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Aquaculture to Surpass Wild Fisheries Production
Table 12: Global Fish Production by Harvest Type (1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, 2015 & 2025): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for Aquaculture and Capture Production (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 13: Global Fish Production by Source (2015): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for Aquaculture (Inland Waters and Marine Waters) and Capture Production (Inland Waters and Marine Waters) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 14: Global Fish Production by Region (2015): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for Developed Countries (Capture Production and Aquaculture) and Developing Countries (Capture Production and Aquaculture) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 15: Global Wild Fish and Aquaculture Supply per Person (in Kgs): 1998 & 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Countries with Long Aquaculture Traditions and Robust Practices
United States
Global Market Outlook
Developing Countries Continue to Turbocharge Current and Future Growth
Aquaculture Marketplace: Highly Fragmented
Salmon Farming Continue to Witness Consolidation Across All Regions
Private Sector Investments Vie to Bridge Gap in the Market

Growing Preference for Nutritious, Low-Fat, and Protein-Rich Seafood Drives Healthy Market Growth
Myriad Benefits of Fish to Human Life
Brief Nutritional Data for Select Fish Species: A Snapshot
Skin Care from Seafood
Aquatic Animals: A Potential Source of Medicinal Properties
Seafood: A Primary Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Seafood: A Primary Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Key Nutritional Facts:
Omega-3 Content in Major Seafood Products: List of Seafood with More than 1500 Milligrams of Omega-3, 1000-1500, 500- 1000, 200-500, and Less than 200 Milligrams
Table 16: Energy, Water, Protein and Fat Content for Select Seafood, Meat and Eggs, Grains, Fruits & Vegetables, and Beverages (per 100 grams)
Table 17: Vitamin Content (Vit A, Vit D, Vit E, Vit B1, Vit B2, Niacin NE, Vit B6, Folic Acid, Vit B12, and Vit C) for Select Seafood, Meat and Eggs, Grains, Fruits & Vegetables, and Beverages (per 100 grams)
Table 18: Mineral Content (Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, and Iodine) for Select Seafood, Meat and Eggs, Grains, Fruits & Vegetables, and Beverages (per 100 grams)
Table 19: Fat Content (Saturated, Mono-unsaturated, Polyunsaturated, EPA, and DHA) in Select Lean Fish, Moderately Fatty Fish, Fatty Fish and Shellfish Species (per 100 grams)
Fish: An Important Source of Animal Protein
Table 20: Global Per Capita Fish and Other Animal Protein Consumption by Geographic Region (2016E): Breakdown of Per Capita Consumption (Grams/ Day) for Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, and Oceania (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 21: Global Fish Consumption by Usage Mode (2015): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Consumption for Feed, Food and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 22: Global Per Capita Protein Consumption by Food Source (2015): Percentage Breakdown of Per Capita Protein Consumption for Animal Meat, Fish Products and Vegetables (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Fish Proteins: Potential Opportunities in Functional Foods Market
Demand Surges for Marine Functional Food Ingredients
Health Benefits of Few Marine-derived Functional Food Ingredients
Meat Lovers Shift to Seafood
Table 23: Global Per Capita Consumption of Animal Protein by Protein Type (2012 & 2020): Annual Per Capita Consumption (in Kilogram) for Seafood, Poultry, Pork, and Red Meat (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Growing Significance of Fish Gelatin
Increased Consumption of Fish Drive Tremendous Increase in Seafood Trade
Growing Prominence of Farmed Salmon Benefits Market Expansion
Bridging Supply-Demand Gap
Salmon Production
Major Salmon Species
Atlantic Salmon
Large Trout
Small Trout
Primary Markets for Salmon Worldwide
Lower Price of Farmed Salmon Tide over High Dioxin Concerns
Farmed Salmon Production, Supply, and Consumption: Key Statistical Data
Table 24: Global Supply of Salmonids by Category (2005-2015): Breakdown (in Thousand Tonnes GWE) for Farmed Salmonids and Wild Salmonids (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 25: Global Atlantic Salmon Market by Region/Country (1996-2016E): Breakdown of Harvest (in Thousand Tonnes GWE) for Chile, UK, North America, Norway and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 26: Global Consumption of Farmed Atlantic Salmon by Region/Country (2016E): Percentage Market Share Breakdown of Volume Consumption for the US, Japan, Europe, Brazil, China/Hong Kong and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 27: Global Per Capita Consumption of Salmon by Region/Country (2016E): Breakdown (in Tons WFE) for Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, US, UK and Ukraine (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 28: Global Salmonids Feed by Category (2015): Percentage Breakdown of Production for Atlantic Salmon, Large Trout and Pacific Salmon (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Significant Improvements in Distribution, Logistics, and Transportation Drive Market Penetration
Spiraling Popularity of Organic Aquaculture Lends Traction to Market Growth
Global Standards in Organic Aquaculture Cultivation
Major Organic Species
Organic Shrimp
Organic Shellfish
Organic Salmon
Organic Carp and Trout
Organic Seafood Market
Factors Contributing towards Growth of Organic Aquaculture Sector
Organic Food: Product Life Cycle
Distribution Channels
Developing World Adopt Aquaculture to Ward off Malnutrition, Offers Significant Growth Opportunities
Emerging Countries in Asia and Latin America: Major Contributors to Global Fish Supply
Table 29: Leading Aquaculture Producing Countries Worldwide (2016E): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for Bangladesh, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Norway, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Combination of Prioritization and National Level Strategies to Drive Aquaculture Growth in Africa
Expanding Production Area and Integration with Agriculture Signals Growth Opportunities
Demand for Aquafeed Surges
Vegetable-Based Feeds Gain Importance
Small Scale Aquacultures: 'Talk of the Town'
Expanding Population and Aging Demography Offers a Strong Business Case for Aquaculture
Ballooning Population
Global Food Scenario: Fast Facts
Table 30: World Population by Geographic Region (2000-2050) (in Millions) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 31: Undernourished Population Worldwide by Geographic Region (2015): Number of Undernourished People (in Millions) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Aging Demography
Table 32: Global Aging Population (in Thousands) by Age Group: 1975-2050 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Development of Cost-Efficient and Sustainable Aquaculture: Need of the Hour
Concerns Over Farmed and Genetically Modified Fish
Key Challenges Facing Aquaculture
Issues Influencing Future Trade in Aquaculture and Related Products
Food Security

Innovations Targeting Sustainable Aquaculture
Onshore Ponds
Salmon Pens
Seaweed Flats
Spotter Planes
Shellfish Cultivation
Technology Advancements in Offshore Fish Farming
Smart Floating Farms
KZO Sea Farms Mariculture Parks
Ocean Farming
Nordlaks Havfarm Ships
Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture
Seaweed: A High Potential Source for Bioenergy Production
AgriMarine System™
Biomass Daily
FeedKind® Protein
Phototrophic Algae in Fish Feeds
Other Innovative Aquaculture Technologies and Strategies
Aqua-Spark's Large-sized Aquaponics Systems for Purifying Water and Increased Fish Production
Advanced Feeding Technologies for Enhanced Production of Seafood
Biotechnology: Towards Safer and Eco-Friendly Aquaculture
Marine Organism-Based Chemicals Offer Potential for Biofuel Generation
Gene Transfer / Transgenic Fish
Selective Breeding in Aquaculture
Significance of Genetic Improvement Programs
Need for R&D
Areas to be Researched Upon
Extensive and Intensive System of Cultivation
Relationship between Intensification and Environmental Impacts
Pros and Cons of Capital-Intensive Production Systems
Methods to Overcome Drawbacks of Intensive Cultivation

Climate Change to Seriously Impact Fish Rearing in the Near Future
Dangers from Climate Change to Aquaculture across Countries and Regions
Systems and Species that are Most Vulnerable
Possible Solutions to Climate Change-Induced Problems
Aquaculture and Related Environment Concerns
Toxic Additives and Contaminants in Farmed Fish
Promotion of Marine Conservation by NGOs
Fish for Fish Feed
Organic and Chemical Pollution
Mangroves and Shrimp Aquaculture
Intensive Shrimp Farming: A Threat to Environment
Best Production and Management Practices in Aquaculture
International Standards for Aquaculture Drugs
Aquaculture Trade Regulations
International Agreements
White Spot Disease - A Major Threat for Shrimp Industry
Predator Control in Aquaculture
Employment Opportunities in Aquaculture to Grow
Negative Effects and Risks of Aquaculture
El Nino and La Nina - Effects on Aquatic Life

Regulations in Drug Usage
Threat of Antibiotic Resistance
Pesticide Use in Aquaculture
Government Intervention: A Prerequisite

Types of Aquaculture
Food Fish Species
Bait Species
Ornamental Species
Fee Fishing
Aquarium Aquaculture
Lake Stock Aquaculture
Why Aquaculture?
Modern Aquaculture Systems
Production Phases in Aquaculture
Production Methods
Cage Culture
Water Re-Circulating Systems
Major Aquaculture Species Cultivated
Freshwater Fishes
Aquatic Plants and Algae
Freshwater Aquaculture: Semi-Intensive Vs Intensive Systems
Nets Used for Aquaculture
Seine Nets
Trawl Nets
Beam Trawls
Otter Trawls
Pair Trawls
Otter Trawls
Pair Trawls
Lift Nets
Gillnets and Entangling Nets
Trapping Nets

OSC Funds Battelle and Kentucky State University to Develop Aquaculture Feedstock Technology
TerraVia Collaborates with Bunge to Develop Algae Supplement
BioMar-Tongwei Acquires Haiwei
BioMar to Acquire Aquaculture Research Facility in Chile
Pentair Acquires Vaki
Vard to Acquire Storvik Aqua
Neovia to Take Over Nutrizon
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Takes Over Balta Island Seafare
Solomon Islands skipjack and Yellowfin Receives MSC Certification
AquaBounty Takes Over Atlantic Sea Smolt Plant
Bakkafrost to Acquire Majority Stake in P/F Faroe Farming from Sp/f Hjallur
Cooke Family Takes Over Icicle Seafoods
AquaBounty Receives Approval for AquAdvantage Salmon by Health Canada
AKVA Marine Services to Take Over Techno Dive
BioMar Introduces Microalgae Based Fish Feed
Bunge and TerraVia Introduce DHA as Feed Ingredient
Nutriad Introduces Aquaculture Feed Additives
Cargill to Take Over EWOS from Bain and Altor Capital
The Cooke Family to Acquire Wanchese Fish Company
Cooke Aquaculture Takes Over Thompson Bros. Salmon Limited
Daybrook Merges with Oceana US Holdings
Marine Harvest Canada Receives ASC Certification
Marine Harvest Inks Merger Agreement with Empresas AquaChile
Marine Harvest Receives Approval to Use Paramove 50 at Quatsino Area Farms

Amalgam Enterprises (India)
American Abalone Farms (USA)
Austevoll Seafood ASA (Norway)
Bakkafrost (Denmark)
Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Inc. (USA)
Camanchaca (Chile)
Cargill, Incorporated (USA)
Cermaq ASA (Norway)
Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (Thailand)
Cooke Aquaculture (Canada)
Dainichi Corporation (Japan)
Dongwon Industries Co. (South Korea)
Empresas AquaChile S.A. (Chile)
Farmocean International A.B. (Sweden)
Grieg Seafood ASA (Norway)
Kyokuyo Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Marine Harvest ASA (Norway)
Marine Harvest Canada (Canada)
Maruha Nichiro Corporation (Japan)
Multiexport Foods (Chile)
Nireus S.A. (Greece)
Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd. (Japan)
Norway Royal Salmon ASA (Norway)
Nutreco N.V. (The Netherlands)
Royal Greenland A/S (Greenland)
SalMar ASA (Norway)
Sea Watch International Ltd. (USA)
Selonda Aquaculture S.A. (Greece)
Stolt Sea Farm S.A. (Norway)
Surapon Foods Public Company Limited (Thailand)
Tassal group Ltd. (Australia)
Taylor Shellfish, Inc. (USA)
Thai Union Group PLC. (Thailand)
Trident Seafoods (USA)
TriMarine International (USA)
Tongwei Group Co., Ltd. (China)
Unima Group (France)
Zhanjiang Guolian Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. (China)
Aquaculture Technology/Equipment Providers
AKVA Group (Norway)
AquaBounty Technologies, Inc. (USA)
Aquacare Environment, Inc. (USA)
Table 33: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, China, Asia-Pacific (excluding China and Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 34: World Historic Review for Aquaculture by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, China, Asia-Pacific (excluding China and Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 35: World 14-Year Perspective for Aquaculture by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, China, Asia-Pacific (excluding China and Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets for Years 2009, 2016 & 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Aquaculture Market by Segment
Table 36: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture by Segment - Equipment, Feed & Feed Supplements, Water Treatment, and Others Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 37: World Historic Review for Aquaculture by Segment - Equipment, Feed & Feed Supplements, Water Treatment, and Others Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 38: World 14-Year Perspective for Aquaculture by Segment - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for Equipment, Feed & Feed Supplements, Water Treatment, and Others Markets for Years 2009, 2016 & 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)


A.Market Analysis
Rising Demand for Health Foods from Aquaculture Drive Market Growth
Farmed Catfish Dominates Aquaculture Production and Revenues in the US
Table 39: US Aquaculture Market by Species (2016E): Percentage Share Breakdown of Production Volume for Catfish, Clams, Crawfish, Mussels, Oysters, Salmon, Shrimp, Striped Bass, Tilapia, and Trout (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Atlantic Salmon: Primary Species in Terms of Value in Marine Finfish Aquaculture
Market Fortunes Tied to Demand from Seafood Processing and Preparation Industry
Feed Prices: Largest Cost Component for Aquaculture Operators
Southeastern States Dominate Aquaculture Production
Table 40: Marine Aquaculture Production in the US by Region (2016E): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Aquaculture: Fastest Growing Segment of Agriculture
US Aquaculture Producing Regions by Species Produced
Evolution of Aquaculture over Wild Harvest
Aquaculture Imports Compensate for Low Domestic Production
An Insight into the US Antibiotics Market in Aquaculture Industry
Major Challenges Facing US Aquaculture Market
Regulatory Issues
The HACCP System for Food Safety
Competitive Landscape: Highly Fragmented
Regulatory Environment: An Important Entry Barrier
Table 41: Leading Farmed Atlantic Salmon Companies in North America (2016E): Percentage Market Share Breakdown of Harvest Volume by Company (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Strategic Corporate Developments
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 42: US Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 43: US Historic Review for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

A.Market Analysis
The World's Largest Freshwater System and the Longest Coastline Offers Lucrative Opportunities for Aquaculture
British Columbia: A Major Fish Farming Region in Canada
Strategic Corporate Developments
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 44: Canadian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 45: Canadian Historic Review for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

A.Market Analysis
Despite Challenges, the Japanese Aquaculture Market Continues to Post Growth
Table 46: Japan Fisheries Market by Type (2016E): Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for Marine and Inland Water Fisheries and Marine and Inland Water Aquaculture (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Shrimp Aquaculture Caters to Growing Demands of Japanese Sushi/Sashimi Market
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 47: Japanese Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 48: Japanese Historic Review for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

A.Market Analysis
Potential to Reduce Dependence on Traditional Fishing Sustain Market Growth
Norway, Faroe Islands, and Denmark: Leading Aquaculture Producing Countries in the Region
Freshwater Species Lead Fish Farming in South European Countries
The ClimeFish Project: Towards Expansion in Aquaculture Production
The FISHBOOST Project for Improving Aquaculture Breeding Methods
The FishMedPlus Coalition: Enhancing Veterinary Medical Care for Aquaculture
Ascertaining Health of Fish in Farms
Rearing of Ballan Wrasse to Address the Issue of Sea Lice in Norway Waters
Key Challenges to Development of Organic Aquaculture in Europe
FindIT: A Sophisticated Data Analysis and Management Tool for Aquaculture
Select Regional Markets
Germany: The Largest Importer of Fish in EU Witness Growing Salmon Consumption
Table 49: German Salmon Market (2007-2015): Breakdown of Fresh Salmon Consumption in Moving Annual Total (MAT) Tonnes (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 50: Projected Growth in the German Salmon Market (2015-2021): Annual Consumption (in HOG MT) of Prepackaged Salmon (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Norway: The Global Leader in Commercialized Aquaculture
Table 51: Global Atlantic Salmon Harvest by Region (2016E): Percentage Share Breakdown of Harvest for Marine Harvest and Other Producers in Chile, UK, Norway, North America and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 52: Leading Farmed Atlantic Salmon Companies in Norway (2016E): Percentage Market Share Breakdown of Harvest Volume by Company (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Leading Exporter of Salmon and Trout Worldwide
Russia: Carp and Salmon Dominate Aquaculture Production
Spain: Blue Mussels, Rainbow Trout, and Gilthead Seabream Dominate Aquaculture Cultivation
The United Kingdom: Leading Aquaculture Producer in Europe
Atlantic Salmon Dominates Aquaculture Revenues in the UK
Table 53: Leading Farmed Atlantic Salmon Companies in the UK (2016E): Percentage Market Share Breakdown of Harvest Volume by Company (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Strategic Corporate Developments
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 54: European Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 55: European Historic Review for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

A.Market Analysis
China: Largest Producer, Exporter, and Consumer of Aquaculture Worldwide
Leading Aquaculture Producing Countries Worldwide in Terms of Output Volume (2016): Country Name, Global Rank, and Major Species Produced
Table 56: Aquaculture Production in China (2016E): Percentage Share Breakdown of Production Volume by Segment - Finfish and Shellfish (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Freshwater Aquaculture Dominates Production, Followed by Mariculture
Favorable Government Support Provides Growth Impetus
Emergence of Enhanced Strains
Launch of New Species
Developments in Aquaculture Engineering
Diversified Diets, Rising Affluence, and Favorable Policies Boosts Market Prospects
China's Aquaculture Industry Witness Modernization Trend through Cloud Computing
Despite Rapid Expansion, Safety and Quality Concerns Continue to Haunt Chinese Produce
Strategic Corporate Development
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 57: Chinese Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture by Segment - Equipment, Feed & Feed Supplements, Water Treatment, and Others Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 58: Chinese Historic Review for Aquaculture by Segment - Equipment, Feed & Feed Supplements, Water Treatment, and Others Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 59: Chinese 14-Year Perspective for Aquaculture by Segment - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for Equipment, Feed & Feed Supplements, Water Treatment, and Others Markets for Years 2009, 2016 & 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

A.Market Analysis
Asian Countries Emerge as Sizable Producers and Exporters of Aquaculture
Six Major Asian Countries Intensify Aquaculture Production
Select Regional Markets
The Third Largest Marine Territory Worldwide is a Potential Laden Market
Table 60: Leading Salmon Producers in Australia (2016E): Percentage Share Breakdown of Production Volume for Huon, Petuna/VDA, and Tassal (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Reputed Supplier of High-Quality, Safe Seafood Worldwide
Farmed Salmonids Dominate Aquaculture Production in the Country
RD&E Strategy to Support Fisheries & Aquaculture
Key Considerations for Boosting Fishing and Aquaculture
Administration and Regulations
Measures to Support Aquaculture
Freshwater Aquaculture
Brackishwater Aquaculture
Freshwater Aquaculture
Brackish Water Aquaculture
New Zealand
Premium Aquaculture and Precision Seafood Harvest to Improve Quality of Seafood
Growing Demand for Quality, Premium Products
Table 61: Leading King Salmon Producers in New Zealand (2016E): Percentage Share Breakdown of Production Volume for Benmore, Mt Cook Alpine, New Zealand King Salmon (NZKS), Sanford Aquaculture, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 62: Aquaculture Market in Vietnam (2016E): Percentage Breakdown of Production Volume for Shrimp, Pangasius, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Strategic Corporate Development
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 63: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 64: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

A.Market Analysis
Aquaculture as a Realistic Solution to Achieving Food Security Drives Strong Market Growth
Strong Government Support for Developing Aquaculture Frameworks Drive the Saudi Arabian Aquaculture Market
Saudi Arabia: Leading Aquaculture Producing Country in the GCC
Huge Investments in Fish Farming
UAE: A Nascent, Yet High Growth Market in the GCC Region
Development of Sustainable Mariculture in Iran
Unexploited Nature of Africa's Aquaculture Industry Offers Growth Potential
Egypt and Nigeria Lead Aquaculture Production in Africa
Abalone Species Dominates Aquaculture Production in South Africa
B.Market Analytics
Table 65: Middle East & Africa Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 66: Middle East & Africa Historic Review for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

A.Market Analysis
Brazil and Chile: High Growth Aquaculture Markets in the Region
Table 67: Leading Farmed Atlantic Salmon Companies in Chile (2016E): Percentage Market Share Breakdown of Harvest Volume by Company (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Availability of Large Fresh Water Resources and a Vast Coastline Favor Market Prospects in Brazil
Strategic Corporate Developments
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 68: Latin American Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 69: Latin American Historic Review for Aquaculture Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Million for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)

Total Companies Profiled: 240 (including Divisions/Subsidiaries - 248) The United States (32) Canada (5) Japan (5) Europe (146) - France (9) - Germany (5) - The United Kingdom (9) - Italy (4) - Spain (8) - Rest of Europe (111) Asia-Pacific (Excluding Japan) (43) Middle East (5) Latin America (11) Africa (1)
Read the full report: http://www.reportlinker.com/p04778736-summary/view-report.html

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To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-aquaculture---communications-technology-300428758.html

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