03.08.2005 12:35:00
Mediacom Communications Reports Results for Second Quarter 2005
Second Quarter 2005 Financial Highlights
Second quarter 2005 highlights were as follows:
-- Revenue of $277.3 million, an increase of 3.6% over Q2 2004
-- Operating income before depreciation and amortization ("OIBDA") of $105.5 million, a decrease of 2.7% over Q2 2004
-- Capital expenditures of $57.1 million
-- Total revenue generating units ("RGUs") of 2,327,000, an increase of 136,000, or 6.2%, over June 30, 2004, and a gain of 29,000 during the quarter, including:
-- Basic subscriber losses of 15,000
-- Digital customer gains of 25,000
-- Data customer gains of 19,000
"Mediacom delivered its third consecutive quarter of solid RGUgains, taken in the context of this seasonally weak period," saidRocco B. Commisso, Mediacom's Chairman and CEO. "Customers are clearlyresponding to our new services, product packaging and pricinginitiatives. Video-on-demand, high-definition television and digitalvideo recorders are proving to be increasingly popular add-ons to ourdigital television service. Recently announced increases in bandwidthspeed and other enhancements to our Mediacom Online data service havealso resonated with customers as our data business maintained itshealthy growth. And with our measured launch of residential telephonyin certain markets in June, we have added a potent new engine forgrowth."
"We believe our RGU growth momentum further validates our businessstrategies, and we expect to deliver improved year-over-year financialcomparisons during the second half of 2005," Mr. Commisso concluded.
Three Months Ended June 30, 2005 Compared to Three Months EndedJune 30, 2004
For the second quarter of 2005, revenues were $277.3 million, anincrease of 3.6% over the comparable 2004 period.
-- Video revenues decreased 0.3%, as a result of a 3.0% reduction in basic subscribers from 1,491,000 to 1,446,000, offset in part by the impact of basic rate increases and higher revenues from advanced digital services. The Company's loss of basic subscribers substantially occurred in 2004, resulting primarily from increased competitive pressures by DBS service providers and, to a lesser extent, from tightened customer credit policies and the impact of Hurricane Ivan. To reverse this basic subscriber trend, the Company increased its emphasis on product bundling and on enhancing and differentiating video products and services with new digital packages, video-on-demand, high-definition television, digital video recorders and more local programming. Partly as a result of these efforts, the Company's loss of basic subscribers decreased significantly during the three months ended June 30, 2005, with a loss of 15,000 basic subscribers, compared to a loss of 42,000 in the same period last year. Historically, the Company has experienced a seasonal decline in basic subscribers during the second quarter as college students in its markets typically disconnect at the end of the school year. Digital customers, at 455,000, were up by 82,000 from a year ago. Sequentially, digital customers rose by 25,000. Average monthly video revenue per basic subscriber increased 3.7% from the second quarter of 2004 to $49.52.
-- Data revenues rose 24.7%, primarily due to a 30.3% year-over-year increase in data customers from 327,000 to 426,000 and, to a much lesser extent, an increased contribution from the Company's commercial enterprise business. Sequentially, data customers grew by 19,000. Average monthly data revenue per data customer decreased 5.8% from the second quarter of 2004, largely due to various promotional offers since mid-year 2004.
-- Advertising revenues increased 7.7%, as a result of stronger national and regional advertising, offset in part by a decline in political advertising.
Service costs grew 7.4%, primarily due to: (i) increasedprogramming costs as a result of lower launch support received fromprogramming suppliers and higher unit costs, significantly offset by alower base of basic subscribers; (ii) higher field operating costs asa result of wider use of outside contractors to service greater levelsof customer activity and, to a lesser extent, increases in plantrepairs and maintenance and vehicle related costs; and (iii) greateremployee costs caused by increased headcount, overtime and commissionsrelated to higher levels of customer activity and network maintenance.
Selling, general and administrative expenses rose 8.4%, primarilydue to: (i) higher employee costs due to higher staffing, commissionsand benefits of customer service and direct sales personnel; and (ii)higher marketing costs as a result of greater reliance on contracteddirect sales personnel and advertising campaigns to support increasedcustomer activity. This increase in selling, general andadministration expenses was partially offset by a decrease in bad debtexpense.
Corporate expenses increased 13.3%, primarily due to increases inemployee compensation, including amortization of non-cash stock-basedcompensation, and lower capitalization of labor and overhead relatedto capital project activities.
Depreciation and amortization decreased 3.1%, as a result of assetretirements and the sale of cable system assets in 2004, offset inpart by increased depreciation for ongoing investments to continue therollout of products and services and for investments in the Company'scable network.
Interest expense, net, increased 5.8%, primarily due to highermarket interest rates on variable rate debt. This increase was offsetin part by the redemption of the Company's 8 1/2% Senior Notes due2008 with lower cost bank borrowings.
As a result of the quarterly mark-to-market valuation of theCompany's interest rate exchange agreements, the Company recorded anet loss on derivatives amounting to $1.6 million for the three monthsended June 30, 2005, as compared to a net gain on derivatives of $21.3million for the three months ended June 30, 2004.
The Company recorded a net gain on sale of assets and investmentsof $1.2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2005, due to thesale of American Independence Corporation common stock.
The Company generated a net loss for the three months ended June30, 2005 of $6.0 million, as compared to net income of $30.1 millionfor the three months ended June 30, 2004.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
The Company has included, in Attachment 4, the CondensedStatements of Cash Flows for the six months ended June 30, 2005 and2004 in order to provide more detail regarding the liquidity andcapital resources discussion below.
Significant sources of cash for the six months ended June 30, 2005consisted of the following:
-- Generation of net cash flows from operating activities of approximately $106.0 million; and
-- Proceeds from the sale of assets and investments of $2.1 million.
Significant uses of cash for the six months ended June 30, 2005consisted of the following:
-- Capital expenditures of approximately $111.9 million; and
-- Net cash used in financing activities, primarily repurchases of common stock and a loss on early extinguishment of debt, of approximately $8.6 million.
Financial Position
At June 30, 2005, the Company had total debt outstanding of $3.020billion, an increase of $10.4 million since December 31, 2004. As ofJune 30, 2005, the Company had unused credit facilities of $645.7million, all of which could be borrowed and used for general corporatepurposes based on the terms and conditions of the Company's debtarrangements. As of the date of this press release, 65% of theCompany's total debt is at fixed interest rates or subject to interestrate protection, and the Company's weighted average cost of debtcapital, including interest rate swap agreements, is 6.7%.
Updated 2005 Guidance
The Company today announced that it is updating its guidance forcapital expenditures from the previously announced range of $200million to $210 million to a revised range of $215 million to $225million. This revision is principally due to the greater than expectedlevels of customer connection activity, including installation costsand higher customer demand for DVRs and HD set-top boxes. The Companyaffirms all other elements of its 2005 guidance, which were issued ina press release on February 22, 2005.
Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
"OIBDA," "unlevered free cash flow," and "free cash flow" are notfinancial measures calculated in accordance with generally acceptedaccounting principles (GAAP) in the United States. The Company definesunlevered free cash flow as OIBDA less cash taxes and capitalexpenditures, and free cash flow as OIBDA less interest expense, net,cash taxes and capital expenditures.
OIBDA is one of the primary measures used by management toevaluate the Company's performance and to forecast future results. TheCompany believes OIBDA is useful for investors because it enables themto assess the Company's performance in a manner similar to the methodused by management, and provides a measure that can be used toanalyze, value and compare the companies in the cable televisionindustry, which may have different depreciation and amortizationpolicies. A limitation of this measure, however, is that it excludesdepreciation and amortization, which represents the periodic costs ofcertain capitalized tangible and intangible assets used in generatingrevenues in the Company's business. Management utilizes a separateprocess to budget, measure and evaluate capital expenditures.
Unlevered free cash flow and free cash flow are used by managementto evaluate the Company's ability to service its debt and to fundcontinued growth with internally generated funds. The Company believesunlevered free cash flow and free cash flow are useful for investorsbecause they enable them to assess the Company's ability to serviceits debt and to fund continued growth with internally generated fundsin a manner similar to the method used by management, and providemeasures that can be used to analyze, value and compare companies inthe cable television industry. The Company's definitions of unleveredfree cash flow and free cash flow eliminate the impact of quarterlyworking capital fluctuations, most notably from the timing ofsemi-annual cash interest payments on the Company's senior notes. Theonly difference between the terms unlevered free cash flow and freecash flow is that unlevered free cash flow does not subtract interestexpense, net.
OIBDA, unlevered free cash flow and free cash flow should not beregarded as alternatives to either operating income, net income or netloss as indicators of operating performance or to the statement ofcash flows as measures of liquidity, nor should they be considered inisolation or as substitutes for financial measures prepared inaccordance with GAAP. The Company believes that operating income isthe most directly comparable GAAP financial measure to OIBDA, and thatnet cash flows provided by operating activities is the most directlycomparable GAAP financial measure to unlevered free cash flow and freecash flow. Reconciliations of historical presentations of OIBDA,unlevered free cash flow and free cash flow to their most directlycomparable GAAP financial measures are provided in Attachment 6.
Company Description
Mediacom Communications is the nation's 8th largest cabletelevision company and the leading cable operator focused on servingthe smaller cities and towns in the United States. MediacomCommunications offers a wide array of broadband products and services,including traditional video services, digital television,video-on-demand, digital video recorders, high-definition television,high-speed Internet access and telephone service. More informationabout Mediacom Communications can be accessed on the Internet at:www.mediacomcc.com.
Forward Looking Statements
Any statements in this press release that are not historical factsare forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In some cases, youcan identify those forward-looking statements by words such as "may,"" will," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes,""estimates," "predicts," "potential," or "continues" or the negativeof those words and other comparable words. These forward-lookingstatements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could causeactual results to differ materially from historical results or thosethe Company anticipates. Factors that could cause actual results todiffer from those contained in the forward-looking statements include:competition in the Company's video, high-speed Internet access andtelephone businesses; the Company's ability to achieve anticipatedcustomer and revenue growth and to successfully introduce new productsand services; increasing programming costs; changes in laws andregulations; the Company's ability to generate sufficient cash flow tomeet its debt service obligations and the other risks anduncertainties described in the Company's annual report on Form 10-Kand the other reports and documents the Company files from time totime with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements includedin this press release are based upon information known to the Companyas of the date of this press release, and the Company assumes noobligation to (and expressly disclaims any such obligation to)publicly update or alter its forward-looking statements made in thispress release, whether as a result of new information, future eventsor otherwise, except as otherwise required by applicable federalsecurities laws.
(1) Actual Results - Three-Month Periods
(2) Actual Results - Six-Month Periods
(3) Consolidated Balance Sheet Data
(4) Condensed Statements of Cash Flows
(5) Capital Expenditure Data
(6) Reconciliation Data - Historical
(7) Calculation - Unlevered Free Cash Flow and Free Cash Flow
(8) Summary Operating Statistics
(1) Actual Results - Three-Month Periods
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(All amounts in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
June 30,
--------------------- Percent
2005 2004 Change
---------- ---------- ----------
Video $ 215,949 $ 216,677 (0.3)%
Data 47,921 38,422 24.7
Advertising 13,462 12,500 7.7
---------- ---------- ----------
Total revenues 277,332 267,599 3.6%
Service costs 107,802 100,345 7.4
Selling, general and administrative
expenses 58,395 53,873 8.4
Corporate expenses 5,615 4,957 13.3
Depreciation and amortization 53,754 55,492 (3.1)
---------- ---------- ----------
Operating income 51,766 52,932 (2.2)%
Interest expense, net (50,136) (47,403) 5.8
Loss on early extinguishment of debt (4,742) - NM
(Loss) gain on derivatives, net (1,649) 21,267 NM
Gain on sale of assets and
investments, net 1,183 5,885 NM
Other expense (2,533) (2,378) 6.5
---------- ---------- ----------
Net (loss) income before benefit from
(provision for)income taxes (6,111) 30,303 NM
Benefit from (provision for) income
taxes 122 (174) NM
---------- ---------- ----------
Net (loss) income $ (5,989) $ 30,129 NM
========== ========== ==========
Basic weighted average shares
outstanding 117,488 118,806
Diluted weighted average shares
outstanding 117,488 128,065
Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per
share $ (0.05) $ 0.25
OIBDA (a) $ 105,520 $ 108,424 (2.7)%
OIBDA margin (b) 38.0% 40.5%
Operating income margin (c) 18.7% 19.8%
Unlevered free cash flow (d) $ 48,327 $ 67,076 (28.0)%
Unlevered free cash flow margin (e) 17.4% 25.1%
Free cash flow (f) $ (1,809) $ 19,673
Free cash flow per share (g) $ (0.02) $ 0.17
Note: certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts
to conform to the current period presentation, and percentage changes
that are not meaningful are marked NM.
(a) See Attachment (6) Reconciliation Data - Historical for a
reconciliation of OIBDA to operating income.
(b) Represents OIBDA as a percentage of revenues.
(c) Represents operating income as a percentage of revenues.
(d) Represents OIBDA less cash taxes and capital expenditures. See
Attachment (6) Reconciliation Data - Historical for a
reconciliation of unlevered free cash flow to net cash flows
provided by operating activities.
(e) Represents unlevered free cash flow as a percentage of revenues.
(f) Represents unlevered free cash flow less interest expense, net.
See Attachment (6) Reconciliation Data - Historical for a
reconciliation of free cash flow to net cash flows provided by
operating activities.
(g) Represents free cash flow divided by basic weighted average common
shares outstanding.
(2) Actual Results - Six-Month Periods
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(All amounts in thousands, except per share data)
Six Months Ended
June 30,
--------------------- Percent
2005 2004 Change
---------- ---------- ----------
Video $ 425,728 $ 432,666 (1.6)%
Data 92,947 75,194 23.6
Advertising 24,901 23,178 7.4
---------- ---------- ----------
Total revenues 543,576 531,038 2.4%
Service costs 213,861 201,451 6.2
Selling, general and administrative
expenses 114,333 107,048 6.8
Corporate expenses 10,889 9,848 10.6
Depreciation and amortization 107,679 108,195 (0.5)
---------- ---------- ----------
Operating income 96,814 104,496 (7.4)%
Interest expense, net (101,410) (94,567) 7.2
Loss on early extinguishment of debt (4,742) - NM
Gain on derivatives, net 6,421 13,716 (53.2)
Gain on sale of assets and
investments, net 1,183 5,885 (79.9)
Other expense (5,229) (4,813) 8.6
---------- ---------- ----------
Net (loss) income before benefit from
(provision for) income taxes (6,963) 24,717 NM
Benefit from (provision for) income
taxes 132 (327) NM
---------- ---------- ----------
Net (loss) income $ (6,831) $ 24,390 NM
========== ========== ==========
Basic and diluted weighted average
shares outstanding 117,673 118,764
Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per
share $ (0.06) $ 0.21
OIBDA (a) $ 204,493 $ 212,691 (3.9)%
OIBDA margin (b) 37.6% 40.0%
Operating income margin (c) 17.8% 19.7%
Unlevered free cash flow (d) $ 92,426 $ 131,421 (29.7)%
Unlevered free cash flow margin (e) 17.0% 24.7%
Free cash flow (f) $ (8,984) $ 36,854
Free cash flow per share (g) $ (0.08) $ 0.31
Note: certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts
to conform to the current period presentation, and percentage changes
that are not meaningful are marked NM.
(a) See Attachment (6) Reconciliation Data - Historical for a
reconciliation of OIBDA to operating income.
(b) Represents OIBDA as a percentage of revenues.
(c) Represents operating income as a percentage of revenues.
(d) Represents OIBDA less cash taxes and capital expenditures. See
Attachment (6) Reconciliation Data - Historical for a
reconciliation of unlevered free cash flow to net cash flows
provided by operating activities.
(e) Represents unlevered free cash flow as a percentage of revenues.
(f) Represents unlevered free cash flow less interest expense, net.
See Attachment (6) Reconciliation Data - Historical for a
reconciliation of free cash flow to net cash flows provided by
operating activities.
(g) Represents free cash flow divided by basic weighted average common
shares outstanding.
(3) Consolidated Balance Sheet Data
Consolidated Balance Sheet Data
(Dollars in thousands)
June 30, December 31,
2005 2004
-------------- --------------
Cash and cash equivalents $ 11,476 $ 23,875
Investments 1,088 1,987
Accounts receivable, net 59,438 58,253
Prepaid expenses and other assets 25,833 19,781
-------------- --------------
Total current assets $ 97,835 $ 103,896
Property, plant and equipment, net 1,449,202 1,443,090
Intangible assets, net 2,040,512 2,042,110
Other assets, net 44,196 46,559
-------------- --------------
Total assets $ 3,631,745 $ 3,635,655
============== ==============
Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 260,583 $ 261,223
Deferred revenue 40,234 38,707
Current portion of long-term debt 46,484 42,700
-------------- --------------
Total current liabilities $ 347,301 $ 342,630
Long-term debt, less current portion 2,973,550 2,966,932
Other non-current liabilities 29,530 32,581
Total stockholders' equity 281,364 293,512
-------------- --------------
Total liabilities and stockholders'
equity $ 3,631,745 $ 3,635,655
============== ==============
(4) Condensed Statements of Cash Flows
Condensed Statements of Cash Flows
(in thousands)
Six Months Ended
June 30,
2005 2004
---------- ----------
Net cash flows provided by operating
activities $ 105,960 $ 113,003
---------- ----------
Capital expenditures (111,878) (81,025)
Acquisition of cable television systems - (3,372)
Proceeds from sale of assets and investments 2,082 10,556
Other investment activities - (424)
---------- ----------
Net cash flows used in investing activities $(109,796) $ (74,265)
---------- ----------
New borrowings 651,750 101,000
Repayment of debt (441,348) (142,886)
Redemption of senior notes (202,834) -
Repurchase of common stock for treasury (6,335) -
Other financing activities - book overdrafts (10,223) (912)
Proceeds from issuance of common stock in
employee stock purchase plan 477 489
Other financing activities (50) -
---------- ----------
Net cash flows used in financing
activities $ (8,563) $ (42,309)
---------- ----------
Net decrease in cash and cash
equivalents $ (12,399) $ (3,571)
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period $ 23,875 $ 25,815
---------- ----------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of period $ 11,476 $ 22,244
========== ==========
Cash paid during the period for interest, net
of amounts capitalized $ 104,984 $ 90,982
Note: certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts
to conform to the current period presentation.
(5) Capital Expenditure Data
(Dollars in thousands)
Six Months Ended
June 30,
2005 2004
---------- ----------
Customer premise equipment $ 62,735 $ 30,225
Scalable infrastructure 12,695 15,013
Line extensions 8,702 13,882
Upgrade/Rebuild 19,322 12,350
Support capital 8,424 9,555
---------- ----------
Total $ 111,878 $ 81,025
========== ==========
Note: certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts
to conform to the current period presentation.
(6) Reconciliation Data - Historical
Reconciliation of OIBDA to Operating Income
(Dollars in thousands)
Three Months Ended
June 30,
2005 2004
---------- ----------
OIBDA $ 105,520 $ 108,424
Depreciation and amortization (53,754) (55,492)
---------- ----------
Operating income $ 51,766 $ 52,932
========== ==========
Six Months Ended
June 30,
2005 2004
---------- ----------
OIBDA $ 204,493 $ 212,691
Depreciation and amortization (107,679) (108,195)
---------- ----------
Operating income $ 96,814 $ 104,496
========== ==========
(6) Reconciliation Data - Historical (continued)
Reconciliation of Unlevered Free Cash Flow and Free Cash Flow
to Net Cash Flows Provided by Operating Activities
(in thousands)
Six Months Ended
June 30,
2005 2004
----------- ----------
Unlevered free cash flow $ 92,426 $ 131,421
Interest expense, net (101,410) (94,567)
----------- ----------
Free cash flow $ (8,984) $ 36,854
Capital expenditures 111,878 81,025
Other expenses (1,115) (1,639)
Change in assets and liabilities, net 4,181 (3,237)
----------- ----------
Net cash flows provided by operating activities $ 105,960 $ 113,003
=========== ==========
(7) Calculation - Unlevered Free Cash Flow and Free Cash Flow
(in thousands)
Three Months Ended
June 30,
2005 2004
---------- ----------
OIBDA $ 105,520 $ 108,424
Cash taxes (104) (164)
Capital expenditures (57,089) (41,184)
---------- ----------
Unlevered free cash flow $ 48,327 $ 67,076
Interest expense, net (50,136) (47,403)
---------- ----------
Free cash flow $ (1,809) $ 19,673
========== ==========
Six Months Ended
June 30,
2005 2004
---------- ----------
OIBDA $ 204,493 $ 212,691
Cash taxes (189) (245)
Capital expenditures (111,878) (81,025)
---------- ----------
Unlevered free cash flow $ 92,426 $ 131,421
Interest expense, net (101,410) (94,567)
---------- ----------
Free cash flow $ (8,984) $ 36,854
========== ==========
(8) Summary Operating Statistics
Actual Actual Actual
June 30, March 31, June 30,
2005 2005 2004
---------- ---------- ----------
Estimated Homes Passed 2,800,000 2,794,000 2,771,000
Revenue Generating Units (RGUs):
Basic subscribers 1,446,000 1,461,000 1,491,000
Digital customers 455,000 430,000 373,000
Data customers 426,000 407,000 327,000
---------- ---------- ----------
Total RGUs 2,327,000 2,298,000 2,191,000
Quarterly net RGU additions 29,000 77,000 (16,000)
RGU Penetration(a) 83.1% 82.2% 79.1%
Average monthly revenue per RGU(b) $39.98 $39.28 $40.56
Basic subscribers 1,446,000 1,461,000 1,491,000
Quarterly net basic subscriber
additions (losses) (15,000) 3,000 (42,000)
Basic penetration(c) 51.6% 52.3% 53.8%
Digital customers 455,000 430,000 373,000
Quarterly net digital customer
additions 25,000 34,000 1,000
Digital penetration(d) 31.5% 29.4% 25.0%
Average monthly video revenue per
basic subscriber(e) $49.52 $47.91 $47.77
Data customers 426,000 407,000 327,000
Quarterly net data customer additions 19,000 40,000 25,000
Data penetration(f) 15.2% 14.6% 11.8%
Average monthly data revenue per data
customer(g) $38.35 $38.78 $40.72
Average monthly revenue per basic
subscriber(h) $63.60 $60.81 $58.99
Customer Relationships(i) 1,489,000 1,501,000 1,522,000
Note: certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts
to conform to the current period presentation.
(a) Represents RGUs as a percentage of estimated homes passed.
(b) Represents average monthly revenues for the last three months of
the period divided by average RGUs for such period.
(c) Represents basic subscribers as a percentage of estimated homes
(d) Represents digital customers as a percentage of basic subscribers.
(e) Represents average monthly video revenues for the last three
months of the period divided by average basic subscribers for such
(f) Represents data customers as a percentage of estimated homes
(g) Represents average monthly data revenues for the last three months
of the period divided by average data customers for such period.
(h) Represents average monthly revenues for the last three months of
the period divided by average basic subscribers for such period.
(i) The total number of customers who receive at least one level of
service on a direct basis, encompassing video and data services,
without regard to which service(s) customers purchase.

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