26.07.2023 23:32:00
Northwestern Mutual Leads Industry on Latest Forbes' "Top Financial Security Professionals" and Best-in-State Lists
MILWAUKEE, July 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Northwestern Mutual announced today that an industry-leading 489 of its advisors earned a spot on Forbes' annual lists of top financial security professionals – the company's strongest showing on this prestigious ranking since it debuted in 2021. Twenty-nine of the 489 advisors also appeared among the publication's 2023 "Top 100 Financial Security Professionals," taking more than a quarter of the list.
These Forbes lists recognize top-performing financial advisors – at both the national level and by state – who provide holistic financial planning, focusing on risk mitigation, wealth management and a personal planning experience. Honorees are selected using a broad set of criteria that includes production and premiums, assets under management, client retention rates and exhibition of best practices.
"Northwestern Mutual is the undeniable industry leader in financial security, and our presence in this year's rankings proves it," said Tim Gerend, the company's chief distribution officer and a member of the Forbes / SHOOK Financial Security Professionals Leadership Advisory Board. "Our approach to financial planning is resonating in the marketplace, and this accolade sends a loud and clear message about the expertise of our advisors who are committed to helping clients build financial security."
Northwestern Mutual's 2023 Top 100 Financial Security Professionals & Best in State List-Makers include:
John Adams | Karen Dry | Ross Levine | Michael Ryan | |
Phil Adra | Brian Duggan | Ben Levy | Kanan Sachdeva | |
Bilal Afolabi | Brian Dwyer | Jason Lewis | Justin Saka | |
Jonathan Aires | Doug Eastman | Jeffrey Lewis | Richard Saka – Top 100 | |
Jason Akers | Brian Eder | Pete Liao | Mike Salierno | |
John Alcantara | Ryan Edlefsen | Darling Lie-Nielsen | Sara Samuels | |
Delynn Alexander | Marc Eisenshtat | Qunnie Lin | Cristian Sanchez | |
Jessica Aliotti | Nate Elias | Mike Lindberg | Theodore Sangalis | |
Ross Alisiani | Toby Eng | Brady Lindemann | Ryan Saunders | |
Matthew Allen | Jim Erb | Stacey Loginow | Mark Savino | |
Hugo Alves | Mike Erpelding | Stephen Lowe | Marissa Savino Williams | |
Joseph Anderson | Chad Esslinger | Kevin Luchetta | Chris Scearbo | |
Chuck Andrews | Mark Evans | Paul Ludacka - Top 100 | Dan Schiffman | |
Paul Armstrong | Theodore Everson | Mark Lupton | Zach Schmidt | |
Don Armstrong | Steve Faber | Matthew Lytell | Jessica Schock | |
Sam Arthur | Thomas Farmer | Jeremiah Mackey | Al Schor | |
Richard Asel | Benjamin Feldman - Top 100 | Sy Maleki - Top 100 | Stephen Schwartz | |
Scott Ashline | Craig Fiedler | Jeff Manderfeld | Russ Schwartzbeck | |
Bryan Austin | Barry Fies | Edward Mandrin | Mike Sedjo | |
Glen Babcock | David Finnemore | Drew Manier | Joel Seleskie | |
Greg Baekey | Jacqueline Fish | David Mann | Scott Sernett | |
Alan Balayants | Jim Fitzgerald | Natalia Margolis | Brent Seward | |
G. Andres Baltazar | Scott Fligel | Todd Marschall | Sagar Shah | |
Jason Bang | Herb Foedisch | Scott Marschall | Ted Shanahan | |
Bryson Bard | Brian Ford | Christopher Marshall | Stephen Shanley | |
Timothy Barnhart | Carly Frieling | Reid Matsushima | Chad Shaw | |
Michael Bartenhagen | Christopher Fugman | David Maury - Top 100 | Brent Shaw | |
Rebecca Bast | Scott Gajda | Brian Mayeu | Gary Shickora | |
Bradley Baune - Top 100 | Thomas Gallina | George Mc Guire | Randolph Shingler | |
Greg Baune | Ben Gantt | Thomas McBreen | Eugene Shkolnikov | |
Adam Baur | Chris Garner | Todd McClure | David Shuley | |
Bryan Beauchamp | Craig Garrison | Matthew McCormick | Nick Shultz | |
Denise Beaulier | Casey George | Brendan McDermott | Alec Shunk | |
Steve Bedford | Todd Gindy | Ed McGill - Top 100 | Brent Shunk | |
Steve Beiser | Grant Goeglein | Mike McGinley | David Siegel | |
Michael Belvin | Howard Goldman III - Top 100 | Eric McGough | Bryce Simon | |
Douglas Benson | Erik Gomez | West McGowan | Monica Sinha | |
Jesse Bergland | Daniel Gould | Mike McVicker | Derek Skovbroten | |
David Bernard | Chip Graddy | James Meanix | Mike Slabic | |
Barbara Bernstein | Matthew Greene - Top 100 | Joey Meehan | Henry Sladek | |
Alex Bierce | Chad Greer | Kyle Menke | Timothy Smith | |
Brett Bissell | Matthew Greiner | Michael Mennella | Joseph Smith | |
John Black | Adam Griffin | Harry J. Mentonis | Michael Smith | |
Brian Blair | Robert Grimm | David Mesa | Bradford Smith | |
Keenan Blanchford | Cory Grossman | David Miller | Chad Smith | |
Art Blick | John Groth | Tom Miller | Evan Smith | |
Mark Boddy | David Gruen | Jeff Miller | Casey Smoot | |
Brian Boder | Brandon Guntor | William Milne | David Snyder | |
Justin Boeving | Sandeep Gupta | David Milonas | Andrew Spaanem | |
Kurt Bogseth | Ed Gurka III | Sebastian Minaudo | Jerod Spaeth | |
Robert Bolt | Mark Guskey | Tom Mitchell - Top 100 | Kevin Spahn - Top 100 | |
John Bongiovanni | Randall Hall | Austin Mitchell | Scott Sparks - Top 100 | |
Chantel Bonneau Stewart | Connor Hall | Steven Miura | Keith Spengel | |
Kevin Bontrager | Andy Hammond | Keith Moeller | Paul Stadfeld | |
Victor Borowsky | Mark Hardy | Michael Mohr | Brian Stanley | |
Steve Braun - Top 100 | Daniel Harezlak | Sawyere Monson | Kevin Stein | |
Leif Briel | Joshua Harmon | Joshua Montanez | John Sterner - Top 100 | |
David Brown | Benjamin Harvey | William Moore, III | Geoff Stevens | |
Derek Brown | Jay Hatten | Jeremy Moritz | Brad Stewart | |
Fredrick Bruni | Justin Hattenhauer | Tom Morris | James Stinson | |
Thomas Buettner | Rob Hayworth | Peter Mortka | Thomas Swartout | |
Jeff Buffum | Tim Hender | Edward Moyzes | Scott Sweet | |
Jay Burgman | Matt Henry | James Munder | Lindsey Swenson | |
Dave Burnett | Dave Herring | Kenneth Murphy | Levi Swenson | |
Zach Burton | Spencer Hershey Jr. | Derrick Murray | Todd Tauzin | |
Michael Bush | Tyler Hjelseth | Tony Myers | Raul Tavdy | |
Joshua Buttrey | Tyler Holden | Hans Myklebust | Gary Taylor - Top 100 | |
Josh Byrd | Blake Hornsby | Daniel Neary | Gregory Telge | |
Jeff Byrn | James Houghton | Andrew Nelson | Matthew Thibodeau | |
Maxwell Cahn | Loren Hsiao | William Newman | Wendy Thompson | |
Michael Calamaras | Rick Hu - Top 100 | Dan O'Brien | E. Peter Tiboris | |
Michael Calamaro | Mark Hubbard | Matthew Occhipinti | Peter Tillinghast - Top 100 | |
Andre Campbell | Ryan Hungershafer | Josh Oertli | Jeffrey Todd | |
Brett Canna | John Iezzi | Jason Olenski | John Todd III | |
Lou Cannataro | Anthony Incerto Jr | Kevin Olson | Kenneth Tooke II | |
Matt Carothers | Charles Irvin | Jacob Overman | Darren Trautmann | |
Cole Caruthers | Mike Jacob - Top 100 | Dan Owen | Todd Trexler | |
Jorge Casariego | John Jacobs | Nicolas Pakler | Felix Tuccillo III | |
Henry Cerruti | Josh Jenkins | Kevin Palmiter | Abigail Tuttle | |
Chase Chaldekas | Dan Jenkins | Josh Parish | David Tyler | |
Justin Charise | Gilbert Joehl | John Parisi | Scott Underwood | |
Michael Chartos | Robert Johnson | Geoffrey Passehl | John Van Grinsven | |
David Clausen | Todd Johnson | Wesley Patterson | Tracy VanDyke | |
Justin Cleveland | Kevin Johnson | Scott Penning | Sherrie VanKoevering | |
Joshua Cohen | Christopher Johnston | Jim Pettorelli | Ben Voigt | |
DeAndre Coke | Mike Jones - Top 100 | Mitch Peyton | Craig Volk | |
Mike Collins | Nicholas Junta | Shawn Phelps - Top 100 | Travis Vongsawad | |
Chris Collins | Ryan Kahn | Daniel Pifer II | Chris Wade | |
Frank Conner III | Rick Kalb | Joseph Pitterle | Keith Wagner - Top 100 | |
Martin Connolly | Geoffrey Kasse | Andy Platt | Joshua Waite | |
Michael Corcetti | David Katz | Michael Polan | Adam Waitzman | |
Jay Courtney | Larwin Kauffman | Dana Potts | Al Waldrop | |
Robert Cox | Kevin Kerber | Michael Preston | Greg Wallace | |
Corey Cresenzi | Armen Khadiwala | Julie Prince | Ryan Walterhoefer | |
Jon Cross | Hollee Kier | Baji Puram | David Walther | |
Blake Crousore | Chris Kilgore | Walter Putnam | Jack Wambach | |
Chris Cruz | Robert Kilroy | Timothy Radden | Matthew Ward | |
Jimmy Cusimano | Rob King III | Raghunathan Rajagopalan | Andrew Watkins | |
Matt Cutter | Justin Kirby | Michael Raposa | Andrew Watters | |
Rob Dalaskey | Dave Klein | Jeff Rapp | Mike Waxberg | |
Michael D'Aquila - Top 100 | Alex Klein | Jake Raska | Sean Westover | |
David Darlington | John Klich | Andrew Rasmussen | Kyle Wick | |
Jerry David | David Kreiter | Kevin Regan | Tek Wiegert | |
Dan Day | Mark Krowiak | Ross Reitsma | Alex Wieme | |
Lesley Day | Matthew Krueger | Chad Reynolds | Melinda Wilke | |
Curt DeLeske | Josh Krutoy | John Reynolds | Thom Wilkinson Jr | |
Seth Delfiner | Mark Kull | Adam Riegel - Top 100 | Johnathan Williams | |
Jay D'Entremont | Repp Lambert II | Kevin Rigenhagen | Josh Willour | |
Tim Derouin | Nick Langefels | Matt Riggs | Thomas R. Wilmink | |
Peter Derrenbacker | Sam Laorenza | Matt Robb | Max Wilson | |
Scott DeSantis | Jim LaPinska | Keith Rollins | Mark Wise - Top 100 | |
Derek DeSanto | Eric Larson | Maria Roloff | Rich Woo | |
Dave Dettmann | Bruce Laughlin | Marc Rosenberg | Gregory Woods | |
Frank Di Meglio | Langston Laury Jr. | Alex Rosenblatt | Kyle Wurtzel | |
Colby Dickson | Tyler Layne | Aubrey Rosser | William Yancey | |
John Dill | Edward Lee | David Rossett | Kevin Yeargers | |
James DiNardo | Randy Lehman | Bob Roth | Jarrett Yehlen | |
Tyrone Dinneen | Jonathan Lehman | Alex Roth | Dae Yoon | |
Ian Donaldson | Laurie Leja | Ralph Rotman - Top 100 | Jim Zara – Top 100 | |
Kevin Dooley | Tom Lenci Jr. - Top 100 | Cassie Rotman | Royce Zimmerman - Top 100 | |
Josh Dorfman | Mark Leong | Rob Roy | Daniel Zoll - Top 100 | |
Mark Downs | Josh Lerner | Kurt Rupprecht | Gregory Zub | |
Nick Drouin |
Earlier this year, Northwestern Mutual advisors exceeded their historical showing on Forbes' "Top Women Wealth Advisors," Barron's "Top 1,200 Financial Advisors" and Forbes' "Top Wealth Advisors Best-in-State." Leading industry publications including Financial Planning, Financial Advisor, ThinkAdvisor and InvestmentNews consistently rank Northwestern Mutual Investment Services as a top independent broker-dealer by total revenue.
About Northwestern Mutual
Northwestern Mutual has been helping people and businesses achieve financial security for more than 165 years. Through a comprehensive planning approach, Northwestern Mutual combines the expertise of its financial professionals with a personalized digital experience and industry-leading products to help its clients plan for what's most important. With more than $558 billion of total assets being managed across the company's institutional portfolio as well as retail investment client portfolios, nearly $35 billion in revenues, and $2.2 trillion worth of life insurance protection in force, Northwestern Mutual delivers financial security to more than five million people with life, disability income and long-term care insurance, annuities, and brokerage and advisory services. Northwestern Mutual ranked 111 on the 2023 FORTUNE 500.
Northwestern Mutual is the marketing name for The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (NM), Milwaukee, WI (life and disability insurance, annuities, and life insurance with long-term care benefits) and its subsidiaries. Subsidiaries include Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC (NMIS) (investment brokerage services), broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, member FINRA and SIPC; the Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company® (NMWMC) (investment advisory and services), federal savings bank; and Northwestern Long Term Care Insurance Company (NLTC) (long-term care insurance). Not all Northwestern Mutual representatives are advisors. Only those representatives with "Advisor" in their title or who otherwise disclose their status as an advisor of NMWMC are credentialed as NMWMC representatives to provide investment advisory services. Not all Northwestern Mutual representatives are advisors. Only those representatives with "Advisor" in their title or who otherwise disclose their status as an advisor of NMWMC are credentialed as NMWMC representatives to provide investment advisory services. Forbes Top Financial Security Professionals list (July 2023). Research and ranking provided by SHOOK Research. Based upon data as of 12/31/2022. Northwestern Mutual and its advisors do not pay for placement on 3rd party rating lists, but do pay marketing fees to these organizations to promote the rating(s). Rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment success.
Advisors who utilize a different firm name do so as a marketing name for doing business as a representative of Northwestern Mutual. Marketing names are not registered investment advisers, broker-dealers, insurance agencies or federal savings banks. Advisors are insurance agents of NM. Investment advisory services provided as Advisors of NMWMC. Investment brokerages services provided as Registered Representatives of NMIS.
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SOURCE Northwestern Mutual

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