22.10.2014 18:38:00

Butts County School District, GA -- Moody's assigns Aa3 underlying and Aa1 enhanced to Butts CSD, GA's GO Bonds

New York, October 22, 2014 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned a Aa3 underlying and a Aa1 enhanced rating to Butts County School District's (GA) $7.5 million in outstanding general obligation bonds. The bonds are secured by the district's unlimited general obligation pledge but is expected to be repaid by a voter approved one-cent Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST), which was implemented in July 2012 and expires in 2017, concurrent with the outstanding bonds. The district's ratings were withdrawn on July 29, 2014 due to insufficient information. The reinstatement of the rating is driven by the receipt of the fiscal 2013 audit.

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