12.12.2013 17:27:00
ENEL S.p.A. -- Moody's affirms Baa2 ratings of Enel and its subsidiaries; negative outlook
London, 12 December 2013 -- Moody's Investors Service has today affirmed the Baa2/(P)Baa2 senior unsecured ratings of Enel S.p.A.(Enel or "the group") and its guaranteed subsidiaries, Enel Investment Holding B.V. and Enel Finance International N.V., as well as the debt it has assumed of Enel Finance International S.A.. Concurrently, Moody's has affirmed the short-term rating of Enel Finance International N.V. at Prime-2 (P-2) and the Ba1 subordinated debt (also known as"Capital Securities" or "Hybrids") of Enel.
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