04.11.2016 18:51:00
Envision Healthcare Corporation -- Moody's confirms Envision Healthcare's B1 CFR with respect to its AmSurg merger; rating outlook now positive
New York, November 04, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) today confirmed Envision Healthcare Corporation's ("Envision") B1 Corporate Family Rating and B1-PD Probability of Default Rating. In addition, Moody's assigned a Ba3 rating to the company's proposed $3.295 billion first lien term loan due 2023. Concurrently, Moody's is confirming the B3 ratings on Envision's outstanding $750 million 5.125% senior notes due 2022. Subsequently, Moody's expects to confirm the B3 rating on AmSurg Corporation's ("AmSurg") $1.1 billion 5.625% senior notes due 2022, which will remain outstanding and rank pari passu with Envision's senior notes. Additionally, Moody's affirmed Envision's Speculative Grade Liquidity Rating of SGL-1. The rating outlook is positive. This rating action concludes the ratings review on Envision initiated on June 16, 2016. Moody's expects to conclude its ratings review on AmSurg next week and withdraw its ratings at the close of the transaction.