10.03.2016 01:35:00
Grupo Aval Limited -- Moody's lowers Banco de Bogota's standalone assessment, downgrades its subordinated rating and Grupo Aval's issuer rating; all ratings on review for downgrade
New York, March 09, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service has today lowered Banco de Bogota, S.A.'s standalone baseline credit assessment (BCA) to ba1 from baa3, and has downgraded its long-term foreign currency subordinated debt rating to Ba2 from Ba1. Both the BCA and the subordinated debt rating have been placed on review for further downgrade. The bank's Baa2/Prime-2 local and foreign currency long- and short-term deposit and the Baa2 foreign currency senior unsecured debt ratings were also placed on review for downgrade, as were its long- and short-term counterparty risk assessments (CR Assessments) of Baa1(cr) and Prime-2(cr).