01.12.2015 19:53:00
Pangea Merger Sub Inc. -- Moody's affirms Pangea Merger Sub Inc's (Premiere Global Services) B2 CFR; outlook stable
New York, December 01, 2015 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) affirmed Pangea Merger Sub Inc.'s (Pangea) B2 Corporate Family Rating (CFR), B2-PD Probability of Default Rating and the B1 rating for its proposed first lien credit facilities, and withdrew the Caa1 rating for Pangea's second lien term loans. The facilities are being raised in connection with the acquisition of Premiere Global Services, Inc. (PGS) by affiliates of Siris Capital Group, LLC. PGS announced that it plans to replace the previously contemplated $150 million of second lien term loans with an increase in the first lien term loan by $50 million and $100 million of intercompany loans from Pangea's indirect parent. The rating outlook is stable.