24.02.2009 12:30:00

Tenet Announces Results for Fourth Quarter Ended December 31, 2008 and 2009 Outlook

Tenet Healthcare Corporation (NYSE:THC) today reported a loss of $33 million, or $0.07 per share, for its fourth quarter of 2008, compared to a net loss of $75 million, or $0.16 per share, for its fourth quarter of 2007. Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP term defined below, was $199 million for the fourth quarter of 2008, an increase of $43 million, or 27.6 percent, as compared to $156 million for the fourth quarter of 2007. On a same-hospital basis, adjusted EBITDA was $201 million, an increase of $43 million, or 27.2 percent, as compared to $158 million in the fourth quarter of 2007.

For the year 2008, net income was $25 million, or $0.05 per share, compared to a net loss of $89 million, or $0.19 per share for 2007. Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP term defined below, was $732 million in 2008, compared to $657 million for 2007, an increase of $75 million, or 11.4 percent. The adjusted EBITDA margin for 2008 was 8.4 percent, an increase of 40 basis points from an adjusted EBITDA margin of 8.0 percent in 2007.

"Growth in paying volumes remained positive despite the challenges of a severe decline in the economy in the fourth quarter. Paying admissions grew by 0.1 percent and paying outpatient visits grew by 0.9 percent. We are particularly gratified by this growth in our outpatient business which had experienced negative volume growth in recent years,” said Trevor Fetter, president and chief executive officer. "We view this volume growth, in the context of a challenging economic environment, as compelling evidence that our strategies continue to prove effective in advancing the Company towards sustained profitability.”

"Surgeries grew by a very strong 2.1 percent in the fourth quarter, highlighting growth in a number of our higher priority, targeted service lines,” said Stephen L. Newman, M.D., chief operating officer. "This growth can, in part, be attributed to our continued success at expanding our active medical staff. In 2008, our active medical staff grew by 1,122 physicians or 9.0 percent. As this growth is net of attrition, we believe this expansion of our medical staff could be an important leading indicator of continuing volume growth. Since the beginning of 2007, we have grown the number of physicians on our active medical staff by 17.0 percent.”

"Both our fourth quarter and full year results benefited from continued strong pricing and solid cost control,” said Biggs C. Porter, chief financial officer. "We constrained growth in same-hospital controllable operating expense per adjusted patient day to just 0.8 percent. This focus on cost control made a significant contribution to improved profitability in the quarter, with our adjusted EBITDA margin rising to 9.1 percent. Our progress on pricing and cost efficiencies is expected to provide continuing benefits into 2009 including incremental cost efficiencies, which we expect to total approximately $150 million by year end. Although we now expect there may be increasing pressure on bad debt and commercial volumes in 2009, our outlook for 2009 adjusted EBITDA is in the range of $735 million to $800 million.”

Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP term defined below, was $199 million, or a margin of 9.1 percent of net operating revenues, in the fourth quarter of 2008. This represents an increase of $43 million, or 27.6 percent, from adjusted EBITDA of $156 million in the fourth quarter of 2007, and margin increase of 160 basis points as compared to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 7.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2007.

Same-hospital adjusted EBITDA was $201 million in the fourth quarter of 2008, an increase of $43 million, or 27.2 percent, from the $158 million in the fourth quarter of 2007. Same-hospital adjusted EBITDA margin increased by 170 basis points to 9.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 as compared to the same-hospital adjusted EBITDA margin of 7.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2007. For 2008, same-hospital adjusted EBITDA was $752 million, an increase of $93 million, or 14.1 percent, as compared to $659 million for 2007.

Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP term defined by the Company as net income (loss) before: (1) the cumulative effect of changes in accounting principle, net of tax; (2) income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax; (3) income tax (expense) benefit; (4) net gains (losses) on sales of investments; (5) minority interests; (6) investment earnings; (7) interest expense; (8) litigation and investigation (costs) benefit, net of insurance recoveries; (9) hurricane insurance recoveries, net of costs; (10) impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries; (11) amortization; and (12) depreciation. A reconciliation of net income (loss) to adjusted EBITDA is provided in Table #1 at the end of this release.

Same-Hospital Data

Same-hospital continuing operations data excludes two hospitals: (1) Coastal Carolina Medical Center, which we acquired on June 30, 2007; and (2) Sierra Providence East Medical Center, in El Paso, which opened on May 21, 2008. Same-hospital continuing operations data is the primary form of tabular data presentation in the narrative sections of this document. There are currently 48 hospitals in same-hospital continuing operations. The Company intends to add Coastal Carolina Medical Center to same-hospital continuing operations beginning on January 1, 2009.

Total-hospital data, including the contribution of Coastal Carolina Medical Center and Sierra Providence East Medical Center, is provided in the tabular presentation of data at the end of this document. As a result of this approach, certain amounts in the narrative section of this document will not tie to amounts in the condensed consolidated statement of operations.

Admissions, Patient Days and Surgeries


Admissions, Patient Days and Surgeries


Continuing Operations

  Q4’08 Q4’07 Change (%)
Commercial Managed Care Admissions   34,734 35,809 (3.0)
Governmental Managed Care Admissions   28,542 25,930 10.1
Medicare Admissions   39,452 40,419 (2.4)
Medicaid Admissions   16,102 16,502 (2.4)
Uninsured Admissions   5,957 6,331 (5.9)
Charity Care Admissions   2,269 2,293 (1.0)
Other Admissions   3,328 3,330 (0.1)
Total Admissions   130,384 130,614 (0.2)
Paying Admissions (excludes Charity + Uninsured)   122,158 121,990 0.1
Charity Admissions + Uninsured Admissions   8,226 8,624 (4.6)
Admissions through Emergency Department   73,570 72,106 2.0

Commercial Managed Care Admits / Total Admits


26.6 27.4 (0.8) (a)

Emergency Department Admissions / Total Admits


56.4 55.2 1.2 (a)

Uninsured Admissions / Total Admissions


4.6 4.8 (0.2) (a)

Charity Admissions / Total Admissions


1.7 1.8 (0.1) (a)
Surgeries – Inpatient   38,713 38,727 -
Surgeries – Outpatient   52,201 50,333 3.7
Surgeries – Total   90,914 89,060 2.1
Patient Days – Total   636,724 643,533 (1.1)
Adjusted Patient Days (b)   924,882 917,133 0.8
Patient Days – Commercial Managed Care   138,117 143,385 (3.7)

Average Length of Stay


4.9 4.9 - (a)
Adjusted Patient Admissions (b)   190,535 187,589 1.6
(a) This change is the difference between the Q4’08 and Q4’07 amounts shown
(b) "Adjusted Patient Days / Admissions” represents actual patient days / admissions adjusted to include outpatient services by multiplying actual patient days / admissions by the sum of gross inpatient revenues and outpatient revenues and dividing the results by gross inpatient revenues.

Our Florida and Central Regions achieved the strongest admissions growth in the quarter and our Central Region achieved fourth quarter growth that outperformed all but its third quarter results. Our California Region experienced a decline in admissions in the fourth quarter, which was its only quarter of negative growth in 2008. Both our Southern States Region and our Philadelphia Market had admissions declines in the fourth quarter.

While total same-hospital admissions declined by 0.2 percent in the fourth quarter, paying admissions grew by 0.1 percent. There was a 4.6 percent decline in uninsured and charity admissions.

Commercial managed care admissions declined by 3.0 percent relative to the fourth quarter of 2007, but improved its trend relative to the 3.4 percent decline reported in the third quarter of 2008. A decline in obstetrics volumes accounted for 58 percent of our decline in commercial admissions in the fourth quarter of 2008 compared to commercial admissions in the fourth quarter of 2007. Under our Targeted Growth Initiative we have deemphasized the obstetrics service line in a significant number of our hospitals.

Surgery growth remained strong supported by growth in outpatient surgeries of 3.7 percent. Inpatient surgeries were flat relative to the fourth quarter of 2007. Our Targeted Growth Initiative brought incremental focus to a number of the service lines that contributed to this growth in surgeries.

Outpatient Visits


Outpatient Visits


Continuing Operations

  Q4’08   Q4’07   Change (%)
Total OP Visits   929,750   932,837   (0.3)
Paying OP Visits (excludes Uninsured + Charity)   830,633   823,364   0.9
Uninsured OP Visits   93,063   104,278   (10.8)

Uninsured OP Visits / Total OP Visits


10.0   11.2   (1.2) (a)
Charity Care OP Visits   6,054   5,195   16.5

Charity Care OP Visits / Total OP Visits


0.7   0.6   0.1 (a)
OP Surgery Visits   52,201   50,333   3.7
Commercial Managed Care OP Visits   355,424   356,303   (0.2)

Commercial OP Visits / Total Visits


38.2   38.2   - (a)
(a) This change is the difference between the Q4’08 and Q4’07 amounts shown.

While total same-hospital outpatient visits declined by 0.3 percent, paying outpatient visits (excluding uninsured and charity outpatient visits) increased by 0.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. Competition from physician-owned enterprises offering outpatient services continues to restrain our growth in outpatient volumes.

Our recent acquisitions of outpatient facilities added 2,053 outpatient visits in the fourth quarter of 2008. This source of increased outpatient visits was more than offset by 3,928 lost visits resulting from recent divestitures and the joint venturing of some of our existing outpatient facilities where Tenet has taken a minority interest. Excluding the impact of this resultant net loss of 1,875 outpatient visits from acquisitions and divestitures, outpatient visits in the fourth quarter of 2008 would have declined by 1,212 visits, or 0.1 percent.





($ in millions)


Continuing Operations

Q4’08   Q4’07   Change (%)
Net Operating Revenues 2,172   2,070   4.9
Net Patient Revenue from Commercial Managed Care 872   818   6.6
Revenues from the Uninsured 148   155   (4.5)

Net operating revenues in the fourth quarter of 2008 include $8 million from the partial reversal of a $17 million unfavorable adjustment recorded in the second quarter of 2008 related to a graduate medical education reimbursement dispute at one of our California hospitals. Excluding this $8 million from net operating revenues for the fourth quarter of 2008, net operating revenues would have increased by $94 million, or 4.5 percent, compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. As the charge reversal was recorded in "Other Revenue”, our fourth quarter 2008 patient pricing statistics were unaffected.

Prior-year cost report adjustments contributed $2 million to net operating revenues in the fourth quarter of 2008. Prior-year cost report adjustments made no material contribution to net operating revenues in the fourth quarter of 2007.







Continuing Operations

  Q4’08   Q4’07   Change (%)
Net Inpatient Revenue per Admission   11,052   10,665   3.6
Net Inpatient Revenue per Patient Day   2,263   2,165   4.5
Net Outpatient Revenue per Visit   691   646   7.0
Net Patient Revenue per Adjusted Patient Admission   10,933   10,643   2.7
Net Patient Revenue per Adjusted Patient Day   2,252   2,177   3.4
Managed Care: Net Inpatient Revenue per Admission   11,803   11,284   4.6
Managed Care: Net Outpatient Revenue per Visit   808   759   6.5

Pricing improvement was evident across all key metrics, primarily reflecting the improved terms of our commercial managed care contracts. Outpatient pricing again outpaced the growth in inpatient pricing due to an improving mix of procedures performed in our outpatient facilities. Our investment and development of higher- end procedures in both the surgery and imaging segments of our outpatient business, as well as recent acquisitions, have contributed to this improving mix.

Controllable Operating Expenses


Controllable Operating Expenses


Continuing Operations


  Q4’08   Q4’07   Change (%)

Salaries, Wages & Benefits


  957   942   1.6



  384   364   5.5

Other Operating Expenses


  467   473   (1.3)

Total Controllable Operating Expenses


  1,808   1,779   1.6

Rent / Lease Expense (a)


  35   34   2.9
Unit Cost Statistics              

Salaries, Wages & Benefits per Adjusted Patient Day


  1,035   1,027   0.8

Supplies per Adjusted Patient Day


  415   397   4.5

Other Operating Expenses per Adjusted Patient Day


  505   516   (2.1)

Total Controllable Operating Expenses per Adjusted Patient Day


  1,955   1,940   0.8
(a) Included in Other Operating Expenses

On a per adjusted patient day basis, salaries, wages and benefits increased 0.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. This increase is primarily due to merit increases for our employees, and increased health benefits costs, partially offset by a decline in full-time employee headcount, reduced contract labor expense, and improved worker’s compensation loss experience, and lower incentive compensation costs. Contract labor expense, which is included in salaries, wages and benefits, was $30 million in the fourth quarter of 2008, a decrease of $6 million, or 16.7 percent, as compared to the fourth quarter of 2007.

Supplies expense per adjusted patient day increased by 4.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. The increase in supplies expense is primarily due to the increased number of surgeries as well as the costs of certain new, higher cost drugs. A portion of the increase in supplies expense is offset by revenue growth related to pass-through payments we receive from certain payers.

"Other Operating Expenses” per adjusted patient day decreased by 2.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. Included in this decrease was a significant decline in malpractice expense. On a total hospital basis, malpractice expense declined from $36 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 to $18 million in the fourth quarter of 2007, a decline of $18 million, or 50.0 percent. This decrease is primarily attributable to improved claims experience and was partially offset by $4 million of incremental expenses related to a lower interest rate environment that increased the discounted present value of projected future liabilities. The favorable impact of declining malpractice expense was partially offset by increases in other items including higher physician fees reflecting increases in Emergency Department on-call payments, increases in costs of contracted services, as well as repair and maintenance costs. Declining consulting costs also had a favorable impact on "Other Operating Expenses.”

Provision for Doubtful Accounts


Bad Debt


Continuing Operations

  Q4’08 Q4’07 Change (%)

Provision for Doubtful Accounts ("Bad Debt”)


163 133 22.6

Bad Debt / Net Operating Revenues


7.5 6.4 1.1 (a)

Collection Rate from Self-Pay


33 35 (2) (a)

Collection Rate from Managed Care Payers


98 98 - (a)
(a) This change is the difference between the Q4’08 and Q4’07 amounts shown.

Bad debt expense increased by $30 million, or 22.6 percent, despite declines in uninsured admissions and outpatient visits of 5.9 percent and 10.8 percent, respectively. The increase in bad debt expense resulted from the decline in our self-pay collection rate which declined to approximately 33 percent from 35 percent in the fourth quarter of 2007, higher pricing, higher patient insurance deductibles, and a favorable adjustment to bad debt expense in the fourth quarter of 2007 which did not recur.

Accounts Receivable

Consolidated accounts receivable were $1.337 billion at December 31, 2008, and $1.356 billion at September 30, 2008. Accounts receivable days outstanding from continuing operations were 50 days at December 31, 2008, compared to 51 days at September 30, 2008 and 52 days at December 31, 2007.

Cash Flow

Cash and cash equivalents were $507 million at December 31, 2008, a decrease of $5 million from $512 million at September 30, 2008. Adjusted Free Cash Flow, a non-GAAP term defined below, was negative $29 million in the fourth quarter of 2008 compared to negative $164 million in the fourth quarter of 2007.

Adjusted Free Cash Flow, a non-GAAP term, is defined by the Company as cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities less (1) capital expenditures in continuing operations, (2) new and replacement hospital construction expenditures, (3) income tax refunds (payments), (4) net cash provided by (used in) operating activities from discontinued operations, and (5) payments against reserves for restructuring charges, litigation costs and settlements. The reconciliation of net cash provided by (used in) operating activities, the most comparable GAAP term, to Adjusted Free Cash Flow is provided in Table #2 at the end of this release.

Significant cash flow items in the fourth quarter of 2008 included:

(1) Capital expenditures of $134 million, consisting of $130 million in continuing operations and $4 million in discontinued operations;

(2) Interest payments of $70 million;

(3) $22 million in principal payments (excluding interest of $2 million) classified as operating cash outflows from continuing operations related to our 2006 civil settlement with the federal government, these principal payments totaled $88 million for the full year 2008;

(4) A $39 million decline in the cash and cash equivalents balance related to our Medicare HMO insurance subsidiary operating in Louisiana, primarily due to the timing of monthly payments from CMS, which is classified as a discontinued operations cash outflow from operations;

(5) Cash distributions of $34 million we received related to our investment in the Reserve Yield Plus Fund, which are classified as investing activity cash flows; and

(6) Insurance recoveries of $14 million related to our December 2004 Redding Medical Center litigation settlement; based on the components of the recoveries, $5 million was classified as operating cash flows from continuing operations and $9 million was classified as operating cash flows from discontinued operations.

Outlook for 2009

The Company’s outlook for 2009 is materially dependent on a number of items which are difficult to project given the uncertain macro-economic environment. Among the most important of these items are aggregate patient volumes, payer and patient mix, and bad debt expense.

As a basis for our 2009 Outlook, we have assumed same-hospital admissions growth of approximately flat to one percent, and same-hospital outpatient visit growth of flat to one percent. In 2008, same-hospital admissions grew by 1.2 percent and same-hospital outpatient visits declined by 0.1 percent.

Based on these volume assumptions, the 2009 outlook for growth in net operating revenues is in the range of 4 to 6 percent. This is consistent with an outlook for total-company net operating revenues in the range $9.0 billion to $9.2 billion. Total-company net operating revenues were $8.663 billion in 2008 representing growth of 6.1 percent over 2007, or growth of 5.6 percent on a same-hospital basis.

The outlook for growth in controllable operating expenses per adjusted patient day is in the range of 2 to 3 percent for 2009. This compares to 2.6 percent growth in same-hospital controllable operating expenses per adjusted patient day in 2008. On a total-company basis, this corresponds to an expected range for 2009 controllable operating expenses of $7.5 billion to $7.6 billion. Our 2009 outlook reflects the Company’s expectations for continued cost efficiencies, including the Company’s recent initiatives targeting a reduction of approximately $150 million in gross cost savings and the favorable impact of enhanced operating leverage that is expected to result from the assumed growth in patient volumes.

The 2009 outlook for total-company bad debt expense is in the range of 8.3 to 9.3 percent of net operating revenues, or total company bad debt expense in the range of $750 million to $850 million. In 2008, total-company bad debt expense was $632 million, or 7.3 percent of net operating revenues. In the fourth quarter of 2008, total-company bad debt ratio was 7.6 percent.

Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP term reconciled to net loss as defined by GAAP in Table #3 at the end of this release) is expected to be in the range of $735 million to $800 million in 2009, on a total-company basis. Based on the outlook for net operating revenues cited above, this corresponds to an adjusted EBITDA margin range of 8.2 to 8.7 percent. In 2008, Tenet’s adjusted EBITDA was $732 million, for an adjusted EBITDA margin of 8.4 percent.

The outlook for depreciation and amortization expense in 2009 is approximately $400 million to $420 million, and the 2009 outlook for interest expense is approximately $450 million to $470 million, net of investment earnings and minority interest. This estimate of 2009 interest expense includes an estimated impact from Tenet’s note exchange offer of $50 million to $60 million. The note exchange offer has an anticipated completion date of early March.

Tenet’s 2009 outlook for income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes ranges from a loss of $15 million to income of $135 million. Excluding four items in Table #3 at the end of this release ((1) net gains (losses) on sales of investment; (2) litigation and investigation costs; (3) gain on exchange of long-term debt; (4) impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill and restructuring charges), the 2009 outlook for loss from continuing operations before income taxes ranges from a loss of $135 million to a loss of $70 million. Using an assumption of 37.1 percent for normalized 2009 income taxes, results in an income tax benefit of $50 million to $26 million and average expected shares outstanding of 484 million, the 2009 outlook for normalized loss per share from continuing operations, after excluding the items listed in Table 3 at the end of this release, is in the range of a loss $0.18 to a loss of $0.09 per share.

The Company’s 2009 Outlook includes an expectation of adjusted net cash provided by operating activities from continuing operations to be in the range of $240 million to $315 million, which the Company defines to exclude income tax payments/refunds, litigation and restructuring payments, and net cash provided by (used in) operating activities from discontinued operations.

Capital expenditures for continuing operations are expected to be in the range of $400 million to $450 million in 2009.

Adjusted free cash flow from continuing operations for 2009 (based on adjustments provided in Table 4 at the end of this release) is expected to be in the range of negative $160 million to $135 million.

The outlook range for cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2009 is $450 million to $550 million. This assumes the sale of USC Hospital and other cash initiatives aggregating to approximately $308 million to $343 million.

A reconciliation of outlook adjusted EBITDA to outlook net income (loss) for year ending December 31, 2009 is provided in Table 3; and a reconciliation of outlook adjusted net cash provided by operating activities, and outlook adjusted free cash flow from continuing operations to outlook net cash provided by operating activities for the year ending December 31, 2009 is provided in Table 4 at the end of this release.

Management’s Webcast Discussion of Fourth Quarter Results

Tenet management will discuss fourth quarter 2008 results on a webcast scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM (ET) on February 24, 2009. This webcast may be accessed through Tenet’s website at www.tenethealth.com. A set of slides, which may be referred to during management’s remarks, will be posted to the Company’s website at approximately 7:30 AM (ET).

Tenet Healthcare Corporation, through its subsidiaries, owns and operates acute care hospitals and related ancillary health care businesses, which include ambulatory surgery centers and diagnostic imaging centers. Tenet is committed to providing high quality care to patients in the communities we serve. Tenet can be found on the World Wide Web at www.tenethealth.com.

Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and could be affected by numerous factors and are subject to various risks and uncertainties discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 31, 2008, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and periodic reports on Form 8-K. Do not rely on any forward-looking statement, as we cannot predict or control many of the factors that ultimately may affect our ability to achieve the results estimated. We make no promise to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of changes in underlying factors, new information, future events or otherwise.

(Dollars in millions except per share amounts)   Three Months Ended December 31,
  2008     %       2007     %     Change
Net operating revenues $ 2,195 100.0 % $ 2,077 100.0 % 5.7 %
Operating expenses:
Salaries, wages and benefits (967 ) (44.1 %) (946 ) (45.5 %) 2.2 %
Supplies (388 ) (17.7 %) (365 ) (17.6 %) 6.3 %
Provision for doubtful accounts (166 ) (7.6 %) (134 ) (6.5 %) 23.9 %
Other operating expenses, net (475 ) (21.6 %) (476 ) (22.9 %) (0.2 %)
Depreciation (85 ) (3.9 %) (78 ) (3.7 %) 9.0 %
Amortization (11 ) (0.5 %) (7 ) (0.3 %) 57.1 %
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (14 ) (0.6 %) (25 ) (1.2 %)
Hurricane insurance recoveries, net of costs 3 0.1 %
Litigation and investigation (costs) benefit, net of insurance recoveries   4   0.2 %   (12 ) (0.6 %)
Operating income 93 4.2 % 37 1.8 %
Interest expense (106 ) (104 )
Investment earnings 1 11
Minority interests (3 ) (2 )
Net losses on sales of investments   (1 )    
Loss from continuing operations, before income taxes (16 ) (58 )
Income tax (expense) benefit   6     (20 )
Loss from continuing operations, before discontinued operations (10 ) (78 )
Discontinued operations:
Income from operations 25 26
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (55 ) (22 )
Net gains (losses) on sales of facilities 1 (4 )
Income tax benefit   6     3  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax   (23 )   3  
Net loss $ (33 ) $ (75 )
Earnings (loss) per share
Basic and diluted
Continuing operations $ (0.02 ) $ (0.16 )
Discontinued operations   (0.05 )    
$ (0.07 ) $ (0.16 )
Weighted average shares and dilutive securities
outstanding (in thousands):
477,126 474,286
(Dollars in millions except per share amounts)   Year Ended December 31,
  2008     %       2007     %     Change
Net operating revenues $ 8,663 100.0 % $ 8,167 100.0 % 6.1 %
Operating expenses:
Salaries, wages and benefits (3,816 ) (44.0 %) (3,655 ) (44.7 %) 4.4 %
Supplies (1,528 ) (17.6 %) (1,418 ) (17.4 %) 7.8 %
Provision for doubtful accounts (632 ) (7.3 %) (561 ) (6.9 %) 12.7 %
Other operating expenses, net (1,955 ) (22.6 %) (1,876 ) (22.9 %) 4.2 %
Depreciation (335 ) (3.9 %) (308 ) (3.8 %) 8.8 %
Amortization (38 ) (0.4 %) (30 ) (0.4 %) 26.7 %
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (18 ) (0.2 %) (49 ) (0.6 %)


Hurricane insurance recoveries, net of costs 3 %
Litigation and investigation costs, net of insurance recoveries   (41 ) (0.5 %)   (13 ) (0.1 %)
Operating income 300 3.5 % 260 3.2 %
Interest expense (418 ) (419 )
Investment earnings 22 47
Minority interests (6 ) (4 )
Net gains on sales of investments   139      
Income (loss) from continuing operations, before income taxes 37 (116 )
Income tax benefit   25     63  
Income (loss) from continuing operations, before discontinued operations 62 (53 )
Discontinued operations:
Income (loss) from operations 6 (3 )
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (93 ) (40 )
Net gains (losses) on sales of facilities 6 (8 )
Litigation settlements, net of insurance recoveries 39
Income tax benefit   5     15  
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax   (37 )   (36 )
Net income (loss) $ 25   $ (89 )
Earnings (loss) per share
Basic and diluted
Continuing operations $ 0.13 $ (0.11 )
Discontinued operations   (0.08 )   (0.08 )
$ 0.05   $ (0.19 )
Weighted average shares and dilutive securities
outstanding (in thousands):
478,606 473,405
  December 31,   December 31,
(Dollars in millions)   2008     2007  
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 507 $ 572
Investments in Reserve Yield Plus Fund 14
Investments in marketable debt securities 2 20
Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts 1,337 1,385
Inventories of supplies, at cost 161 183
Income tax receivable 6 7
Deferred income taxes 82 87
Assets held for sale 310 51
Other current assets   290     255  
Total current assets 2,709 2,560
Investments and other assets 242 288
Property and equipment, at cost, less accumulated depreciation and amortization 4,291 4,645
Goodwill 609 607
Other intangible assets, at cost, less accumulated amortization   323     293  
Total assets $ 8,174   $ 8,393  
Current liabilities:
Current portion of long-term debt $ 2 $ 1
Accounts payable 686 780
Accrued compensation and benefits 414 393
Professional and general liability reserves 127 161
Accrued interest payable 125 126
Accrued legal settlement costs 168 119
Other current liabilities   427     468  
Total current liabilities 1,949 2,048
Long-term debt, net of current portion 4,778 4,771
Professional and general liability reserves 536 555
Accrued legal settlement costs 72 163
Other long-term liabilities and minority interests 635 683
Deferred income taxes   101     119  
Total liabilities 8,071 8,339
Commitments and contingencies
Shareholders’ equity:
Common stock 26 26
Additional paid-in capital 4,445 4,412
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (37 ) (28 )
Accumulated deficit (2,852 ) (2,877 )
Less common stock in treasury, at cost   (1,479 )   (1,479 )
Total shareholders’ equity   103     54  
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 8,174   $ 8,393  
(Dollars in millions)   Year Ended
December 31,
  2008       2007  
Net income (loss) $ 25 $ (89 )
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash from operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 373 338
Provision for doubtful accounts 632 561
Net gains on sales of investments (139 )
Deferred income tax expense (benefit) (13 ) 2
Stock-based compensation expense 33 40
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries 18 49
Litigation and investigation costs, net of insurance recoveries 41 13
Pretax loss from discontinued operations 42 51
Other items, net 11 (11 )
Changes in cash from changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable (651 ) (638 )
Inventories and other current assets (2 ) (28 )
Income taxes (21 ) 83
Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities (29 ) (94 )
Other long-term liabilities (36 ) 39
Payments against reserves for restructuring charges and litigation costs and settlements (100 ) (70 )
Net cash provided by operating activities from discontinued operations, excluding income taxes   24     80  
Net cash provided by operating activities 208 326
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchases of property and equipment:
Continuing operations (452 ) (622 )
Discontinued operations (20 ) (54 )
Construction of new and replacement hospitals (75 ) (67 )
Purchase of business or joint venture interest (92 ) (36 )
Proceeds from sales of facilities and other assets – discontinued operations 160 91
Proceeds from sales of marketable securities, long-term investments and other assets 224 706
Purchases of marketable securities (26 ) (652 )
Reclassification of investments in Reserve Yield Plus Fund out of cash equivalents (14 )
Proceeds from hospital authority bonds 8 31
Proceeds from cash surrender value of insurance policies 11 82
Insurance recoveries for property damage 1 6
Other items, net   1     (5


Net cash used in investing activities (274 ) (520 )
Cash flows from financing activities:
Repayments of borrowings (1 ) (22 )
Other items, net   2     4  
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities   1     (18 )
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (65 ) (212 )
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   572     784  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $ 507   $ 572  
Supplemental disclosures:
Interest paid, net of capitalized interest $ (391 ) $ (395 )
Income tax (payments) refunds, net $ (4 ) $ 162
(Dollars in millions except per patient day,   Three Months Ended December 31,     Year Ended December 31,
per admission and per visit amounts)   2008       2007     Change   2008       2007     Change
Net inpatient revenues $ 1,441 $ 1,393 3.4 % $ 5,724 $ 5,485 4.4 %  
Net outpatient revenues $ 642 $ 603 6.5 % $ 2,568 $ 2,376 8.1 %
Number of general hospitals (at end of period) 48 48 * 48 48 *
Licensed beds (at end of period) 13,411 13,454 (0.3 %) 13,411 13,454 (0.3 %)
Average licensed beds 13,396 13,454 (0.4 %) 13,398 13,431 (0.2 %)
Utilization of licensed beds 51.7 % 52.0 % (0.3 %) * 53.2 % 53.0 % 0.2 % *
Patient days 636,724 643,533 (1.1 %) 2,610,199 2,599,420 0.4 %
Adjusted patient days 924,882 917,133 0.8 % 3,759,463 3,695,444 1.7 %
Net inpatient revenue per patient day $ 2,263 $ 2,165 4.5 % $ 2,193 $ 2,110 3.9 %
Admissions 130,384 130,614 (0.2 %) 527,148 521,028 1.2 %
Adjusted patient admissions 190,535 187,589 1.6 % 764,490 745,917 2.5 %
Net inpatient revenue per admission $ 11,052 $ 10,665 3.6 % $ 10,858 $ 10,527 3.1 %
Average length of stay (days) 4.9 4.9 * 5.0 5.0 *
Surgeries 90,914 89,060 2.1 % 361,013 356,664 1.2 %
Net outpatient revenue per visit $ 691 $ 646 7.0 % $ 681 $ 629 8.3 %
Outpatient visits 929,750 932,837 (0.3 %) 3,773,459 3,776,219 (0.1 %)
Sources of net patient revenue
Medicare 25.5 % 25.5 % % * 25.4 % 25.9 % (0.5 %) *
Medicaid 8.3 % 8.9 % (0.6 %) * 8.4 % 8.8 % (0.4 %) *
Managed care governmental 14.0 % 12.9 % 1.1 % * 13.5 % 12.1 % 1.4 % *
Managed care commercial 41.9 % 41.0 % 0.9 % * 41.3 % 41.0 % 0.3 % *
Indemnity, self-pay and other 10.3 % 11.7 % (1.4 %) * 11.4 % 12.2 % (0.8 %) *
* This change is the difference between the 2008 and 2007 amounts shown
(Dollars in millions except per patient day,   Three Months Ended December 31,     Year Ended December 31,
per admission and per visit amounts)   2008       2007     Change   2008       2007     Change
Net inpatient revenues $ 1,452 $ 1,397 3.9 % $ 5,749 $ 5,492 4.7 %  
Net outpatient revenues $ 654 $ 608 7.6 % $ 2,599 $ 2,385 9.0 %
Number of general hospitals (at end of period) 50 49 1 * 50 49 1 *
Licensed beds (at end of period) 13,562 13,495 0.5 % 13,562 13,495 0.5 %
Average licensed beds 13,547 13,495 0.4 % 13,512 13,455 0.4 %
Utilization of licensed beds 51.5 % 52.0 % (0.5 %) * 53.0 % 53.0 % *
Patient days 641,594 644,959 (0.5 %) 2,622,227 2,602,735 0.7 %
Adjusted patient days 934,829 921,434 1.5 % 3,788,063 3,704,837 2.2 %
Net inpatient revenue per patient day $ 2,263 $ 2,166 4.5 % $ 2,192 $ 2,110 3.9 %
Admissions 131,693 130,927 0.6 % 530,303 521,735 1.6 %
Adjusted patient admissions 193,108 188,530 2.4 % 771,704 747,920 3.2 %
Net inpatient revenue per admission $ 11,026 $ 10,670 3.3 % $ 10,841 $ 10,526 3.0 %
Average length of stay (days) 4.9 4.9 * 4.9 5.0 (0.1 ) *
Surgeries 91,470 89,091 2.7 % 362,663 357,173 1.5 %
Net outpatient revenue per visit $ 691 $ 645 7.1 % $ 679 $ 628 8.1 %
Outpatient visits 946,322 942,849 0.4 % 3,828,079 3,796,624 0.8 %
Sources of net patient revenue
Medicare 25.5 % 25.4 % 0.1 % * 25.4 % 25.9 % (0.5 %) *
Medicaid 8.2 % 8.7 % (0.5 %) * 8.4 % 8.8 % (0.4 %) *
Managed care governmental 14.1 % 12.9 % 1.2 % * 13.5 % 12.1 % 1.4 % *
Managed care commercial 41.8 % 41.3 % 0.5 % * 41.3 % 41.0 % 0.3 % *
Indemnity, self-pay and other 10.4 % 11.7 % (1.3 %) * 11.4 % 12.2 % (0.8 %) *
* This change is the difference between the 2008 and 2007 amounts shown
Fiscal 2008 by Calendar Quarter
(Dollars in millions except per share amounts)   Three Months Ended   Year Ended
  3/31/08       6/30/08       9/30/08       12/31/08     12/31/08  
Net operating revenues $ 2,178 $ 2,132 $ 2,158 $ 2,195 $ 8,663
Operating expenses:
Salaries, wages and benefits (954 ) (943 ) (952 ) (967 ) (3,816 )
Supplies (379 ) (381 ) (380 ) (388 ) (1,528 )
Provision for doubtful accounts (147 ) (153 ) (166 ) (166 ) (632 )
Other operating expenses, net (483 ) (493 ) (504 ) (475 ) (1,955 )
Depreciation (82 ) (84 ) (84 ) (85 ) (335 )
Amortization (8 ) (9 ) (10 ) (11 ) (38 )
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (1 ) (2 ) (1 ) (14 ) (18 )
Litigation and investigation (costs) benefit, net of insurance recoveries   (47 )   (3 )   5     4     (41 )
Operating income 77 64 66 93 300
Interest expense (104 ) (102 ) (106 ) (106 ) (418 )
Investment earnings 5 4 12 1 22
Minority interests (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (6 )
Net gains (losses) on sales of investments           140     (1 )   139  

Income (loss) from continuing operations, before income taxes

(23 ) (34 ) 110 (16 ) 37
Income tax (expense) benefit   (1 )   16     4     6     25  
Income (loss) from continuing operations, before discontinued operations (24 ) (18 ) 114 (10 ) 62
Discontinued operations:
Income (loss) from operations 5 5 (29 ) 25 6
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (10 ) (7 ) (21 ) (55 ) (93 )
Net gains (losses) on sales of facilities 8 (3 ) 1 6
Litigation settlements, net of insurance recoveries 39 39
Income tax (expense) benefit   (2 )   (3 )   4     6     5  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax   (7 )   3     (10 )   (23 )   (37 )
Net income (loss) $ (31 ) $ (15 ) $ 104   $ (33 ) $ 25  
Earnings (loss) per share
Basic and diluted
Continuing operations $ (0.05 ) $ (0.04 ) $ 0.24 $ (0.02 ) $ 0.13
Discontinued operations   (0.01 )   0.01     (0.02 )   (0.05 )   (0.08 )
$ (0.06 ) $ (0.03 ) $ 0.22   $ (0.07 ) $ 0.05  

Weighted average shares and dilutive securities outstanding (in thousands):

475,066 476,308 480,789 477,126 478,606
Fiscal 2008 by Calendar Quarter

(Dollars in millions except per patient day,

per admission and per visit amounts)
  Three Months Ended   Year Ended
  3/31/08       6/30/08       9/30/08       12/31/08     12/31/08  
Net inpatient revenues $ 1,476 $ 1,401 $ 1,406 $ 1,441 $ 5,724
Net outpatient revenues $ 624 $ 649 $ 653 $ 642 $ 2,568
Number of general hospitals (at end of period) 48 48 48 48 48
Licensed beds (at end of period) 13,397 13,394 13,380 13,411 13,411
Average licensed beds 13,416 13,396 13,385 13,396 13,398
Utilization of licensed beds 57.0 % 53.0 % 51.3 % 51.7 % 53.2 %
Patient days 695,812 646,521 631,142 636,724 2,610,199
Adjusted patient days 978,880 934,017 921,684 924,882 3,759,463
Net inpatient revenue per patient day $ 2,121 $ 2,167 $ 2,228 $ 2,263 $ 2,193
Admissions 136,765 130,423 129,576 130,384 527,148
Adjusted patient admissions 193,599 189,787 190,569 190,535 764,490
Net inpatient revenue per admission $ 10,792 $ 10,742 $ 10,851 $ 11,052 $ 10,858
Average length of stay (days) 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.9 5.0
Surgeries 87,774 91,454 90,871 90,914 361,013
Net outpatient revenue per visit $ 653 $ 687 $ 692 $ 691 $ 681
Outpatient visits 955,386 944,913 943,410 929,750 3,773,459
Sources of net patient revenue
Medicare 26.2 % 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.5 % 25.4 %
Medicaid 8.5 % 8.4 % 8.6 % 8.3 % 8.4 %
Managed care governmental 13.4 % 13.2 % 13.4 % 14.0 % 13.5 %
Managed care commercial 40.1 % 41.9 % 41.5 % 41.9 % 41.3 %
Indemnity, self-pay and other 11.8 % 11.5 % 11.5 % 10.3 % 11.4 %
Fiscal 2008 by Calendar Quarter
(Dollars in millions except per patient day, per admission and per visit amounts)   Three Months Ended   Year Ended
  3/31/08       6/30/08       9/30/08       12/31/08     12/31/08  
Net inpatient revenues $ 1,478 $ 1,405 $ 1,414 $ 1,452 $ 5,749
Net outpatient revenues $ 627 $ 654 $ 664 $ 654 $ 2,599
Number of general hospitals (at end of period) 49 50 50 50 50
Licensed beds (at end of period) 13,438 13,545 13,531 13,562 13,562
Average licensed beds 13,457 13,510 13,536 13,547 13,512
Utilization of licensed beds 56.9 % 52.8 % 51.0 % 51.5 % 53.0 %
Patient days 697,274 648,604 634,755 641,594 2,622,227
Adjusted patient days 983,127 939,726 930,381 934,829 3,788,063
Net inpatient revenue per patient day $ 2,120 $ 2,166 $ 2,228 $ 2,263 $ 2,192
Admissions 137,107 130,958 130,545 131,693 530,303
Adjusted patient admissions 194,592 191,205 192,799 193,108 771,704
Net inpatient revenue per admission $ 10,780 $ 10,729 $ 10,832 $ 11,026 $ 10,841
Average length of stay (days) 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9
Surgeries 88,015 91,771 91,407 91,470 362,663
Net outpatient revenue per visit $ 650 $ 683 $ 692 $ 691 $ 679
Outpatient visits 965,200 957,335 959,222 946,322 3,828,079
Sources of net patient revenue
Medicare 26.2 % 24.9 % 25.0 % 25.5 % 25.4 %
Medicaid 8.5 % 8.4 % 8.6 % 8.2 % 8.4 %
Managed care governmental 13.4 % 13.2 % 13.3 % 14.1 % 13.5 %
Managed care commercial 40.1 % 41.8 % 41.5 % 41.8 % 41.3 %
Indemnity, self-pay and other 11.8 % 11.7 % 11.6 % 10.4 % 11.4 %
Fiscal 2007 by Calendar Quarter
(Dollars in millions except per share amounts)   Three Months Ended   Year Ended
  3/31/07       6/30/07       9/30/07       12/31/07     12/31/07  
Net operating revenues $ 2,047 $ 2,002 $ 2,041 $ 2,077 $ 8,167
Operating expenses:
Salaries, wages and benefits (915 ) (888 ) (906 ) (946 ) (3,655 )
Supplies (357 ) (349 ) (347 ) (365 ) (1,418 )
Provision for doubtful accounts (133 ) (139 ) (155 ) (134 ) (561 )
Other operating expenses, net (462 ) (469 ) (469 ) (476 ) (1,876 )
Depreciation (76 ) (77 ) (77 ) (78 ) (308 )
Amortization (7 ) (9 ) (7 ) (7 ) (30 )
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (3 ) (8 ) (13 ) (25 ) (49 )
Hurricane insurance recoveries, net of costs 3 3
Litigation and investigation (costs) benefit, net of insurance recoveries   1     1     (3 )   (12 )   (13 )
Operating income 95 64 64 37 260
Interest expense (105 ) (105 ) (105 ) (104 ) (419 )
Investment earnings 11 15 10 11 47
Minority interests   (2 )           (2 )   (4 )
Loss from continuing operations, before income taxes (1 ) (26 ) (31 ) (58 ) (116 )
Income tax (expense) benefit   90     3     (10 )   (20 )   63  
Income (loss) from continuing operations, before discontinued operations 89 (23 ) (41 ) (78 ) (53 )
Discontinued operations:
Income (loss) from operations (19 ) (5 ) (5 ) 26 (3 )
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (9 ) (3 ) (6 ) (22 ) (40 )
Net gains (losses) on sales of facilities (1 ) 2 (5 ) (4 ) (8 )
Income tax (expense) benefit   15     (1 )   (2 )   3     15  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax   (14 )   (7 )   (18 )   3     (36 )
Net income (loss) $ 75   $ (30 ) $ (59 ) $ (75 ) $ (89 )
Earnings (loss) per share
Basic and diluted
Continuing operations $ 0.19 $ (0.05 ) $ (0.08 ) $ (0.16 ) $ (0.11 )
Discontinued operations   (0.03 )   (0.01 )   (0.04 )       (0.08 )
$ 0.16   $ (0.06 ) $ (0.12 ) $ (0.16 ) $ (0.19 )

Weighted average shares and dilutive securities outstanding (in thousands):

474,326 473,212 473,984 474,286 473,405
Fiscal 2007 by Calendar Quarter
(Dollars in millions except per patient day, per admission and per visit amounts)   Three Months Ended   Year Ended
  3/31/07       6/30/07       9/30/07       12/31/07     12/31/07  
Net inpatient revenues $ 1,390 $ 1,341 $ 1,361 $ 1,393 $ 5,485
Net outpatient revenues $ 580 $ 593 $ 600 $ 603 $ 2,376
Number of general hospitals (at end of period) 48 48 48 48 48
Licensed beds (at end of period) 13,424 13,417 13,424 13,454 13,454
Average licensed beds 13,417 13,427 13,424 13,454 13,431
Utilization of licensed beds 56.9 % 52.1 % 51.1 % 52.0 % 53.0 %
Patient days 687,564 636,980 631,343 643,533 2,599,420
Adjusted patient days 960,155 912,511 905,645 917,133 3,695,444
Net inpatient revenue per patient day $ 2,022 $ 2,105 $ 2,156 $ 2,165 $ 2,110
Admissions 135,481 127,560 127,373 130,614 521,028
Adjusted patient admissions 190,260 183,960 184,108 187,589 745,917
Net inpatient revenue per admission $ 10,260 $ 10,512 $ 10,685 $ 10,665 $ 10,527
Average length of stay (days) 5.1 5.0 5.0 4.9 5.0
Surgeries 88,963 88,792 89,849 89,060 356,664
Net outpatient revenue per visit $ 601 $ 627 $ 643 $ 646 $ 629
Outpatient visits 964,700 945,369 933,313 932,837 3,776,219
Sources of net patient revenue
Medicare 27.5 % 25.2 % 25.3 % 25.5 % 25.9 %
Medicaid 7.3 % 9.5 % 9.5 % 8.9 % 8.8 %
Managed care governmental 12.7 % 11.3 % 11.4 % 12.9 % 12.1 %
Managed care commercial 40.8 % 41.1 % 41.2 % 41.0 % 41.0 %
Indemnity, self-pay and other 11.7 % 12.9 % 12.6 % 11.7 % 12.2 %
Fiscal 2007 by Calendar Quarter
(Dollars in millions except per patient day,   Three Months Ended   Year Ended
per admission and per visit amounts)   3/31/07       6/30/07       9/30/07       12/31/07     12/31/07  
Net inpatient revenues $ 1,390 $ 1,341 $ 1,364 $ 1,397 $ 5,492
Net outpatient revenues $ 580 $ 593 $ 604 $ 608 $ 2,385
Number of general hospitals (at end of period) 48 49 49 49 49
Licensed beds (at end of period) 13,424 13,458 13,465 13,495 13,495
Average licensed beds 13,417 13,441 13,465 13,495 13,455
Utilization of licensed beds 56.9 % 52.1 % 51.1 % 52.0 % 53.0 %
Patient days 687,564 636,980 633,232 644,959 2,602,735
Adjusted patient days 960,155 912,511 910,737 921,434 3,704,837
Net inpatient revenue per patient day $ 2,022 $ 2,105 $ 2,154 $ 2,166 $ 2,110
Admissions 135,481 127,560 127,767 130,927 521,735
Adjusted patient admissions 190,260 183,960 185,170 188,530 747,920
Net inpatient revenue per admission $ 10,260 $ 10,513 $ 10,676 $ 10,670 $ 10,526
Average length of stay (days) 5.1 5.0 5.0 4.9 5.0
Surgeries 88,963 88,792 90,327 89,091 357,173
Net outpatient revenue per visit $ 601 $ 627 $ 639 $ 645 $ 628
Outpatient visits 964,700 945,369 943,706 942,849 3,796,624
Sources of net patient revenue
Medicare 27.5 % 25.2 % 25.3 % 25.4 % 25.9 %
Medicaid 7.3 % 9.5 % 9.5 % 8.7 % 8.8 %
Managed care governmental 12.7 % 11.3 % 11.4 % 12.9 % 12.1 %
Managed care commercial 40.8 % 41.1 % 41.2 % 41.3 % 41.0 %
Indemnity, self-pay and other 11.7 % 12.9 % 12.6 % 11.7 % 12.2 %


Additional Supplemental Non-GAAP Disclosures

(1) Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA


Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP term, is defined by the Company as net income (loss) before (1) cumulative effect of changes in accounting principle, net of tax, (2) income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax, (3) income tax (expense) benefit, (4) net gain (loss) on sales of investments, (5) minority interests, (6) investment earnings, (7) interest expense, (8) litigation and investigation (costs) benefit, net of insurance recoveries, (9) hurricane insurance recoveries, net of costs, (10) impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries, (11) amortization, and (12) depreciation. The Company’s adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to EBITDA reported by other companies.

The Company provides this information as a supplement to GAAP information to assist itself and investors in understanding the impact of various items on its financial statements, some of which are recurring or involve cash payments. The Company uses this information in its analysis of the performance of its business excluding items that it does not consider as relevant in the performance of its hospitals in continuing operations. Adjusted EBITDA is not a measure of liquidity, but is a measure of operating performance that management uses in its business as an alternative to net income (loss). Because Adjusted EBITDA excludes many items that are included in our financial statements, it does not provide a complete measure of our operating performance. Accordingly, investors are encouraged to use GAAP measures when evaluating the Company’s financial performance.

The reconciliation of net income (loss), the most comparable GAAP term, to adjusted EBITDA, is set forth in the first table below for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.

(2) Adjusted Free Cash Flow

Adjusted Free Cash Flow, a non-GAAP term, is defined by the Company as cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities less capital expenditures in continuing operations, new and replacement hospital construction expenditures, income tax refunds (payments) -- net, payments against reserves for restructuring charges and litigation costs and settlements, and net cash provided by (used in) operating activities from discontinued operations. The Company believes the use of Adjusted Free Cash Flow is meaningful as the use of this financial measure provides the Company and the users of its financial statements with supplemental information about the impact on the Company’s cash flows from the items specified above. The Company provides this information as a supplement to GAAP information to assist itself and investors in understanding the impact of various items on its cash flows, some of which are recurring. The Company uses this information in its analysis of its cash flows excluding items that it does not consider relevant to the liquidity of its hospitals in continuing operations going forward. Adjusted Free Cash Flow is a measure of liquidity that management uses in its business as an alternative to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities. Because Adjusted Free Cash Flow excludes many items that are included in our financial statements, it does not provide a complete measure of our liquidity. Accordingly, investors are encouraged to use GAAP measures when evaluating the Company’s financial performance or liquidity. The reconciliation of net cash provided by (used in) operating activities, the most comparable GAAP term, to Adjusted Free Cash Flow is set forth in the second table below for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.

Additional Supplemental Non-GAAP Disclosures
Table #1 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA
(Dollars in millions)   Three Months Ended
December 31,
  Year Ended
December 31,
  2008       2007     2008       2007  
Net income (loss) $ (33 ) $ (75 ) $ 25 $ (89 )


Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax

  (23 )   3     (37 )   (36 )
Income (loss) from continuing operations (10 ) (78 ) 62 (53 )
Income tax (expense) benefit 6 (20 ) 25 63
Net gains (losses) on sales of investments (1 ) 139
Minority interests (3 ) (2 ) (6 ) (4 )
Investment earnings 1 11 22 47
Interest expense   (106 )   (104 )   (418 )   (419 )
Operating income 93 37 300 260
Litigation and investigation (costs) benefit, net of insurance recoveries 4 (12 ) (41 ) (13 )
Hurricane insurance recoveries, net of costs 3 3
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill and restructuring charges, net of insurance recoveries (14 ) (25 ) (18 ) (49 )
Amortization (11 ) (7 ) (38 ) (30 )
Depreciation   (85 )   (78 )   (335 )   (308 )
Adjusted EBITDA $ 199 $ 156 $ 732 $ 657


Losses of hospitals without full calendar year of operating results at the beginning of the fourth quarter

  (2 )   (2 )   (20 )   (2 )
Same-hospital adjusted EBITDA $ 201   $ 158   $ 752   $ 659  
Net operating revenues $ 2,195 $ 2,077 $ 8,663 $ 8,167


Revenues of hospitals without full calendar year of operating results at the beginning of the fourth quarter

  23     7     56     16  
Same-hospital net operating revenues $ 2,172   $ 2,070   $ 8,607   $ 8,151  
Adjusted EBITDA as % of net operating revenues
(Adjusted EBITDA margin)
9.1 % 7.5 % 8.4 % 8.0 %
Adjusted same-hospital EBITDA as % of same-hospital net operating revenues (Adjusted same-hospital EBITDA margin) 9.3 % 7.6 % 8.7 % 8.1 %
Additional Supplemental Non-GAAP Disclosures
Table #2 - Reconciliation of Adjusted Free Cash Flow
(Dollars in millions) Three Months Ended
December 31,
Year Ended
December 31,
  2008     2007     2008     2007  
Net cash provided by operating activities $ 67 $ 112 $ 208 $ 326
Income tax (payments) refunds, net (1 ) (6 ) (4 ) 162
Payments against reserves for restructuring charges and litigation costs and settlements (21 ) (31 ) (100 ) (70 )
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities from discontinued operations   (12 )   31     24     80  
Adjusted net cash provided by operating activities – continuing operations 101 118 288 154
Purchases of property and equipment – continuing operations (120 ) (259 ) (452 ) (622 )
Construction of new and replacement hospitals   (10 )   (23 )   (75 )   (67 )
Adjusted Free Cash Flow $ (29 ) $ (164 ) $ (239 ) $ (535 )
Additional Supplemental Non-GAAP Disclosures
Table #3 - Reconciliation of Outlook Adjusted EBITDA to
Outlook Net Income (Loss) for Year Ending December 31, 2009
(Dollars in millions)   Low   High
Net income (loss) $ (40 ) $ 120


Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax

  (10 )   10  
Income (loss) from continuing operations (30 ) 110

Income tax expense

  (15 )   (25 )
Income (loss) from continuing operations, before income taxes (15 ) 135
Net gains (losses) on sales of investments (20 ) 20
Interest expense, net   (470 )   (450 )
Operating income 475 565
Litigation and investigation costs (25 ) (5 )
Gain on exchange of long-term debt 170 190
Impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill, and restructuring charges (5 )
Depreciation and amortization   (400 )   (420 )
Adjusted EBITDA $ 735   $ 800  
Table #4 - Reconciliation of Outlook Adjusted Free Cash Flow

for the Year Ending December 31, 2009

(Dollars in millions) Low   High
Net cash provided by operating activities $ 55 $ 180


Income tax refunds, net 15 25
Payments against reserves for restructuring charges and litigation costs and settlements (190 ) (170 )
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities from discontinued operations (10 )   10  
Adjusted net cash provided by operating activities – continuing operations 240 315
Purchases of property and equipment – continuing operations (320 ) (360 )
Construction of new and replacement hospitals (80 )   (90 )
Adjusted Free Cash Flow – continuing operations $ (160 ) $ (135 )

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