06.05.2008 15:54:00
Ambac Provides First Quarter 2008 Business Activity Update
Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE: ABK) (Ambac) today released
the text of a business activity update targeted at all its major
constituents. The text of the release follows:
Ambac is committed to preserving and rebuilding our business franchise.
Our recent capital raise of $1.5 billion and affirmation of our triple-A
ratings with negative outlook from Moody’s and
S&P were critical steps in pursuing this goal. Preserving our client
relationships and identifying business opportunities are also key to
reestablishing Ambac’s leading position in the
monoline financial guarantee market. The following is a business summary
of first quarter 2008.
The capital raise reduced the uncertainty around our ratings, which has
generated greater interest in our core products. While volume and
insured penetration have decreased significantly in the general public
finance market, Ambac is beginning to see more opportunities to provide
insurance both in the new issue (competitive and negotiated deals).
Furthermore, secondary market transactions with Ambac insurance are
steadily increasing. In the structured finance market, we will not be
writing new transactions for a period of six months from March 6, 2008
(the "moratorium period”).
In the meantime, the Group continues to meet with clients. Furthermore,
Ambac discontinued underwriting certain structured finance businesses,
including CDOs and RMBS. (For more details, see our SEC filings.)
Across all business lines, we are discussing with issuers and investors
our financial strength and our progress toward stabilizing and advancing
the drivers of our business. Another key focus at this time is helping
clients affected by the disruptions in the variable rate markets -- both
for Auction Rate Securities (ARS) as well as for Variable Rate Demand
Obligations (VRDO). The dislocations in these markets have caused
significant financial difficulties for certain clients and we are
committed to finding resolutions to these challenges.
Ambac’s overall objective is to continue
helping our clients solve their capital funding needs in the most
efficient manner possible. As we do so, we believe we will demonstrate
to the market why Ambac remains well-positioned in its business lines.
Below is a brief description, by business area, of some of the efforts
we have undertaken to further our objectives.
General Municipal Business
The East and West Regions, as well as the General Municipal Underwriting
Group, have seen a substantial increase in both new issue and secondary
market insurance requests. While our business volume is still down
significantly, we are seeing increased trading value of Ambac-wrapped
securities relative to pre-capital raise levels and a renewed interest
in Ambac’s participation in the market. Since
our capital raise, we have insured eight new issues in the primary
market and have issued commitments to insure several transactions that
have not yet been priced in the market. These insured new issues
included a $46.8 million Compton, CA lease financing in the negotiated
market, as well as a $62.0 million Alaska Municipal Bond Bank issue and
a $51.5 million Rialto, CA Tax Allocation Bond which sold in the
competitive market. Currently, however, the majority of our business
opportunities remain in the secondary market, where we have insured 21
transactions since the capital raise.
In addition, much of our recent focus has been on helping solve our
clients’ problems in the variable rate
markets. We have received 84 requests for amendments, waivers or
consents to restructure deals in order to lower interest rates. Public
Finance has worked closely with many clients in finding several
successful and innovative solutions such as the conversion from auction
rates to a VRDO with the addition of direct-pay line of credit (LOC) as
was done for the University of South Florida. We have also agreed to
amendments in Standby Bond Purchase agreements for immediate termination
events for the Utah Water Finance Agency, among others. Ambac has
developed several alternatives that issuers are finding to be feasible
alternatives given the current municipal finance marketplace.
We have been in continuous contact with many of our key clients,
including bankers, financial advisors, issuers and policyholders. During
the past several weeks, Ambac has met with each of the major New York
investment banks and several regional banks across the country. In the
coming weeks and months, we will continue to meet with our key
constituents as we move forward in renewing market confidence.
The Ambac Utilities Group remains committed to supporting the financial
initiatives of its issuers, particularly during this period of
unprecedented volatility and uncertainty. In recent weeks, we have
focused our efforts on addressing the strains brought on by the
dysfunctional markets for auction rate securities and other variable
rate securities. Since February 14, 2008, we have received and approved
over 55 amendment and consent requests from issuers to facilitate the
conversion of auction rate securities or remarketing of Ambac-insured
securities. While most of these conversions have involved the temporary
repurchase of outstanding securities, certain have involved conversions
to fix interest rates through maturity, including recent transactions
for Kentucky Utilities Company (5.75% to 6.0%) and Southern Indiana Gas
& Electric Company (5.4%). Still others have involved the conversion to
short and intermediate term fixed interest rates, including recent
transactions for Tampa Electric Company (5.0%) and Oglethorpe Power
Company (4.625%).
We are also maintaining our extensive dialogues with issuers, investors
and intermediaries to develop and evaluate even more innovative
solutions to the current crisis. To-date, we have discussed potential
options and solutions with nearly 40 of our auction rate and variable
rate issues and we are committed to responding to the needs of our
entire client base and to helping them preserve the value of Ambac’s
guarantee. We will also continue to disseminate information relevant to
Ambac’s own initiatives through periodic
mailings and during the course of our normal dialogue.
While we are disappointed not to have insured any new issue utility
transactions during the first quarter of 2008, we have been increasingly
active in the secondary market as select investors have taken advantage
of the value of the Ambac guarantee. Going forward, we hope to restore
similar confidence in the primary marketplace.
Health Care
While the Health Care Group has not insured any new issue transactions,
we have executed one small secondary market deal, which is indicative
that Ambac’s trading value is improving. We
have also provided a significant amount of reinsurance capacity on
another transaction that closed in the first quarter of 2008. Throughout
this time period, we have been extremely active with our clients,
especially as it relates to their variable rate debt. Among all of the
business units at Ambac, Health Care probably has the highest proportion
of transactions involving underlying variable rate debt. These have been
predominantly in the form of Auction Rate Securities and that particular
market in general has suffered the most. We have been working diligently
to help resolve our clients’ problems and
have had some key successes in this area. Ambac insurance was used on at
least one conversion from auction rate to fixed rate and several more
such conversions are scheduled for the second quarter of 2008. We have
also successfully incorporated incremental credit enhancement on a VRDO,
amending the Immediate Termination Events resulting in much lower rates.
Student Loans
Ambac has traditionally enjoyed a leading market share in student loan
securitizations, and this asset class remains an area of focus for the
firm. However, while we anticipate future opportunities, current
conditions are challenging. Since most student loan securitizations were
placed in the variable rate debt market, with interest rates that reset
on a short-term basis, today’s credit spread
environment is costing our clients money. As a result, Ambac has been
focusing on steps to minimize their borrowing costs. Thus far, these
steps have included helping issuers refinance out of the auction rate
debt market and changing deal documentation to increase investor
confidence in deals backed by bank-liquidity facilities. We have four
such transactions in progress for a total of $850 million par amount
outstanding. We expect to approve another nine such amendments in the
near future for another $1 billion in par amount outstanding.
Additionally, for the last couple of months, we have been approving
waivers to suspension events which were triggered because the bonds
experienced failed auctions or remarketings. These waivers allow our
clients to continue to offer new loans to their borrowers instead of
forcing a redemption of the wrapped notes. Our clients can therefore
continue their business while solutions to the cost of credit can be
Ambac firmly believes that financing sources will return to this market.
We will continue to work with our clients to help them get through these
difficult times. Student loans have performed well with little credit
deterioration, and the deals enjoy direct government support for many or
all of the underlying assets. This is an asset class that Ambac will
remain committed to over the long-term.
Housing Finance
Our focus in the Housing Finance area has been on continuously apprising
our key banking, developer and investor clients of the current events
affecting Ambac. This process has been handled by conference calls
and/or personal meetings.
In the past few months, we have received several requests for secondary
market insurance of various military housing deals. We have also been
participating in the due diligence process on two significant Air Force
transactions scheduled for closing in 2008. We have been proactive in
keeping investors up-to-date on the performance status of our
approximately $7 billion military housing portfolio.
We have also received a number of requests from issuers, bankers and
financial advisors for document amendments, consents and waivers for
clients suffering from the dislocation in the variable rate debt
markets. One good example of an amendment that generated significant
interest rate savings was for Connecticut Housing, where we amended the
Immediate Termination Events in the Standby Bond Purchase Agreements to
reference the Issuer’s ratings instead of
Ambac’s ratings. We are also pursing a
similar strategy with California Housing.
Project Finance
Although little activity has occurred in the infrastructure finance
sector during the first quarter of 2008, rapidly deteriorating
infrastructure asset conditions and burgeoning populations continue to
create a critical need for new and/or modernized infrastructure in North
America. In particular, a strong pipeline of essential infrastructure
transactions have already been announced for the period 2008-2010,
including PPP financings for the I-595 road in Florida and Chicago’s
Midway Airport.
However, financing conditions continue to be challenging, with many of
North America’s municipal infrastructure
budgets strained and lenders continuing to be capital-constrained.
Nonetheless, we have received a number of inquiries in 2008, evidencing
that, in this tough environment, the Ambac wrap continues to offer
cost-effective funding solutions for issuers and municipalities.
Inquiries include requests for insurance in connection with several new
transportation PPP deals and a number of potential restructurings of
existing assets. We continue to pursue all of these opportunities
aggressively, with the ultimate goal of restoring overall market
confidence in the value of Ambac enhancement as soon as possible.
In addition to our ongoing primary market initiatives, we continue to
seek secondary market opportunities in the infrastructure sector for
those investors who wish to take advantage of the cost efficiency of an
Ambac guarantee. We are in contact with a number of such investors and
are monitoring opportunities closely. In particular, we recently
executed a secondary market trade for a small amount of the debt issued
by the North Texas Toll Authority in connection with its purchase of the
SH-130 toll road concession, enabling one of our clients to achieve a
high-return, low-risk reward in the secondary markets.
As in previous years, the PPP and Infrastructure Group remains committed
to providing innovative and cost-efficient solutions for issuers,
sponsors, government entities and banking clients alike. We continue to
proactively maintain our contact with our major clients and have
recently provided them with an update on our plans with respect to
future PPP and Infrastructure Finance business. We also continue to
assist those clients who are seeking relief from the dislocation of the
auction rate and variable rate markets and are working closely with a
number of clients in order to find effective and quick solutions to the
higher interest rate burdens they are currently incurring.
Operating Assets
We have been meeting with all of our major banking relationships and
issuers in order to provide them with an update on Ambac and to maintain
our visibility during the moratorium period. We also have been
responding to amendment and consent requests on existing deals in our
portfolio, several of which have been signed over the last few weeks.
While unable to pursue such opportunities during the moratorium period,
we have been approached about several transactions, including one for a
term operating asset securitization going to market later this year.
Current market conditions have resulted in a lack of new term issuances
but issuers appear to be ready to access the markets once conditions
Structured Insurance
Financial guarantors have played a crucial role in the securitization of
life insurance risks since the inception of the insurance-linked
securities market. Investors are still learning how to best evaluate the
risks in these structures and, therefore, they still value the diligence
and oversight that Ambac brings to these financings. Sponsors and
bankers are pleased with Ambac’s
reaffirmation of our commitment to Structured Insurance and our team
looks forward to being actively engaged in new opportunities after the
moratorium period. We believe that the combination of pent-up industry
demand and decreased monoline industry capacity will drive favorable
credit terms and economics for Ambac, while providing value to Issuers
in this market segment.
Multi-Seller Conduit Enhancement
Currently, our efforts are focused on responding to the informational
needs of commercial paper (CP) investors regarding Ambac’s
financial strength. We are committed to being as transparent as possible
with the taxable short term markets participants. Client sponsors have
reported that the CP investor tone improved following Moody’s
and S&P’s triple-A ratings affirmation on
March 12, 2008 and reaffirmation by Moody’s
of such rating on April 23, 2008. They also report their business
continues strong as the multi-seller conduits benefit from both their
distinction from structured investment vehicles and from the
100%-supported nature of their asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP).
We are expanding our surveillance process for the multi-seller bank
programs that Ambac supports with program-wide enhancement. We believe
that the value of our unique third-party surveillance will continue to
be recognized by investors and bank regulators going forward. This, in
turn, will further differentiate the Ambac-enhanced, multi-seller
conduits from unenhanced vehicles.
Secondary Markets
Ambac is gaining significant momentum and restoring investor confidence
in the secondary markets, focusing for the present on the public finance
markets. While the number of transactions we have completed to date in
2008 remains below our 2007 volume, secondary market transactions with
Ambac insurance are steadily increasing. Over the past few weeks, Ambac
has qualified more than 50 competitive new issue transactions and
provided insurance on approximately 13% of those deals, which is only
slightly below last year’s success rate.
Week-on-week volume of secondary market transactions is also growing
rapidly, as new business production during the first two weeks of April
was equivalent to our entire secondary markets production in the first
quarter of 2008.
The Secondary Markets desk is targeting the development of opportunities
in those structured finance sectors in which Ambac has committed to
remain active. As a result, we have received inquiries on both wrapped
and unwrapped structured finance paper. The majority of these inquiries
have been for wrapped deals where investors seek to restore triple-A
ratings on paper insured by monolines that have suffered ratings
downgrades. Additionally, the Secondary Markets group has been working
with bankers that are holding and looking to manage unwrapped exposures
that were previously expected to be taken out via capital markets
executions this year.
The Secondary Markets group is increasing our marketing efforts with
established relationships in the bank, broker and dealer community while
seeking new opportunities with fixed income investors. Going forward,
the Secondary Markets group expects to benefit from the reduced number
of competitors in the marketplace.
In summary, Ambac is diligently working to restore market confidence.
While conditions remain challenging, we are committed to achieving
stable ratings and to meeting the financing needs of our clients.
This release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any or all of
management’s forward-looking statements here
or in other publications may turn out to be wrong and are based on Ambac’s
management current belief or opinions. Ambac’s
actual results may vary materially, and there are no guarantees about
the performance of Ambac’s securities. Among
events, risks, uncertainties or factors that could cause actual results
to differ materially are: (1) changes in the economic, credit, foreign
currency or interest rate environment in the United States and abroad;
(2) the level of activity within the national and worldwide credit
markets; (3) competitive conditions and pricing levels; (4) legislative
and regulatory developments; (5) changes in tax laws; (6) changes in our
business plan, including changes resulting from our decision to
discontinue writing new business in the financial services area, to
significantly reduce new underwriting of structured finance business and
to discontinue all new underwritings of structured finance business for
six months from March 6, 2008; (7) the policies and actions of the
United States and other governments; (8) changes in capital requirements
whether resulting from downgrades in our insured portfolio or changes in
rating agencies’ rating criteria or other
reasons; (9) changes in Ambac’s and/or
Ambac Assurance’s credit or financial
strength ratings; (10) changes in accounting principles or practices
relating to the financial guarantee industry or that may impact Ambac’s
reported financial results; (11) inadequacy of reserves established for
losses and loss expenses; (12) default by one or more of Ambac Assurance’s portfolio
investments, insured issuers, counterparties or reinsurers; (13) credit
risk throughout our business, including large single exposures to
reinsurers; (14) market spreads and pricing on insured collateralized
debt obligations ("CDOs”)
and other derivative products insured or issued by Ambac; (15) credit
risk related to residential mortgage securities and CDOs; (16) the risk
that holders of debt securities or counterparties on credit default
swaps or other similar agreements seek to declare events of default or
seek judicial relief or bring claims alleging violation or breach of
covenants by Ambac or one of its subsidiaries; (17) the risk that our
underwriting and risk management policies and practices do not
anticipate certain risks and/or the magnitude of potential for loss as a
result of unforeseen risks; (18) the risk of volatility in income and
earnings, including volatility due to the application of fair value
accounting, or FAS 133, to the portion of our credit enhancement
business which is executed in credit derivative form; (19) operational
risks, including with respect to internal processes, risk models,
systems and employees; (20) the risk of decline in market position;
(21) the risk that market risks impact assets in our investment
portfolio; (22) the risk of credit and liquidity risk due to unscheduled
and unanticipated withdrawals on investment agreements; (23) changes in
prepayment speeds on insured asset-backed securities; (24) factors that
may influence the amount of installment premiums paid to Ambac; (25) the
risk that we may be required to raise additional capital, which could
have a dilutive effect on our outstanding equity capital and/or future
earnings; (26) our ability or inability to raise additional capital,
including the risks that regulatory or other approvals for any plan to
raise capital are not obtained, or that various conditions to such a
plan, either imposed by third parties or imposed by Ambac or its Board
of Directors, are not satisfied and thus potentially necessary capital
raising transactions do not occur, or the risk that for other reasons
the Company cannot accomplish any potentially necessary capital raising
transactions; (27) the risk that Ambac’s
holding company structure and certain regulatory and other constraints,
including adverse business performance, affect Ambac’s
ability to pay dividends and make other payments; (28) the risk of
litigation and regulatory inquiries or investigations, and the risk of
adverse outcomes in connection therewith, which could have a material
adverse effect on our business, operations, financial position,
profitability or cash flows; (29) other additional factors described in
the Risk Factors section of Ambac’s Current
Report on Form 8-K dated March 12, 2008 and in its Annual Report on Form
10-K for the fiscal year December 31, 2007 and also disclosed from time
to time by Ambac in its subsequent reports on Form 10-Q and Form 8-K,
which are or will be available on the Ambac web site at www.ambac.com
and at the SEC’s web site, www.sec.gov;
and (30) other risks and uncertainties that have not been identified at
this time. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements speak
only as of the date they are made and that Ambac does not undertake to
update forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events
that arise after the date the statements are made. You are therefore
advised to consult any further disclosures we make on related subjects
in Ambac’s reports to the SEC.
Ambac Financial Group, Inc., headquartered in New York City, is a
holding company whose affiliates provide financial guarantees and to
clients in both the public and private sectors around the world. Ambac's
principal operating subsidiary, Ambac Assurance Corporation, a guarantor
of public finance and structured finance obligations, has earned
triple-A ratings from Moody's Investors Service, Inc. and Standard &
Poor's Ratings Services; and a double-A rating from Fitch, Inc. Moody's,
Standard & Poor's and Fitch all maintain a "negative
outlook”. Ambac Financial Group, Inc. common
stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol ABK).

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