Novartis Aktie
WKN: 904278 / ISIN: CH0012005267
25.10.2005 20:00:00
Chiron Reports Third-Quarter 2005 Adjusted Earnings of $0.38 per Share, GAAP Earnings of $0.27 per Share
Three factors had a material impact on the quarterly comparison offinancial results. As previously reported, following the suspension ofChiron's manufacturing license for its Liverpool facility in October2004, Chiron's entire FLUVIRIN(R) influenza virus vaccine productinventory was written off in the third quarter of 2004, resulting in a$91 million charge to cost of sales. Also in the third quarter of2004, Chiron recognized $46 million of royalty and license fee revenueresulting from a settlement with F. Hoffmann-La Roche related to aU.S. patent directed to NAT methods for HIV (Roche settlement),compared to $8 million recognized in the third quarter of 2005.Lastly, there was a lost contribution from sales of BEGRIVAC(R)influenza virus vaccine as there were no sales of BEGRIVAC vaccine inthe third quarter of 2005, compared to $41 million of sales in thethird quarter of 2004.
"The third quarter marked a significant turning point for thecompany. The work underpinning the Liverpool remediation came toculmination with the return of FLUVIRIN vaccine to the U.S. market,and Chiron is now poised to provide possible solutions in thegovernment's assessment of policy options to address influenza. At thesame time, we continue to hit important clinical and commercialmilestones in our BioPharmaceuticals and Blood Testing businesses, andwe continue to foster opportunities for growth and value creationacross all our businesses," said Howard Pien, chief executive officerof Chiron.
Chiron uses adjusted financial statements to gain an understandingof the company's operating performance on a comparative basis.Adjusted amounts exclude special items relating to certainacquisitions and an impairment loss on acquired intangible assets,which may not be indicative of the company's trends or potentialfuture performance. Please refer to the tables at the end of thispress release for more detail on these items and a reconciliation ofthe adjusted financial information to GAAP financial information; thisinformation is also located at in the Investors sectionunder Financial Reports. All references to per-share amounts are perdiluted share.
Selected Financial Highlights (Amounts are both GAAP and adjusted)
Third- Third-
Quarter Quarter Change
($ millions) 2005 2004
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
Net product sales $367 $376 (2%)
Total revenues 480 530 (9%)
Cost of sales 169 241
Gross profit margin 54% 36%
Research and development 107 103 4%
Selling, general and administrative 117 112 5%
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
Net product sales for the third quarter of 2005 decreased 2percent, or $8 million, compared to the third quarter of 2004,primarily due to no sales of BEGRIVAC vaccine in the third quarter of2005, compared to $41 million of sales of BEGRIVAC vaccine in thethird quarter of 2004. The decline was partially offset by increasesin sales of other influenza vaccines, rabies vaccines, PROCLEIX(R) NATproducts, MENJUGATE(R) meningococcal C vaccine, TOBI(R) tobramycininhalation solution, and BETASERON(R) interferon beta-1b.
Revenues decreased 9 percent, or $50 million, primarily due torecognition of $46 million in the third quarter of 2004 relating tothe Roche settlement, compared to recognition of $8 million in thethird quarter of 2005 relating to the settlement. In addition, therewere no BEGRIVAC vaccine product sales in the third quarter of 2005.
Gross profit margin increased primarily due to the entire FLUVIRINvaccine product inventory being written off in the third quarter of2004, resulting in a $91 million charge to cost of sales.
Research and development expenses increased primarily due to thecost of development efforts in the oncology franchise and themeningococcal vaccine franchise. This increase was partially offset bydecreases from a variety of BioPharmaceutical and Blood Testingresearch and development programs that were completed or discontinuedprior to the third quarter of 2005.
Selling, general and administrative expenses increased due to abroad range of activities, including the pre-launch program forCUBICIN(R) daptomycin for injection in Europe, higher employee-relatedcosts and corporate governance.
The effective tax rate was 22 percent on an adjusted basis and aGAAP basis for the third quarter of 2005, compared to 25 percent on anadjusted basis and 31 percent on a GAAP basis for the third quarter of2004. The tax rate decreased primarily due to lower than expectedrevenues from FLUVIRIN vaccine and BEGRIVAC vaccine, which arerealized in high-tax jurisdictions. The change is expected to be anon-recurring event impacting adjusted and GAAP tax rates in 2005.
Total Blood Testing revenues were $138 million for the thirdquarter of 2005, a decrease of 2 percent compared to the third quarterof 2004.
Selected Blood Testing Revenues
Third- Third-
Quarter Quarter
($ millions) 2005 2004 Change
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics $7 $7 (1%)
PROCLEIX(R) NAT products 71 64 11%
-------- -------- ------
Blood Testing net product sales 78 71 10%
Revenues from joint business
arrangement 36 34 6%
Royalty and license fee revenues 23 34 (34%)
Total Blood Testing revenues(a) $138 $141 (2%)
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
(a) Total Blood Testing revenues consist of net product sales from
Chiron's joint business contractual arrangement with Ortho-Clinical
Diagnostics and from Chiron's PROCLEIX NAT product line, revenues from
Chiron's joint business arrangement with Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics,
collaborative agreement revenues, royalty and license fee revenues,
and other revenues. Totals may not sum due to rounding and the
inclusion of only selected financial information.
-- PROCLEIX NAT products: The increase in sales for the third quarter of 2005 compared to the third quarter of 2004 was primarily due to the introduction of the PROCLEIX(R) ULTRIO(R) Assay and PROCLEIX(R) TIGRIS(R) System into a number of markets abroad and an increase in donations in the United States.
-- Joint business arrangement with Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics: The increase in revenues was primarily due to increased profitability realized by the joint business.
-- Royalty and license fee revenues related to NAT blood screening: The decrease was primarily due to recognition in the third quarter of 2004 of the Blood Testing share of the Roche settlement and the license fee under Chiron's license agreements with the Blood Transfusion Centers of the German Red Cross (Blutspendediensten des Deutsche Rotes Kreuz, or DRK). This was partially offset by increased royalties from Roche due to an increase in applicable royalty rates as certain countries entered the EU and an increase in reported donations. In addition, royalties increased due to several settlements entered into prior to the third quarter of 2005.
The gross profit margin for Blood Testing products was 42 percentfor the third quarter of 2005, compared to 43 percent for the thirdquarter of 2004. The decrease was primarily due to the cost ofadditional PROCLEIX TIGRIS System support and service.
Vaccines net product sales were $153 million for the third quarterof 2005, a decrease of 12 percent compared to the third quarter of2004.
Selected Vaccines Revenues
Third- Third-
Quarter Quarter Change
($ millions) 2005 2004
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
Influenza vaccines $60 $93 (35%)
Meningococcal vaccines 12 9 31%
Travel vaccines 35 26 32%
Pediatric and other vaccines 46 44 3%
-------- -------- ------
Vaccines net product sales 153 173 (12%)
Total Vaccines revenues(a) $157 $180 (13%)
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
(a) Total Vaccines revenues consist of net product sales,
collaborative agreement revenues, royalty and license fee revenues,
and other revenues. Totals may not sum due to rounding and the
inclusion of only selected financial information.
-- Influenza vaccines: The decrease in influenza vaccines sales was due to no sales of BEGRIVAC vaccine in the third quarter of 2005, compared to $41 million of sales in the third quarter of 2004, partially offset by increased sales of other influenza vaccine products.
-- Meningococcal vaccines: The increase in MENJUGATE vaccine sales was primarily due to a tender sale in Spain, partially offset by a decline in tender sales to the United Kingdom and Canada.
-- Travel vaccines: The increase in travel vaccines sales was primarily due to an increase in sales of rabies vaccine due to increased demand as a result of a product recall from another supplier, an increase in price, and an increase in tender sales in Europe.
-- Pediatric and other vaccines: The increase in pediatric and other vaccines sales was primarily due to an increase in sales of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccine concentrate, partially offset by a decline in polio vaccine sales due to product write-offs and product unavailability as a result of manufacturing upgrades.
The gross profit margin for Vaccines products was 45 percent forthe third quarter of 2005, compared to 9 percent for the third quarterof 2004. The increase was primarily due to the entire FLUVIRIN vaccineproduct inventory being written off in the third quarter of 2004,resulting in a $91 million charge to cost of sales in that quarter.The absence of any sales of BEGRIVAC vaccine and costs related toremediation activities for FLUVIRIN vaccine and BEGRIVAC vaccine had anegative impact on gross margin for the third quarter of 2005.
BioPharmaceuticals net product sales were $137 million for thethird quarter of 2005, an increase of 4 percent compared to the thirdquarter of 2004.
Selected BioPharmaceuticals Revenues
Third- Third-
Quarter Quarter Change
($ millions) 2005 2004
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
TOBI(R) tobramycin inhalation solution $58 $56 4%
PROLEUKIN(R) (aldesleukin) for injection 31 32 (2%)
BETASERON(R) interferon beta-1b 37 35 5%
BioPharmaceuticals net product sales(a) 137 132 4%
BETAFERON(R) interferon beta-1b royalties 13 13 0%
Total BioPharmaceuticals revenues(b) $155 $148 5%
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
(a) Net product sales include sales from TOBI, PROLEUKIN, BETASERON
and other products.
(b) Total BioPharmaceuticals revenues consist of net product sales,
collaborative agreement revenues, royalty and license fee revenues,
and other revenues. Totals may not sum due to the inclusion of only
selected financial information.
-- TOBI: The increase in TOBI product sales for the third quarter of 2005 compared to the third quarter of 2004 was primarily due to price increases and increased patient demand in both the United States and Europe, partially offset by wholesaler ordering patterns.
-- PROLEUKIN: The decrease in PROLEUKIN product sales was primarily due to decreased patient demand in the United States and Europe and wholesaler ordering patterns, partially offset by price increases.
-- BETASERON: The increase in BETASERON product sales to Berlex Inc. (and its parent company Schering AG) for marketing and resale was primarily due to price increases, a shift from third-party to in-house production and timing of clinical product, partially offset by a reduction in shipments to Berlex and inventory ordering patterns.
-- BETAFERON royalties: BETAFERON royalties in the third quarter of 2005 were consistent with BETAFERON royalties the third quarter of 2004 due to an increase in demand and price, partially offset by a shift from third-party to in-house production.
The gross profit margin for BioPharmaceuticals products was 71percent for the third quarter of 2005, compared to 67 percent for thethird quarter of 2004. The increase in gross profit margin wasprimarily due to favorable product mix and increased utilization offacilities over the prior year.
Total royalty and license fee revenues include royalties andlicense fees attributed to Blood Testing, Vaccines andBioPharmaceuticals. These revenues also include other royalty andlicense fee revenues, which consist primarily of royalties from Roche,Roche Molecular Systems and Bayer HealthCare AG for clinicaldiagnostic products.
Selected Royalty and License Fee Revenues
Third- Third-
Quarter Quarter
($ millions) 2005 2004 Change
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
Blood Testing $23 $34 (34%)
Vaccines 1 1 4%
BioPharmaceuticals 17 15 12%
Other 30 61 (51%)
Total royalty and license fee revenues(a) $71 $111 (37%)
--------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------
(a) Totals may not sum due to rounding.
-- Total royalty and license fee revenues: In addition to the variances in Blood Testing, Vaccines and BioPharmaceuticals royalty and license fee revenues for the third quarter of 2005 compared to the third quarter of 2004 as explained above, other royalty and license fee revenues decreased. The decrease was primarily due to the Roche settlement, which was entered into in the third quarter of 2004. In relation to this settlement in the third quarter of 2005, $3 million related to blood screening and thus was recognized as Blood Testing royalty and license fee revenues, and $5 million related to clinical diagnostics and thus was recognized as other royalty and license fee revenues. In the third quarter of 2004, $10 million of the Roche settlement was recognized as Blood Testing royalty and license fee revenues, and $36 million was recognized as other royalty and license fee revenues.
-- Chiron has received all necessary approvals from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to start supplying FLUVIRIN vaccine to the U.S. market. Subsequent to the third quarter of 2005, Chiron announced that it began delivering FLUVIRIN vaccine to customers in the United States for the 2005-2006 influenza season. The company expects that the total number of FLUVIRIN vaccine doses it will produce for the 2005-2006 influenza season will be below its previously stated range announced on July 27, 2005, due to production delays related to remediation as well as lower production output associated with adaptation to new processes and procedures implemented in remediation. Accordingly, Chiron expects that its financial results for 2005 will be below its previously stated guidance. Chiron expects to have more information on FLUVIRIN vaccine production totals and financial guidance in the weeks ahead.
-- The FDA notified Chiron's collaborator Gen-Probe Incorporated that it considers the PROCLEIX TIGRIS System "not substantially equivalent" to the PROCLEIX Enhanced Semi-Automated System (eSAS) for screening donated human blood with the PROCLEIX ULTRIO Assay. The FDA made this determination in response to Gen-Probe's 510(k) application for the TIGRIS System. Gen-Probe has discussed the determination with the FDA and is scheduling a series of meetings to resolve the outstanding issues.
-- In conjunction with the recently held European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) meeting, the University of Basel in Switzerland announced results from the BENEFIT (BETAFERON/BETASERON in Newly Emerging Multiple Sclerosis For Initial Treatment) clinical study. Study results showed that BETAFERON/BETASERON interferon beta-1b 250 mcg treatment delayed the onset of clinically definite multiple sclerosis by one year (363 days) in patients with first clinical signs of multiple sclerosis compared to placebo.
-- Chiron and XOMA Ltd. announced the initiation of a second clinical trial of CHIR-12.12, a novel, fully human, antagonist antibody that targets the CD40 antigen. The Phase I trial is for patients with multiple myeloma, a type of cancer that is associated with expression of the CD40 antigen on the cancer cell surface.
-- Chiron and Nektar Therapeutics announced the initiation of clinical testing in the Phase III program evaluating tobramycin inhalation powder (TIP), an investigational inhaled antibiotic. The TIP Phase III program includes two clinical trials and will evaluate the efficacy and safety of TIP in the treatment of lung infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients living with cystic fibrosis. The first trial, called ASPIRE I, is now underway.
Chiron will hold a conference call and webcast on Tuesday, October25, 2005, at 4:45 p.m. EDT to review its third-quarter 2005 results ofoperations and business highlights. In addition, the company mayaddress forward-looking questions concerning business and financialmatters and trends affecting the company.
To access either the live call or the one-year webcast archive,please log on to Please connect to the websiteat least 15 minutes prior to the conference call to ensure adequatetime to download any necessary software. Alternatively, please call(800) 819-7026 from the United States or Canada or (706) 643-7768 fromother locations. Replay by phone is available approximately two hoursafter the completion of the call through 11:55 p.m. EST, Tuesday,November 1, 2005. To access the replay, please call (800) 642-1687from the United States or Canada or (706) 645-9291 from otherlocations. The conference ID number is 1067243.
Chiron delivers innovative and valuable products to protect humanhealth by advancing pioneering science across the landscape ofbiotechnology. The company works to deliver on the limitless promiseof science and make a positive difference in people's lives. For moreinformation about Chiron, please visit
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This news release contains forward-looking statements, includingstatements regarding earnings and sales growth, supply of influenzavirus vaccines that Chiron expects to deliver in future influenzaseasons, improvements to manufacturing facilities, product developmentinitiatives, new product indications, new product marketing, andclinical trials, that involve risks and uncertainties and are subjectto change. A discussion of the company's operations and financialcondition, including factors that may affect its business and futureprospects that could cause actual results and developments to differmaterially from those expressed or implied by these forward-lookingstatements, is contained in documents the company has filed with theSEC, including the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004, andthe Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2005, and will becontained in all subsequent periodic filings made with the SEC. Thesedocuments identify important factors that could cause the company'sactual performance to differ from current expectations, including,among others, additional adverse developments resulting from theprevious suspension of Chiron's UK license to manufacture FLUVIRIN(R)influenza virus vaccine from October 5, 2004, through March 2, 2005,the announcement of such suspension and the litigation andinvestigations relating to those matters, the outcome of clinicaltrials, regulatory review and approvals, manufacturing capabilities,intellectual property protections and defenses, litigation,stock-price and interest-rate volatility, marketing effectiveness andthe severity of the 2005-2006 influenza season. There can be noassurance that additional issues with respect to FLUVIRIN vaccine orChiron's manufacturing generally will not arise in the future, oradditional doses of FLUVIRIN vaccine will satisfy Chiron's internalrelease procedures and/or FDA influenza vaccine lot releaseprocedures. The company may face additional competition in theinfluenza market in the future and challenges in distributionarrangements as a result of previous vaccine developments. Inaddition, the company may engage in business opportunities, thesuccessful completion of which is subject to certain risks, includingapproval by Novartis AG, stockholder and regulatory approvals, and theintegration of operations.
Chiron does not undertake an obligation to update theforward-looking information the company is giving today.
NOTE: BEGRIVAC, FLUVIRIN, MENJUGATE, PROCLEIX, PROLEUKIN, TOBI andULTRIO are trademarks of Chiron. BETASERON and BETAFERON aretrademarks of Schering AG. TIGRIS is a trademark of Gen-ProbeIncorporated. CUBICIN is a trademark of Cubist Pharmaceuticals.
(In thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
September 30,
2005 2004 Restated (3)
-------------------------- --------------------------
Adjusted Adjust- Actual Adjusted Adjust- Actual
(1) ments (2) ments
-------------------------- --------------------------
Product sales,
net $367,175 $- $367,175 $375,549 $- $375,549
Revenues from
joint business
arrangement 36,093 - 36,093 34,017 - 34,017
revenues 3,149 - 3,149 4,124 - 4,124
Royalty and
license fee
revenues 70,726 - 70,726 111,396 - 111,396
Other revenues 2,470 - 2,470 4,450 - 4,450
-------- ------- --------- -------- ------- ---------
revenues 479,613 - 479,613 529,536 - 529,536
-------- ------- --------- -------- ------- ---------
Cost of sales 168,726 - 168,726 241,044 - 241,044
Research and
development 107,309 - 107,309 103,000 - 103,000
general and
administrative 117,152 - 117,152 112,013 - 112,013
Purchased in-
research and
development - - - - (9,629) 9,629
expense - (12,361) 12,361 - (20,566) 20,566
Impairment loss
on acquired
assets - (14,522) 14,522 - - -
Other operating
expenses 3,621 - 3,621 1,280 - 1,280
-------- ------- --------- -------- ------- ---------
expenses 396,808 (26,883) 423,691 457,337 (30,195) 487,532
-------- ------- --------- -------- ------- ---------
Income from
operations 82,805 26,883 55,922 72,199 30,195 42,004
Interest expense (7,759) - (7,759) (7,063) - (7,063)
Interest and
other income,
net 18,514 - 18,514 5,369 - 5,369
Minority interest (531) - (531) (504) - (504)
-------- ------- --------- -------- ------- ---------
Income from
before income
taxes 93,029 26,883 66,146 70,001 30,195 39,806
Provision for
income taxes 20,172 5,337 14,835 17,500 5,141 12,359
-------- ------- --------- -------- ------- ---------
Income from
operations 72,857 21,546 51,311 52,501 25,054 27,447
======== ======= ========= ======== ======= =========
Loss from
operations, net
of taxes - - - (450) - (450)
-------- ------- --------- -------- ------- ---------
Net income $72,857 $21,546 $51,311 $52,051 $25,054 $26,997
======== ======= ========= ======== ======= =========
Basic earnings
per share:
Income from
operations $0.39 $0.27 $0.28 $0.15
========= ========= ========= =========
Net income $0.39 $0.27 $0.28 $0.14
========= ========= ========= =========
Diluted earnings
per share:
Income from
operations $0.38 $0.27 $0.27 $0.14
========= ========= ========= =========
Net income $0.38 $0.27 $0.27 $0.14
========= ========= ========= =========
Shares used in
basic earnings
per share 188,039 188,039 187,368 187,368
========= ========= ========= =========
Shares used in
diluted earnings
per share 197,802 197,802 197,894 190,014
========= ========= ========= =========
(1) Adjusted amounts exclude (a) the amortization expense on
acquired intangible assets related to the acquisitions of
PathoGenesis, Chiron Behring, Pulmopharm and PowderJect
Pharmaceuticals and (b) An impairment loss of $14.5 million on
acquired intangible assets from our acquisition of PowderJect related
to a yellow fever vaccine.
(2) Adjusted amounts exclude (a) the amortization expense on
acquired intangible assets related to the acquistions of PathoGenesis,
Chiron Behring, Pulmopharm and PowderJect Pharmaceuticals and (b)
Purchased in-process research and development related to the Sagres
(3) Chiron determined that certain sales of a travel vaccine
recorded as revenues in the second quarter of 2004 should not have
been recorded as revenue at that time, and that portions of those
sales should have been recorded as revenues in the third and fourth
quarters of 2004 and possibly in later quarters.
On a GAAP and adjusted basis, as a result of the restatement, for
the three months ended September 30, 2004, product sales were
increased by $5.6 million, cost of sales were increased by $0.9
million and income taxes were increased by $1.2 million. This resulted
in a $3.5 million increase in income from continuing operations and
net income and a $0.01 increase of diluted income from continuing
operations per share ($0.14 per share instead of the $0.13 per share
as previously reported on a GAAP basis and $0.27 per share instead of
$0.26 per share as previously reported on an adjusted basis).
Note: Due to rounding, quarterly earnings (loss) per share amounts
may not sum fully to yearly earnings per share amounts.
(In thousands, except per share data)
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
2005 2004 Restated (6)
---------------------------- ----------------------------
Adjusted Adjust- Actual Adjusted Adjust- Actual
(4) ments (5) ments
---------------------------- ----------------------------
sales, net $947,913 $- $947,913 $937,836 $- $937,836
from joint
arrangement 103,154 - 103,154 92,910 - 92,910
revenues 11,129 - 11,129 14,467 - 14,467
Royalty and
license fee
revenues 227,309 - 227,309 221,384 - 221,384
revenues 16,221 - 16,221 22,363 - 22,363
---------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------
revenues 1,305,726 - 1,305,726 1,288,960 - 1,288,960
---------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------
Cost of
sales 511,005 - 511,005 498,808 - 498,808
Research and
development 324,620 - 324,620 301,736 - 301,736
and admini-
strative 375,802 - 375,802 321,775 - 321,775
Purchased in-
research and
development - - - - (9,629) 9,629
expense - (54,237) 54,237 - (63,077) 63,077
loss on
assets - (14,522) 14,522 - - -
expenses 12,823 - 12,823 8,040 - 8,040
---------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------
expenses 1,224,250 (68,759)1,293,009 1,130,359 (72,706)1,203,065
---------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------
Income from
operations 81,476 68,759 12,717 158,601 72,706 85,895
expense (22,932) - (22,932) (19,440) - (19,440)
Interest and
income, net 66,259 - 66,259 41,252 - 41,252
interest (1,723) - (1,723) (1,583) - (1,583)
---------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------
Income from
income taxes 123,080 68,759 54,321 178,830 72,706 106,124
Provision for
income taxes 27,625 15,722 11,903 44,708 15,770 28,938
---------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------
Income from
operations 95,455 53,037 42,418 134,122 56,936 77,186
========== ================= ========== ======= =========
Gain from
net of taxes - - - 24,854 - 24,854
---------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ---------
Net income $95,455 $53,037 $42,418 $158,976 $56,936 $102,040
========== ================= ========== ======= =========
earnings per
Income from
operations $0.51 $0.23 $0.71 $0.41
========== ========== ========== ==========
Net income $0.51 $0.23 $0.85 $0.54
========== ========== ========== ==========
earnings per
Income from
operations $0.50 $0.22 $0.70 $0.40
========== ========== ========== ==========
Net income $0.50 $0.22 $0.83 $0.53
========== ========== ========== ==========
Shares used
in calculating
per share 187,564 187,564 187,751 187,751
========== ========== ========== ==========
Shares used
in calculating
earnings per
share 189,064 189,064 198,134 190,901
========== ========== ========== ==========
(4) Adjusted amounts exclude (a) the amortization expense on
acquired intangible assets related to the acquisitions of
PathoGenesis, Chiron Behring, Pulmopharm and PowderJect
Pharmaceuticals and (b) An impairment loss of $14.5 million on
acquired intangible assets from our acquisition of PowderJect related
to a yellow fever vaccine.
(5) Adjusted amounts exclude (a) the amortization expense on
acquired intangible assets related to the acquistions of PathoGenesis,
Chiron Behring, Pulmopharm and PowderJect Pharmaceuticals and (b)
Purchased in-process research and development related to the Sagres
(6) Chiron determined that certain sales of a travel vaccine
recorded as revenues in the second quarter of 2004 should not have
been recorded as revenue at that time, and that portions of those
sales should have been recorded as revenues in the third and fourth
quarters of 2004 and possibly in later quarters.
On a GAAP and an adjusted basis, as a result of the restatement,
for the nine months ended September 30, 2004, product sales were
reduced by $8.3 million, cost of sales were reduced by $0.6 million
and income taxes were reduced by $1.9 million. This resulted in a $5.8
million reduction in income from continuing operations and net income
on a GAAP and an adjusted basis. The restatement also resulted in a
$0.03 reduction of diluted income from continuing operations per share
on a GAAP basis ($0.40 per share instead of the $0.43 per share as
previously reported) and a $0.03 reduction of diluted income from
continuing operations per share on an adjusted basis ($0.70 per share
instead of the $0.73 per share as previously reported).
Note: Due to rounding, quarterly earnings (loss) per share amounts
may not sum fully to yearly earnings per share amounts
(In thousands)
September December
30, 31,
2005 2004
----------- -----------
Current assets:
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term
investments $580,106 $603,621
Accounts receivable, net of allowances 383,925 402,094
Inventories, net of reserves 268,566 221,154
Other current assets 209,525 167,154
----------- -----------
Total current assets 1,442,122 1,394,023
Non-current investments in marketable debt
securities 437,650 409,421
Property, plant, equipment and leasehold
improvements, net 824,097 799,415
Other non-current assets 1,512,937 1,702,644
----------- -----------
Total assets $4,216,806 $4,305,503
=========== ===========
Liabilities and stockholders' equity
Current liabilities $459,522 $434,444
Long-term debt 938,449 936,652
Long-term portion of capital lease 156,723 156,952
Non-current unearned revenue 25,146 26,175
Other non-current liabilities 105,612 140,226
Minority interest 10,679 9,350
Stockholders' equity 2,520,675 2,601,704
----------- -----------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $4,216,806 $4,305,503
=========== ===========
(In thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
September 30,
2005 2004 Restated
---------------- ----------------
Adjusted Actual Adjusted Actual
---------------- ----------------
Computation for earnings per share -
continuing operations
Income (Numerator):
Income from continuing operations $72,857 $51,311 $52,501 $27,447
Plus: Interest on 1.625%
convertible debentures, net of
taxes 1,589 1,589 1,570 -
Plus: Interest on Liquid Yield
Option Notes, net of taxes 147 147 143 -
---------------- ----------------
Income from continuing operations,
plus impact from assumed
conversions $74,593 $53,047 $54,214 $27,447
================ ================
Shares (Denominator):
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding 188,039 188,039 187,368 187,368
Effect of dilutive securities:
Stock options and equivalents 1,883 1,883 2,646 2,646
1.625% convertible debentures 7,306 7,306 7,306 -
Liquid Yield Option Notes 574 574 574 -
---------------- ----------------
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding, plus impact from
assumed conversions 197,802 197,802 197,894 190,014
================ ================
Basic earnings per share from
continuing operations $0.39 $0.27 $0.28 $0.15
================ ================
Diluted earnings per share from
continuing operations $0.38 $0.27 $0.27 $0.14
================ ================
Computation for earnings per share -
net income
Income (Numerator):
Net income $72,857 $51,311 $52,051 $26,997
Plus: Interest on 1.625%
convertible debentures, net of
taxes 1,589 1,589 1,570 -
Plus: Interest on Liquid Yield
Option Notes, net of taxes 147 147 143 -
---------------- ----------------
Net income, plus impact from
assumed conversions $74,593 $53,047 $53,764 $26,997
================ ================
Shares (Denominator):
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding 188,039 188,039 187,368 187,368
Effect of dilutive securities:
Stock options and equivalents 1,883 1,883 2,646 2,646
1.625% convertible debentures 7,306 7,306 7,306 -
Liquid Yield Option Notes 574 574 574 -
---------------- ----------------
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding, plus impact from
assumed conversions 197,802 197,802 197,894 190,014
================ ================
Basic earnings per share from net
income $0.39 $0.27 $0.28 $0.14
================ ================
Diluted earnings per share from net
income $0.38 $0.27 $0.27 $0.14
================ ================
(In thousands, except per share data)
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
2005 2004 Restated
---------------- ------------------
Adjusted Actual Adjusted Actual
---------------- ------------------
Computation for earnings per share
- continuing operations
Income (Numerator):
Income from continuing
operations $95,455 $42,418 $134,122 $77,186
Plus: Interest on 1.625%
convertible debentures, net of
taxes - - 4,710 -
---------------- ------------------
Income from continuing
operations, plus impact from
assumed conversions $95,455 $42,418 $138,832 $77,186
=============== ===================
Shares (Denominator):
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding 187,564 187,564 187,751 187,751
Effect of dilutive securities:
Stock options and equivalents 1,500 1,500 3,150 3,150
1.625% convertible debentures - - 7,233 -
---------------- ------------------
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding, plus impact from
assumed conversions 189,064 189,064 198,134 190,901
================ ==================
Basic earnings per share from
continuing operations $0.51 $0.23 $0.71 $0.41
================ ==================
Diluted earnings per share from
continuing operations $0.50 $0.22 $0.70 $0.40
================ ==================
Computation for earnings per share
- net income
Income (Numerator):
Net income $95,455 $42,418 $158,976 $102,040
Plus: Interest on 1.625%
convertible debentures, net of
taxes - - 4,710 -
---------------- ------------------
Net income, plus impact from
assumed conversions $95,455 $42,418 $163,686 $102,040
================ ==================
Shares (Denominator):
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding 187,564 187,564 187,751 187,751
Effect of dilutive securities:
Stock options and equivalents 1,500 1,500 3,150 3,150
1.625% convertible debentures - - 7,233 -
---------------- ------------------
Weighted-average common shares
outstanding, plus impact from
assumed conversions 189,064 189,064 198,134 190,901
================ ==================
Basic earnings per share from net
income $0.51 $0.23 $0.85 $0.54
================ ==================
Diluted earnings per share from net
income $0.50 $0.22 $0.83 $0.53
================ ==================
(In thousands)
Current Prior Change
Quarter Quarter from Change
Q3 2005 Q2 2005 Prior
Product Sales
Blood Testing
Ortho $7,023 $7,988 $(965) (12.1)%
NAT 70,677 66,104 4,573 6.9%
Total Blood
Testing 77,700 74,092 3,608 4.9%
vaccines 60,321 (492) 60,813 12360.4%
vaccines 11,635 13,605 (1,970) (14.5)%
Travel vaccines (TBE, Rabies,
Arilvax and Dukoral) 35,012 45,014 (10,002) (22.2)%
vaccines 45,800 39,127 6,673 17.1%
Total Vaccines 152,768 97,254 55,514 57.1%
Proleukin 31,028 31,727 (699) (2.2)%
TOBI 57,890 56,600 1,290 2.3%
Betaseron(a) 36,927 38,132 (1,205) (3.2)%
Other 10,862 5,770 5,092 88.2%
Biopharmaceuticals 136,707 132,229 4,478 3.4%
SALES, NET $367,175 $303,575 $63,600 21.0%
Revenues from joint
arrangement $36,093 $31,003 $5,090 16.4%
agreement revenues 3,149 3,453 (304) (8.8)%
Royalty and license
fee revenues 70,726 76,522 (5,796) (7.6)%
Other revenues 2,470 4,204 (1,734) (41.2)%
TOTAL REVENUES $479,613 $418,757 $60,856 14.5%
Gross Margins
Blood Testing 42% 40% 2%
Vaccines 45% 6% 39%
Biopharmaceuticals 71% 68% 3%
MARGINS 54% 41% 13%
(a) Excludes
Royalty $13,413 $16,943 $(3,530) (20.8)%
Restated Change
Quarter from Change
Q3 2004 Prior
Year %
Product Sales
Blood Testing
Ortho $7,098 $(75) (1.1)%
NAT 63,629 7,048 11.1%
Total Blood
Testing 70,727 6,973 9.9%
vaccines 93,486 (33,165)(35.5)%
vaccines 8,865 2,770 31.2%
Travel vaccines (TBE, Rabies,
Arilvax and Dukoral) 26,434 8,578 32.5%
vaccines 44,491 1,309 2.9%
Total Vaccines 173,276 (20,508)(11.8)%
Proleukin 31,739 (711) (2.2)%
TOBI 55,734 2,156 3.9%
Betaseron(a) 35,171 1,756 5.0%
Other 8,902 1,960 22.0%
Biopharmaceuticals 131,546 5,161 3.9%
SALES, NET $375,549 $(8,374) (2.2)%
Revenues from joint
arrangement $34,017 $2,076 6.1%
agreement revenues 4,124 (975)(23.6)%
Royalty and license
fee revenues 111,396 (40,670)(36.5)%
Other revenues 4,450 (1,980)(44.5)%
TOTAL REVENUES $529,536 $(49,923) (9.4)%
Gross Margins
Blood Testing 43% (1)%
Vaccines 9% 36%
Biopharmaceuticals 67% 4%
MARGINS 36% 18%
(a) Excludes
Royalty $13,374 $39 0.3%
(In thousands)
Nine Months Ended Change Change
September 30, from
2004 Prior
2005 Restated Year %
Product Sales
Blood Testing
Ortho $21,473 $19,940 $1,533 7.7%
NAT 201,212 186,104 15,108 8.1%
Total Blood Testing 222,685 206,044 16,641 8.1%
Influenza vaccines 63,400 109,398 (45,998)(42.0)%
Meningococcal vaccines 34,393 18,430 15,963 86.6%
Travel vaccines (TBE, Rabies,
Arilvax and Dukoral) 123,785 75,705 48,080 63.5%
Pediatric/Other vaccines 115,420 143,292 (27,872)(19.5)%
Total Vaccines 336,998 346,825 (9,827) (2.8)%
Proleukin 92,290 98,664 (6,374) (6.5)%
TOBI 167,425 159,600 7,825 4.9%
Betaseron(a) 101,693 96,933 4,760 4.9%
Other 26,822 29,770 (2,948) (9.9)%
Total Biopharmaceuticals 388,230 384,967 3,263 0.8%
TOTAL PRODUCT SALES, NET $947,913 $937,836 $10,077 1.1%
Revenues from joint business
arrangement $103,154 $92,910 $10,244 11.0%
Collaborative agreement revenues 11,129 14,467 (3,338)(23.1)%
Royalty and license fee revenues 227,309 221,384 5,925 2.7%
Other revenues 16,221 22,363 (6,142)(27.5)%
TOTAL REVENUES $1,305,726 $1,288,960 $16,766 1.3%
Gross Margins
Blood Testing 42% 42% 0%
Vaccines 21% 21% 0%
Biopharmaceuticals 70% 72% (2)%
(a) Excludes Betaferon Royalty $45,833 $38,766 $7,067 18.2%

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06.03.25 | Novartis Buy | Deutsche Bank AG | |
25.02.25 | Novartis Neutral | JP Morgan Chase & Co. | |
20.02.25 | Novartis Outperform | Bernstein Research | |
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S&P 500 | 5 745,55 | 1,38% | |
NASDAQ 100 | 20 092,90 | 1,72% |