AMD Aktie
WKN: 863186 / ISIN: US0079031078
23.05.2006 04:01:00
AMD Delivers Desktop Product Powerhouse While Reducing Costs for Ecosystem Partners; Newest AMD Athlon(TM) 64 FX and AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 Processors Raise Performance, Enable Virtualization
As part of AMD's ongoing commitment to deliver leading technologyfor desktop PCs, AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced the immediateavailability of the AMD Athlon(TM) 64 FX-62 dual-core processor, theworld's ultimate processor for PC enthusiasts, and the AMD Athlon(TM)64 X2 5000+dual-core processor compatible with AMD's new socket AM2platform. Socket AM2 from AMD is designed to enable next-generationplatform innovations such as AMD Virtualization and high-performance,unbuffered DDR2 memory to the award-winning AMD64 architecture.Additionally, socket AM2 streamlines the work for motherboardmanufacturers, while reducing costs through economies of scale, whichcan provide better products and increase supply chain flexibility.
"The introduction of socket AM2 is another example of AMDdelivering on our customer promise, on time and with industry supportfrom our AMD64 ecosystem," said Bob Brewer, corporate vice president,Desktop Division, AMD. "We are again pushing new levels of performancein our dual-core processors while enabling meaningful innovations likeAMD Virtualization and DDR2 memory."
OEMs shipping systems with socket AM2 processors includeAlienware, Fujitsu Siemens, HP, and Lenovo, as well as more than 40leading system builders worldwide. Through an open standards approach,AMD offers customers the ability to build differentiated solutionsthat meet commercial and consumer end-user needs.
"Our Aurora family of high-performance systems based on the AMDAthlon 64 FX and AMD Athlon X2 dual-core processors enable Alienwareto offer our customers amazing custom AMD64 computers," said FrankAzor, senior vice president and general manager, Worldwide ProductGroup, Alienware Corporation. "Our customers expect a remarkablecomputing experience using processors from AMD and these newprocessors are just what our customers are looking for."
"Our goal is to provide our customers with the newest,industry-leading technology as it becomes available," said TomAnderson, vice president of marketing, global consumer PCs, PersonalSystems Group, HP. "With the addition of these AMD solutions,consumers can complete demanding graphics projects, download imagesand watch movies without missing a beat."
While enthusiasts are often passionate AMD customers, thetransition to socket AM2 provides commercial clients with a singlesocket, feature rich solution to fit their needs.
"Lenovo is committed to delivering optimal performance, superiorreliability, and differentiated value in our ThinkCentre desktop PCs,"said Thomas Tobul, executive director, ThinkCentre Desktops, Lenovo."The performance enhancements enabled by the new socket AM2 from AMDcombined with our innovative ThinkVantage Technologies will enhancethe breadth and value of our expanded ThinkCentre line-up."
All AMD64 processors are ready and capable today to provide userswith the foundation needed to experience the power of WindowsVista(TM). AMD has been working closely with Microsoft to identify anddevelop key hardware and system requirements for Windows Vista.
"We are excited about the socket AM2 processors launching from AMDin preparation for Windows Vista," said Mike Sievert, corporate vicepresident, Windows Client Marketing at Microsoft. "The AMD Athlon 64FX and AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual-core processors offer powerfulcapabilities for new business and consumer scenarios using Windows XPtoday and will enable even more compelling business and consumerbreakthroughs for users of Windows Vista."
With socket AM2, AMD brings new capabilities like AMDVirtualization to both commercial and consumer users. Virtualizationon desktop computers allows a single PC to act like multiple virtualmachines. AMD Virtualization can enable client computers to seamlesslysupport multiple operating environments. Therefore, IT managers cannow gain the ability to develop and test software across multipleoperating systems on a single computer to facilitate softwaremigrations, isolate business and personal operating environments toincrease security and reliability, and to initialize and manage clientcomputers with less interruption to end users. AMD Virtualizationhelps make it easier for PC enthusiasts to upgrade and maintain theirPCs through emulation.
AMD Athlon 64 X2, AMD Athlon 64 and AMD Sempron(TM) ProcessorSocket AM2 lineup compatible with Socket AM2
For prosumers and digital enthusiasts who are looking to runsophisticated, multiple processor-intense applications simultaneously,AMD has transitioned the entire lineup of AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual-coreprocessors over to the new socket AM2 while adding the AMD Athlon 64X2 5000+ and 4000+ dual-core processors.
For current and future needs, the AMD Athlon 64 desktopsingle-core processors helps ensure exceptional performance on today'ssoftware with readiness for the coming wave of 64-bit computing. WithAMD64 technology, customers can embrace the new capabilities of 64-bitcomputing on their own terms to achieve compatibility with existingsoftware and operating systems. The following AMD Athlon 64 processorsare available in both sockets 939 and AM2: AMD Athlon 64 3500+ and3800+ processors.
AMD Sempron processors are tailored to the growing segment ofvalue-conscious PC users seeking a full-featured product withbest-in-class performance for the changing face of everyday computing.The following AMD Sempron processors are available in both socket 939and AM2: AMD Sempron 64 3000+, 3200+, 3400+, 3500+ and 3600+processors.
Availability and Pricing
Socket AM2 processors from AMD are available immediatelyworldwide.
Pricing for the new AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 and AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+dual-core processors is $1,031 and $696, respectively in 1KU PIB. AMDhas also added an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ that will be priced at $328in 1KU PIB. For pricing details, please visit:
About AMD64
The AMD64 processor platform is the Gold standard for 64-bitcomputing. AMD64's Direct Connect Architecture evolves industrystandards to deliver break-through performance on single- anddual-core processors, reducing bottlenecks inherent in traditionalfront-side bus architectures. AMD64 technology is also designed toenhance the security of computing environments by integrating EnhancedVirus Protection(1) technology enabled by advanced anti-virus featuresin current versions of Linux, Microsoft(R) Windows(R) and Solarisoperating systems. Today, more than 50 percent of the top 500 ForbesGlobal 2000 companies or their subsidiaries, representing the world'smost competitive industries, now rely on AMD64 technology-basedsystems to run their enterprise applications. Since their 2003introduction, AMD64 processors have earned more than 200 industryawards and the support of more than 2,000 OEMs, hardware and softwaredevelopers, system builders and distributors. For more information onthe AMD64 processor platform, see
About AMD
Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) is a leading global provider ofinnovative microprocessor solutions for computing, communications andconsumer electronics markets. Founded in 1969, AMD is dedicated todelivering superior computing solutions based on customer needs thatempower users worldwide. For more information visit
AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Athlon, and combinations thereof aretrademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft and Windows areregistered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/orother countries. Other names are for informational purposes only andmay be trademarks of their respective owners.
(1) Enhanced Virus Protection (EVP) is only enabled by certainoperating systems including the current versions of Microsoft(R)Windows(R), Linux, Solaris and BSD Unix. After properly installing theappropriate operating system release, users must enable the protectionof their applications and associated files from buffer overrunattacks. Consult your OS documentation for information on enablingEVP. Contact your application software vendor for informationregarding use of the application in conjunction with EVP. AMD stronglyrecommends that users continue to use third party anti-virus softwareas part of their security strategy.
Socket AM2 Customer and Technology Partner Support Addendum
AMD is collaborating with industry leading companies to helpensure a smooth transition to socket AM2.
"The combination of new AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 and AMD Athlon 64 X25000+ dual-core processors with ATI's CrossFire graphics and chipsetplatforms results in the most impressive PC performance availabletoday," said Phil Eisler, senior vice president and general manager,Integrated and Mobile Business Unit, ATI Technologies. "UsingCrossFire Xpress and Radeon Xpress as the bedrock for AMD's formidabledual-core processors, we're delivering brilliant 3D image quality androck-solid reliability, demonstrating that AMD and ATI continue toenjoy a strong relationship that brings the best technologies possibleto PC users everywhere."
"We are pleased to be working with AMD again to bring a powerfuland high-performing processor to our motherboards using socket AM2,"said Joe Hsieh, vice president, Motherboard Business Unit, ASUSTeK,"Together with ASUS' excellent design and manufacturing ability, userscan enjoy an enhanced computing experience."
"Thanks to the new AM2 memory controller design, we were able totake DDR2 memory performance to a new level. Our market-leading memorymodules are able to reach higher clock speeds with AMD's newprocessors than with any other memory controller," said John Beekley,vice president, Applications Engineering, Corsair Memory. "We applaudAMD on this latest release. We believe our common customers, computerhardware enthusiasts and gamers, will benefit immediately from theseadvances in memory performance."
"As complete support for dual-core CPUs is becoming essential, weat Croteam definitely appreciate all the power we can get for our newSerious Engine," said Dean Sekulic, programmer, Croteam. "The AMDAthlon 64 FX dual-core processor is the power behind our development."
"CyberPower is excited to offer the new socket AM2 processors likethe AMD Athlon(TM) 64 FX-62 dual-core processor, and the AMDAthlon(TM) 64 X2 dual-core processor 5000+ for delivering the ultimatein gaming performance for your hardcore enthusiast demands," said EricCheung, CEO, CyberPower, Inc. "With our renowned loyalty to serviceand support, CyberPower can unleash the most powerful gamingperformance for you."
"Since the introduction of multi-core processors, the way wecreate technology for games has changed forever. DICE (DigitalIllusions) is in the process of creating a new powerful gaming enginethat take full advantage of the extra processing power that multi-coreCPUs give us," said Torbjorn Soderman, lead rendering programmer,DICE. "This power enables us to create richer and more lifelike worldswhich will enhance the immersion and quality of game play to newheights. The new AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processor excels in theseenvironments and future DICE games using our new multi-core enginetechnology will fully harness its power."
"Elitegroup is glad to announce the KN3 SLI2, KA3 MVP and RS485M-Mwill support the socket AM2 processors and DDR2 memory. The KN3 SLI2and KA3 MVP motherboards are dedicated gaming platforms for theenthusiast, while the RS485M-M is a highly integrated motherboard forentertainment," said Adam Chou, marketing director, Product MarketingDivision, Elitegroup. "Elitegroup provides a full product line ofsocket AM2 solutions for different market segments."
"The AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processor is an amazingly powerfulprocessor," said Tim Sweeney, CEO, Epic Games Inc. "It providesexcellent performance for next-generation games built on Epic's UnrealEngine 3. We're thrilled to see AMD moving so quickly to bringhigh-performance dual-core computing to gamers."
"Gamers who own an AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processor and asolid graphics card will be rendering Civilization 4 in all itsglory," said Tim McCracken, qa manager, Firaxis Games. "On a huge mapwith 18 Civilizations, the AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processorprocessed my gaming strategy turns instantaneously."
"Fujitsu Siemens Computers' modular and environmentally-consciousdesigned ESPRIMO Professional PC line offers users the highest qualitystandards and cutting-edge technology," said Andreas Thimmel, vicepresident, Business Clients, Fujitsu Siemens Computers. "Thetransition to socket AM2 enables performance enhancements andnext-generation platform innovations such as AMD Virtualization andhigh-performance, unbuffered DDR2 memory."
"GIGABYTE is honored to work with AMD to bring the best socket AM2solutions to the PC market," said David Chiang, general manager,GIGABYTE Channel Business Unit. "GIGABYTE GA-M59SLI-S5, a socket AM2motherboard, brings consumers some of the best motherboard engineeringdevelopment ever undertaken by GIGABYTE such as Silent, Speed, Smart,Safe and SLI. Socket AM2 processors in conjunction with GIGABYTEmotherboards, enable excellent performance from the socket AM2platform."
"The AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processor is optimal for ourHydraCore(TM) technology which allows our customers to harness thepower of a multi-core or multi-threaded system," said Tom Keating,director of engineering, Havok. "Not only does HydraCore run smoothlyand without any problems, but it runs a staggering 82% faster whenutilizing both cores. Combine that with games running on AMD's Athlon64 FX dual-core processors and the results will be phenomenal."
"Kingston is strongly committed to supporting the latest AMDroadmap and new technology efforts," said Mark Tekunoff, seniortechnical manager, Kingston. "Kingston's involvement with AMD intechnology development and our close collaboration with AMD ensuresour mutual customers will have ample availability of DDR2 modulesworldwide. Kingston is ready to support AMD's new socket AM2transition with our full line of DDR2 memory modules."
"MSI is pleased to announce the K9N SLI Platinum and K9N Ultramotherboards now support the socket AM2 platform," said CharlesChiang, vice president, Research & Development Division, MSI. "K9N SLIPlatinum is a powerful solution for the socket AM2 platform, K9N Ultrais the mainstream powerful product for power users with products thathas been tested to meet AMD's strict standard of compatibility. TheK9N series products are among the highest quality MSI flagshipmotherboards."
"The AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processor-based machines give us a25% reduction in build times for development, while at the same timestill providing excellent frame rates when we crank the display andgraphics settings all the way up in Flight Sim," said Carl Edlund, devmanager, Microsoft Flight Sim Team. "The application load times areone tenth our other machines, which makes this a very sought afterpiece of hardware in our halls."
"AMD's latest socket AM2 processors pave the way for improvedbandwidth with DDR2 memory, and offer new ways to optimize performanceover older DDR memory technology," said Terren Tong, product manager, "In conjunction with AMD's proven X2 dual core technology,we're excited by the performance boost that socket AM2, AMD Athlon 64FX-62 and AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ dual-core processors will bring tothe consumer."
"Multi-core is clearly the future of performance computing and AMDis at the forefront of this technology," said Tom Gambill, seniorsoftware engineer, NC Soft. "The AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processoris the clear leader in 3D gaming and a dual-core version is just whatwe have been waiting for."
"AMD has been a valuable partner to the overall success of ourentire NVIDIA nForce product portfolio, which, as of today, are deeplyentrenched in the enthusiast, mobile, professional, and UMA markets,"said Drew Henry, general manager of MCP business at NVIDIA. "NVIDIAand AMD share a common passion in developing innovative technologiesand today's introduction of the new socket AM2 platform continues thattradition in fine form."
"Remedy welcomes AMD Athlon 64 FX as its dual-core capabilitiesare the true next generation of PC gaming," said Markus Maki,development director, Remedy Entertainment. "Alan Wake will run withimproved visual and physical fidelity on dual-core processors, and theextra processing power will be integral for future gaming."
"SiS fully endorses AMD's pioneering vision of next-generationplatform innovations and will keep providing support to its industrystandardization to have better solutions created for our customers,"said Daniel Chen, CEO, SiS. "SiS has been co-developing technologieswith AMD for many years, and realizes immediate benefits from AMDdual-core processors. With native dual-core AMD64 processors, usersare able to run multimedia and security applications with enhancedperformance, and also enjoy new levels of multi-tasking capabilities."
"Vivendi Games is pleased to reinforce our continued commitment toPC gaming excellence based on AMD64 technology. With the launch of thenext generation AMD Athlon 64 FX dual-core processor, we're seeing thePC gaming experience really come of age," said Peter Della Penna,EVP/COO Worldwide Studios, Vivendi Games. "Combining the advantages ofdual-core technology, the AMD64 instruction set, and an incrediblyfast HyperTransport(TM) link, PC games are set to reach new levels ofrealism and performance. We've been thrilled to discover our ownbenchmarks reveal outstanding performance across a broad range of ourtitles. Our support for the AMD Athlon 64 platform continues in 2006and beyond."
"VIA is proud to support AMD's continued processor leadership inthe transition to socket AM2," commented Chewei Lin, vice president,Product Marketing, VIA Technologies Inc. "Through the support oftechnologies such as AMD Virtualization and high-performance DDR2memory, the new socket AM2 platform together with VIA's leadership intop-to-bottom chipset solutions will offer customers optimalperformance without compromise."

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