15.08.2006 04:01:00

Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) Processors Introduced with Record OEM Design Wins and Native Quad-Core Upgrade Path

AMD Enables OEMs to Offer Quad-Core Upgradeable Platforms to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership and to Improve Performance-per-Watt in Datacenters

AMD (NYSE:AMD) today introduced its Next-Generation AMDOpteron(TM) processor family, featuring industry-leadingperformance-per-watt and outstanding virtualization capabilities. Asthe only x86 server processor with planned upgradeability to nativequad-core within the same thermal design power envelope,Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors are designed to enablecustomers to increase computing capacity without altering datacenterinfrastructure. Improving upon what already is recognized as astandard-bearer for energy-conscious microprocessor architecturedesign, new platforms based on Next-Generation AMD Opteron processorswill be offered in record numbers from global original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs).

"Customers trust AMD for critical server applications, asevidenced by our record Q2 2006 AMD Opteron processor sales, and in2006, AMD expects to double the number of AMD Opteron processor-basedsystems offered from global and regional tier-one OEMs," said RandyAllen, corporate vice president, Server and Workstation Division, AMD."Today's announcement represents continued innovation along thecustomer-directed path we blazed years ago; we provide the completex86 processor architectural standard for others in the industry toemulate and have planned a seamless upgrade path to quad-coreprocessors."

In addition to launching its Next-Generation AMD Opteronprocessors, AMD also announced the completion of the design, ortape-out, of its native Quad-Core AMD Opteron processors. Quad-CoreAMD Opteron processors represent another concrete example of thebenefits from AMD's overarching strategy to introduce new technologieswith minimal customer disruption for maximum value. AMD plans todeliver to customers in mid-2007 native Quad-Core AMD Opteronprocessors that incorporate four processor cores on a single die ofsilicon.

Quad-Core AMD Opteron processors are expected to be electrical-,thermal- and socket-compatible with the Next-Generation AMD Opteronprocessors introduced today. This long-term approach means AMDcustomers can benefit from a consistent and common architecture thatscales to meet changing needs and escalating demands, and from theability to select quad-core ready platforms today. The consistency andstability offered by Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors alsoenhance the potential benefits to OEMs, system-builders andsemiconductor companies who elect to innovate on the AMD64architecture via the AMD Torrenza initiative. Torrenza capitalizes onthe Direct Connect Architecture and HyperTransport(TM) technologyadvantages of the AMD64 architecture to enable other processor andhardware providers to innovate within a common ecosystem. The enhancedcapabilities and innovation options now available through theextensible system bus via the HTX connector with new AMD Socket F(1207) compatible processors serve as the infrastructuralunderpinnings for advancing AMD64 as the x86 open innovation platform.

Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors represent the very latestproducts based on AMD's innovative Direct Connect Architecture, theindustry's first architecture to deliver x86-based 32- and 64-bitcomputing and to reduce traditional front-side bus bottlenecks,offering customers processing core consistency and stability across1-, 2-, 4- and 8-way systems. Additionally, with only two sockets forSMP planned over a seven-year period, AMD is delivering a growthstrategy for its customers who want simplicity, longevity andstability across products and platforms for their datacenters.

Power Efficiency and Blade Server Leadership Continues

Power consumption continues to be one of the top concerns formanaging today's datacenters. AMD Opteron processors address thisconcern by providing customers with industry-leading overallpower-efficiency and can deliver significant performance gains oversingle-core AMD Opteron processors while operating in the same thermalinfrastructure. The Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors willfurther define a new standard in performance-per-watt with outstandingPowerNow!(TM) capabilities and energy-efficient DDR2 memory support,while maintaining a consistent maximum 95-watt thermal design powerenvelope. Thanks to the memory capacity offered with AMD's DirectConnect Architecture, customers can have the memory performance theyrequire with DDR2 and avoid the premature use of memory technologiesthat are not yet at an optimal price-to-performance ratio and thatrequire more power.

The power efficiencies delivered by Next-Generation AMD Opteronprocessors, combined with an ever-increasing number of blades offeredby tier-one OEMs, continue to define AMD Opteron processors aspowering optimum blade platforms. AMD Opteron processor-based bladesmake up more than 50 percent of HP's x86 blade server platforms. IBMbrought the LS20 AMD Opteron processor-based blade to market in 2ndquarter 2005 and recently expanded its offerings to include theindustry's first "snap-in" scalable, 2- to 4-socket blade that allowscustomers to scale their business in mere seconds -- doubling theprocessing capacity. AMD Opteron processors are at the foundation ofSun's re-entry into the x86 blade server market with its innovativeSun Blade 8000 modular system, which combines the high-performance ofrackmount servers in a more power-efficient blade environment.

X86 Virtualization

The combination of AMD Virtualization(TM) technology and DirectConnect Architecture provides a balanced approach to enhancedvirtualization performance. AMD Virtualization is designed to extendAMD's Direct Connect Architecture by providing additionalsilicon-based features to allow a hypervisor (the component in anative virtualization scenario that manages the partitioning of theprocessor) to easily support guest operating systems. The integratedDDR2 memory controller on Next-Generation AMD Opteron processorsenhances virtualization and provides efficient isolation of virtualmachine memory for improved security and support of virtual users. AMDVirtualization was developed in collaboration with AMD'senterprise-focused OEM partners and ISVs currently shipping commercialvirtualization software such as Microsoft, Novell, VMware and Xen.

Widespread Hardware Partner Support

Today, the industry's leading original equipment manufacturers(OEMs) announced support for Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors.

Today's announcement marks Sun's continued support of AMD Opteronprocessors in its Sun Fire(TM) and Sun Ultra(TM) x64 servers andworkstations, including the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server, Sun Fire X2200M2 server and the Sun Ultra 20 M2 Workstation. Sun has revamped andexpanded its entire x64 AMD Opteron processor-based server,workstation and High Performance Computing (HPC) product lines withAMD's Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors. Sun Microsystemscontinues to be the only AMD partner who offers a complete solution ofhardware and the Solaris(TM) 10 Operating System (OS) pre-installed onevery system shipped, while still offering professional services andsoftware solutions. The Solaris 10 OS sits at the core of manydatacenter applications and supports more than 680 x86/x64 platforms.

"AMD understands that our customers don't want to adapt to a newinfrastructure every time a new processor is introduced, which cantranslate into headaches for end users," said Lisa Sieker, vicepresident of marketing for the Systems Group at Sun. "WithNext-Generation AMD Opteron processors powering Sun's extensive lineof x64 systems, we're able to bring our customers the continuedadvancements they need to meet their datacenter challenges, with astable migration path to quad-core and beyond."

HP will add Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors to the HPProLiant DL385 and DL585 rack-optimized servers and the HP ProLiantBL25p, BL45p, BL465c and BL685c server blades as well as futureworkstations.

"Our strong, global relationship with AMD is built upon acommitment to deliver advanced technologies and high-performingplatforms that meet the ever-changing demands of enterprisecustomers," said Paul Miller, vice president, marketing, IndustryStandard Servers and BladeSystem Division, HP. "Given HP's success ofdelivering superior system performance and best-run serverinfrastructures through a broad array of power efficiententerprise-class platforms with AMD Opteron processors, we plan tosupport Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors in our server andworkstation product lines."

IBM, one of the first vendors to ship Next-Generation AMD Opteronprocessor-based platforms, is supporting the new processors in thefive new System x and BladeCenter servers it now offers for businessperformance computing - a new compute model that leverages highperformance computing capability to more effectively meet generalbusiness needs, such as business intelligence, enterprise resourceplanning and more.

"IBM was the first global OEM to market with AMD Opteronprocessor-based systems in 2003. The growth of our portfolio ofAMD-based systems, coupled with our leadership innovation in IBMX-Architecture, will provide customers with the broadest arsenal ofleading-edge x86 systems," said James Gargan, vice president, IBMSystem x. "IBM has invested in a complete line of differentiatedofferings based on Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors. With theseplatforms, customers will uniquely be able to achieve their businessobjectives for performance, total cost of ownership and powermanagement. IBM's CoolBlue datacenter power management andoptimization initiative, including PowerExecutive software, andinnovations like Xcelerated Memory Technology, will give customers theability to get the most from their datacenter with these new systems."

Systems based on Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors are alsobeing announced today by a host of other manufacturers, includingEgenera, Rackable Systems, Supermicro and others.

Model Numbers, Pricing and Availability

Starting with Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors, AMD willmove to a 4-digit model number system. The new model numbers willcontinue to feature a 1, 2 or 8 in the first position to represent thescalability of each processor while adding a 2 in the second position,representing the second socket generation.

Model numbers will be as follows:

-- Up to 1P = 12xx. Socket AM2

-- Up to 2P = 22xx. Socket F (1207)

-- Up to 8P = 82xx. Socket F (1207)

Next-Generation AMD Opteron processor Model 8218 is priced at$2,149 in 1,000-unit quantities and the Model 2218 is priced at $873in 1,000-unit quantities. The Next-Generation AMD Opteron processorModel 1218 is priced at $749 in 1000-unit quantities. TheNext-Generation AMD Opteron processor Model 8220 SE is priced at$2,649 in 1,000-unit quantities, Model 2220 SE is priced at $1,165 in1,000-unit quantities, and Model 1220 SE is priced at $899 in1,000-unit quantities. For additional pricing information, please seewww.amd.com/pricing. For more information on Next-Generation AMDOpteron processor model numbers, please seewww.amd.com/opteronmodelnumbers. For more information on the sixth AMDEnterprise Online Event, featuring IBM's energy-efficient serverportfolio and Novell's Open Enterprise, go towww.amd.com/enterpriseevent.

About the AMD Opteron(TM) Processor

Today, 90 percent of the top 100 and more than 55 percent of thetop 500 of the Forbes Global 2000 companies or their subsidiaries relyon AMD Opteron(TM) processor-based systems. Single- and Dual-Core AMDOpteron processors deliver exceptional performance andperformance-per-watt to the market because they are built on AMD64technology with Direct Connect Architecture, innovated to reducebottlenecks inherent in traditional front-side bus architectures andenable a more efficient approach to computing.

About AMD

Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) is a leading global provider ofinnovative microprocessor solutions for computing, communications andconsumer electronics markets. Founded in 1969, AMD is dedicated todelivering superior computing solutions based on customer needs thatempower users worldwide. For more information visit www.amd.com.

Extensive Industry Support for Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM)Processors

@Xi Computer Corp.

"@Xi is committed to our professional clients. They come to usbecause of our reputation for designing and manufacturing some of thefastest CAD and DCC workstations and servers in the industry. WithNext-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors, we will be able tomaintain and reinforce our tradition of unsurpassed performance and64-bit scalability at a reduced total cost of ownership, ensuring ourcommitment to deliver excellence." -Sam Corralz, Vice President ofEngineering, @Xi Computer Corp.

Accelerated Servers

"Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors are designed toprovide world-class performance for our clients. As a result, they canwork to fulfill their critical missions without compromising totalcost of ownership." -Eric Moore, Vice President, Accelerated Servers


"The ready-for-anything MJ-12 8550a demonstrates why Alienware'sMJ-12 line has earned such a strong customer following from designersand engineers to game developers. When you combine AMD's proventechnologies and undisputed performance-per-watt leadership with themost innovative graphics, hard drive, and memory solutions, you have asurefire winner for professionals in any field, and that's what wehave created with the MJ-12 8550a." -Mark Vena, Vice President ofMarketing, Alienware

Angstrom Microsystems

"Angstrom's compute hungry customers can take full advantage ofNext-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors in one of the densestcluster-friendly form factor available today. With our patent-pendingcooling technology, Angstrom enables scaling of high volumedeployments with the most current processors AMD has to offer." -LalitJain, CEO, Angstrom Microsystems


"The Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processor enhances existingperformance-per-watt capabilities with energy-efficient DDR2 memory,and helps protect data center investments with AMD Virtualization(TM)support and a quad-core ready socket. Appro is happy to collaboratewith AMD to offer Next-Generation AMD Opteron processor-based serverclusters and workstation solutions. Combining customer focus withtechnology leadership means we can bring better solutions to marketthat are instrumental in making our customer's business successful."-Daniel Kim, CEO, Appro

ASA Computers

"Selecting the right hardware and software is complex; the wrongchoice can be quite expensive. That is why our customers come to usfor help in choosing the right components for their Web, mail, storageor general purpose servers. It's comforting to know that theinnovative engineering of ASA Computers matched with the exceptionalperformance-per-watt and computing capabilities of the Next-GenerationAMD Opteron(TM) processor will deliver scalable solutions for ourcustomers now and in the future." -Arvind Bhargava, CEO, ASA Computers

Atipa Technologies

"Temperatures are down while performance figures are up. As aperformance-oriented company, Atipa is especially concerned withperformance bottleneck issues when bringing new hardware to the table.Furthermore, we see the need for long term, sustained and balancedinvestment in both hardware and software when customers acquire aLinux cluster. The launch of Vision servers supporting Next-GenerationAMD Opteron(TM) processors introduces an innovative concept incomputing by providing significantly better performance forfloating-point applications." -Mike Zheng, President, AtipaTechnologies and Microtech Computers


"As a strategic partner of AMD, Broadcom is pleased to be a partof AMD's Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processor launch. Broadcom'sproven server chipset architecture provides unparalleled designflexibility and scalability to complement AMD's Direct ConnectArchitecture, extending its leadership position in technologicalinnovation in the server I/O chipset space. We look forward to manyother fruitful collaborations with AMD in the future." -Wei-Ai Tai,Director of Marketing for Broadcom's Server I/O Chipset Line ofBusiness


"We are excited about the improved server scalability andperformance benefits that the Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM)processor can bring to our customers. The 64-bit version ofPresentation Server takes user density to new heights - up to threetimes as many users per server. The 64-bit AMD Opteron processorenables IT to expand their Presentation Server deployment to morebusiness applications and additional user groups at a much lower cost.The new platform will enhance end-user experience and further enablecustomers to take full advantage of the cost benefits offered byCitrix Presentation Server." -Scott Herren, Group Vice President andGeneral Manager, Citrix

Computer & Control Solutions, Inc.

"CCSI leads the industry in designing Thermally Correct(TM)servers from the ground up with our unique Wind Tunnel(TM) coolingsystems. Recent events around the world have served to emphasize theimportance of having more energy efficient computer systems for bothoperational cost savings and overall system reliability. AMD has madea significant contribution to power conservation and thermalmanagement with AMD PowerNow!(TM) technology, that in combination withCCSI's cooling technology can result in even greater total cost ofownership savings by reducing both maintenance and air conditioningexpense." -Rockney Alavi, President, Computer & Control Solutions,Inc.

Colfax International

"From one generation to the next, Colfax International iscommitted to offering our customers industry-leading solutions basedon the latest AMD technology that deliver exceptional value,performance and investment protection. Today's new server andworkstation line, featuring Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM)processors, further amplifies performance and efficiency and providesour customers with a seamless upgrade path to protect theirinvestment." -Mike Fay, Vice President, Colfax International


"Egenera Processing Blade configurations based on Next-GenerationAMD Opteron(TM) processors will deliver a new standard inperformance-per-watt efficiency and expanded x86 virtualizationcapabilities - benefits that are top-of-mind with our enterprise,government and service provider customers. We believe AMD's newprocessors offer meaningful advances across the spectrum - from powerefficiency to total cost advantages - and we're pleased to beextending our collaboration with AMD for joint customers' benefit."-Susan Davis, Vice President, Egenera


"The Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processor is one of the keyinnovations that has enabled Fabric7 to deliver scalable x86 serversas a powerful alternative to the expensive, proprietary chip setsentrenched in the RISC/Unix space. The AMD Opteron processor allowedus to create an entirely new architecture for the enterprise server,fabric computing. AMD's continued innovation in performance, totalcost of ownership and advanced virtualization based on the DirectConnect Architecture and HyperTransport(TM) technology are keyelements in the fabric computing value proposition, greatly enhancingthe flexibility, scalability and compelling economics of our Q160 andQ80 servers." -Sharad Mehrotra, CEO, Fabric7

HPC Systems

"Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors make significantstrides in advancing performance-per-watt and x86 virtualizationleadership. The combination of DDR2 compatibility and support forupcoming quad-core processors will prove invaluable to users in thehigh performance computing field. At the same time, the newvirtualization features will allow far better utilization andmanagement of computer resources by system administrators." -JimBowen, Director, Systems Engineering, HPC Systems

Inventec Enterprise System Corp.

"We are announcing today our support for Next-Generation AMDOpteron(TM) processors with our new server offerings, the IR2400 andIR2500. These new rack-mount servers offer a very strong portfolio ofhigh-quality, reliable and stable server solutions that deliveroutstanding performance-per-watt to our customers," said Banks Chen,Marketing Director, Inventec Enterprise System Corp. "Designed withuncompromising quality control, our advanced dual-core solutions areideal for the most critical of applications." -Banks Chen, MarketingDirector, Inventec Enterprise System Corp.

Kingston Technology Company

"This is a significant development for Kingston, combiningcutting-edge memory technology with the latest in processors.Kingston's ValueRAM DDR2 Registered ECC memory technology combinedwith Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors offer the perfectsolution for consumers demanding leading price-performance, reducedoperational costs, and the best in processor and performance memory."-Mark Tekunoff, Senior Technology Manager, Kingston Technology Company

Linux Networx

"Linux Networx is committed to providing customers with LinuxSupersystems that deliver new levels in price/performance valuewithout compromising total cost of ownership. We are excited to beable to leverage Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors in our LSSeries of Linux Supersystems and to continue our strong collaborationwith AMD." - Bo Ewald, CEO of Linux Networx


"AMD's enhancements to its industry-proven AMD Opteron(TM)processors further ensure the value that our customers count on forbudget-sensitive high performance computing needs, all withoutcompromising performance. Having a second core on the die enablesprograms that are not memory-bound to take full advantage ofadditional processing power and applications like floating pointintensive computations, SMP applications that make frequent calls,transaction-based business applications, and programs that depend onbyte code interpreters to carry the work load can dramatically improvein speed. Microway strongly believes Next-Generation AMD Opteronprocessors will change the face of high performance computing."-Stephen Fried, President and CTO, Microway, Inc.

Monarch Computer

"We are truly excited about the enhancements to our Empro 2 lineof servers made possible by the Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM)processor. With industry-leading performance-per-watt capabilities andadvanced leadership in x86 virtualization, AMD helps lower the totalcost of ownership and improve the business capabilities of ourcustomers. Monarch's Empro 2 customers will greatly benefit from thecombination of AMD's proven technologies and our expert engineering,quality of products, and custom tailored support packages." -TreyHarris, Founder, Monarch Computer


"With Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors, NextComputing'scustomers can expect increased performance-per-watt andcompute-intensive capabilities in a mobile solution. Our latestFlexTop offering reinforces our mission statement to provideever-improving functionality and flexibility in its small, portableworkstation designs." -Bob Labadini, President and CTO, NextComputing


"NVIDIA is excited to deliver platform solutions that set thestandard for performance, scalability and power efficiency whilecomplementing the advantages brought forth by AMD Opteron processors.Next-Generation AMD Opteron processors with support for DDR2 memorycombined with the new NVIDIA nForce Professional 3000 series MCPs canenable even higher levels of server computing performance as well ascompelling virtualization capability to the enterprise data center."-Manoj Gurjal, General Manager of Server and Workstation MCP Businessat NVIDIA

Open Source Systems

"We are very excited about the performance enhancements of theNext-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processor, with energy-efficient DDR2memory and outstanding AMD PowerNow!(TM) technology capabilities. Withplanned seamless upgradeability to quad-core made possible with SocketF (1207), we are able to provide a stable computing platform on aconsistent power roadmap, delivering the outstanding performance thatour customers deserve." -Jared Giles, Director of Marketing, OpenSource Systems

Penguin Computing

"As customers are increasingly under pressure to do more withless, server technology that combines Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM)processors with proven Linux expertise and support is an absoluterequirement. In addition to the excellent value in hardware that thesenew Altus products offer, customers are also selecting us as along-term partner based on the total value we provide. Our customersrely on the complete Penguin package; our innovative, painlesspurchase process, turnkey ability to pre-load and pre-test whole racksand easy to access to expert Linux support." -Pauline Nist, SeniorVice president, Product Development and Management, Penguin Computing


"PSSC Labs continues to support AMD and their Next-Generation AMDOpteron(TM) processors. We will integrate all the latest AMD Opteronprocessors in every one of our Power Series of clusters, workstationsand servers. PSSC Labs continues to be impressed by AMD's productreleases and we continue to receive positive comments from our endusers in terms of performance and reliability." -Alex Lesser, VicePresident, PSSC Labs

Rackable Systems

"Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors pave the way forgreater efficiency for dual- and quad-core computing. Our customershave come to expect high performance and low power consumption fromRackable Systems' solutions -- and the new evolution of AMD Opteronprocessors enables us to provide even greater choice and flexibility."-Giovanni Coglitore, Chief Technology Officer, Rackable Systems

Red Hat

"At Red Hat, we recognize the value of 64-bit-enabled applicationsin IT, and have worked closely with AMD to develop and enable aninnovative, high-performing hardware and software platform. Thisplatform's success is evidenced by the growing number of softwarevendors moving their development environment to Red Hat EnterpriseLinux supporting AMD64 technology across several industries, includingfinancial services, telecommunications, healthcare and government. Welook forward to continuing our work with AMD, enabling softwaredevelopment that is optimized with integrated virtualization from theoperating system to the chipset and hardware." - Brian Stevens, ChiefTechnology Officer, Red Hat

Sun Microsystems

"With Solaris 10 we provide mainframe class features such asPredictive Self Healing and advanced virtualization capabilities suchas Solaris Containers for a wide array of AMD Opteron(TM)processor-based systems from popular vendors. Our collaboration withAMD will simplify the development and delivery of new virtualizationtechnologies and our Solaris Compatibility Guarantee ensures thatcustomers deploying systems based on the Next-Generation AMD Opteronprocessor can expect a seamless upgrade path to the latest technologyfor their datacenter." - Tom Goguen, Vice President, System Software,Sun Microsystems


"System level benefits such as enhanced power efficiency, advancedvirtualization technology, and future core upgradeability are drivingstrong demand for Supermicro A+ Servers optimized for Next-GenerationAMD Opteron(TM) processors. Another significant benefit is the newinterface for DDR2 memory. Compared with DDR1, DDR2 memory consumesless power, has better market availability, and offers scalability forthe high performance requirements of Supermicro server and workstationplatforms." -Alex Hsu, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, SupermicroComputer, Inc


"AMD Opteron(TM) processor-based servers have proven to be anoutstanding platform for our customers deploying Virtuozzo for Linuxand Virtuozzo for Windows. Due to Virtuozzo's unique architecture, allAMD advances are immediately supported. The benefits provided byNext-Generation AMD Opteron processors, including the ability for ourcustomers to scale servers across a single architecture, will enablegreater opportunities for server consolidation, business continuity,reducing management complexity, and helping to address the importantissues of data center efficiency." - Serguei Beloussov, CEO, SWsoft.

TYAN Computer

"Through the use of Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processors,TYAN's upcoming Transport server system and Thunder/Tiger/Tomcatplatform products will deliver numerous features such as incrediblepower cost-savings efficiency, dual-core power, AMD Virtualization(TM)technology and quad-core upgradeability. All of these leveragedcapabilities will equate to direct benefits for our server andworkstation customers, who can experience further performance gainsand significant cost overhead reduction, as well as outstandingefficiency in their applications." -Danny Hsu, Vice-President, Salesand Marketing, TYAN Computer

Verari Systems

"Our product development goals are essentially aligned with thoseof AMD in regard to reducing total cost of ownership, improving powerefficiency and continuing thermal leadership. Next-Generation AMDOpteron(TM) processors are designed to accomplish these goals and toallow seamless dual-core to quad-core upgrades in the same thermalinfrastructure without compromising memory RAS and helping reduceplatform costs through DDR2 DIMM memory technology." -David Wright,CEO, Verari Systems

Virtual Iron

"AMD is providing hardware-assisted virtualization support in theNext-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processor. Our enterprise-classvirtualization and virtual infrastructure management software aredesigned to take full advantage of these new processor capabilitiesand to provide users with outstanding performance and reliability withless overhead." -Alex Vasilevsky, Founder and Chief Technical Officer,Virtual Iron


"The Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processor offers hardwaresupport for virtualization that is ideally suited to the Xen(TM)hypervisor. Users of Xen and XenEnterprise can now be able to leverageAMD Virtualization(TM) technology for 'near bare metal' support ofWindows and other operating systems, giving customers a compelling,affordable choice for their virtualized infrastructure. Hardwarevirtualization is key to the broad adoption of virtualization, andobsoletes the CPU emulation used by first generation virtualinfrastructure software." -Simon Crosby, Chief Technology Officer,XenSource

ZT Group

"ZT's support of Next-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) processorsenables us to leverage proven technologies with efficient dual-corecapabilities, low-power/high-bandwidth DDR2, and advanced leadershipin x86 virtualization. Our customers will appreciate the improvedbusiness functionality and the ability to reduce total cost ofownership through the ease of upgrades from dual-core to quad-core inthe same thermal infrastructure." -Bob Anderson, Vice President ofBusiness Development and Strategy, ZT Group International Inc.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Opteron, AMD PowerNow! andcombinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.and/or other countries. HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of theHyperTransport Technology Consortium. Other names are forinformational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

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